
“Alcohol is for the elderly what milk is for the young.” Sir William Osler

Puritanical Lies About



Is alcohol evil? Yes, if you believe Puritans, do-gooders, and those who charge it causes highway deaths and other social problems. But we don’t stop selling cars because some idiots drive at excessive speeds or text while driving. High speeds, distracted driving, and alcohol and drugs do not mix with driving.  But, what you don’t hear is that many well-researched studies show that moderate drinkers live longer than either teetotalers or alcoholics.  Truths about alcohol are always swept under the rug.  In moderation, alcohol increases good cholesterol, makes blood platelets more slippery, and decreases the risk of heart attack.

All things in moderation

including alcohol


“Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity.”

— Sammy Davis Jr.

Alcohol is

Good for your health


Puritans and some doctors can’t accept the proven fact that moderate amounts of alcohol can prolong life. People who drink moderately live longer on average than teetotalers or those who drink to excess.


Yet, researchers refrain from publishing the health benefits of drinking!


There is strong evidence that alcohol protects against heart disease. Studies show that it increases the good cholesterol HDL. Possibly more important, it dilates arteries and makes blood platelets less likely to clot, decreasing the risk of a fatal heart attack. Alcohol in moderation has also been shown to reduce the risk of dementia.  Yet, researchers refrain from publishing the health benefits of drinking!  There are too many reputational risks to print the truth.

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