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A Stronger Voice


I believe common sense has become an uncommon commodity in medicine, politics and economics. When I write about today’s lack of old-fashioned horse sense, readers often respond, “Thank you for being our voice.” But to be heard in the corridors of power, we need to amplify our voices together — and it will take several hundred thousand voices. That’s when politicians and others with deaf ears start to pay attention.

I fight for those who suffer due to senseless injury from bad policies and misguided healthcare.  I advocate for a health lifestyle and effective natural approaches to disease prevention. And I will never stop fighting for better pain control for those dying of terminal cancer.  

Help me get our voices heard by signing up to the W. Gifford-Jones mailing list and by encouraging others to so the same. Together, we have many important issues to address, and together our voice is a strong one.

My thanks,

W. Gifford-Jones, MD