Creatine – I Can’t Get Off the Toilet Seat?
13 Oct 2007
Getting older, as one wise sage commented, is invariably fatal. But is there a sound recipe to maintain to at least maintain our vigor and avoid institutional care? Several seniors have questioned if the use of creatine and conjugated linoleic acid will shred pounds and build stronger muscles. Or is this advice just the latest "flavour of the month" suggestion.
In the 1970s Soviet Scientists reported that oral creatine supplements improved athletic performance for brief, intense activities such as the short sprint. Since that time it has been promoted as a "natural" way to enhance athletic performance and build lean body mass. And studies show that the use of creatine increases the creatine content of skeletal muscle.
Reports suggest that 25 % of professional basketball and 50% of football players use creatine. And that it’s commonly used by high school wrestlers, gymnasts and hockey players. And that creatine has not been banned by most athletic associations.