How To Boost Your Immunity To The Swine Flu Virus
30 Apr 2009
"What’s the best natural way to boost immunity against the swine flu virus (SFV)?" a reader from Winnipeg inquires. So far the swine flu virus has killed many Mexicans, has invaded North America. The World Health Organization says this virus has pandemic potential. So here are some natural ways to increase immunity and save lives.
One: Bow like the Japanese rather than shaking hands which has always been an unhealthy habit. Handshaking is a prime way to spread infection whether or not there’s a potential epidemic of SFV. Get further protection by washing your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol based hand wash.
Two: Keep your distance from those who are coughing or sneezing, particularly when they don’t cover their mouths. One single sneeze fires out 40,000 infectious droplets at the speed of 100 miles an hour.
Three: Minimize stress which increases cortisol and adrenaline hormones and decreases resistance to infection. Be sure to get adequate sleep, as those who are tired are more susceptible to infection. And if you use a night light, turn it off at bedtime as darkness increases melatonin production and ensures a more restful night.
Four: Stop smoking. There’s overwhelming evidence that smokers are less resistant to viral and other infections. An Oxford University study reports that smokers lose 20 years of life. If this figure doesn’t convince you to stop, I’d suggest a psychiatrist.
Five: Eat smart. This means a well-balanced diet of whole grains and colourful fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, apples, berries, cherries and plums. These are loaded with vitamins, minerals and protective photochemicals that bolster the body’s defenses against disease. And add protein from fish, meat and poultry.
Six: Stop prolonged jogging and other excessive exercise as this can decrease immunity. A study at the University of Toronto showed that light exercise in previously sedentary people resulted in the biggest increase of beneficial killer white cells.
Seven: Think positively and seek out laughter. One study showed that people who were shown funny videos had an increase in infection fighting antibodies. Relaxing with enjoyable music also boosts immunity while loud obnoxious music decreases the immune response. The moral? Learn to control your environment.
Eight: Some experts suggest adopting a furry friend can also boost immunity.
Nine: This is a good time to remind everyone to keep vaccinations up-to-date. Edward Jenner, an English doctor, noted that those who developed a mild dose of cowpox never developed smallpox. So Jenner inoculated a boy who had never had smallpox with cowpox secretions. He then infected him with smallpox and the boy never developed this disease. This made Jenner famous, but if any doctor tried this human experiment today he would have his medical license torn up and he’d be tossed into jail. So check with your doctor to make sure vaccinations are up-to-date as other infections will still be around long after SLV is history.
Ten: Preventing SFV is better than trying to cure it. A little known natural medication called EpiCor boosts the immune system. Several years ago an insurance company questioned why employees of a major company were ill less often than those of similar sized companies. It learned that the company manufactured a yeast culture to meant to keep animals healthy. Since insurance companies never enjoy paying out sickness benefits, it funded research to find out what kept these employees healthy.
The study revealed the blood of employees who worked directly with yeast cultures had increased immunity. So researchers developed EpiCor, a human version of the yeast culture, the result of a sophisticated fermentation process.
EpiCor fights viral diseases in several ways. Taking one pill of EpiCor daily activates the body’s natural killer cells and increases total salivary secretory IgA. This means that people taking EpiCor achieve the equivalent of an immunological envelope protecting all the membranes of the eyes, nasal passages and all of the places where pathogenic organisms into the system. EpiCor is 100 percent pure and has no filters or flow agents present. For more information about EpiCor see the web site or call the toll-free number 1-800-877-2447.