The Perfect Omega-3
30 Nov 2019
It’s been aptly said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that ain’t so.” For instance, most North Americans believe that when they eat fish twice weekly as recommended, or take omega-3 fish-oil supplements, that they have sufficient omega-3 essential fatty acids. But a Canadian study using the Omega-3 Index shows that ain’t so.
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) including omega-3 are needed for growth, healthy cellular membranes, many reactions in the body, and are crucial for brain, mood, joint, and cardiovascular health. So EFAs have been called, “nutritional missing links”. Two of these essential acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) are key to the reduction of cellular inflammation and they can be measured in our red blood cells. Study after study show that North Americans consume less than what’s required for optimal health.
There’s evidence this deficiency is contributing to today’s illnesses. For instance, low levels of EFAs have been associated with mental disorders, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as rheumatoid arthritis and several other diseases.
Studies have reported that patients consuming fish oils show decreased blood triglycerides, decreased total cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol, and higher good cholesterol. These patients also had fewer incidences of irregular heartbeats and reduced risk of heart attack.
Now, a Canadian study has shown a relationship between the risk of coronary heart disease and the level of omega-3 in red blood cells. The shocking news is that 97% of Canadians do not have omega-3 fats measuring high enough to place them in the low risk range!
So why are people lacking EFAs? It’s because of low dietary intake of fish and poor fat absorption of the fish we do eat or the typical supplements we take. The problem is compounded as we age.
To correct this problem a Canadian company has developed a patented fish oil called MaxSimil to help with absorption in the digestive tract. Certified Naturals Clinical Omega3X is produced from small fish such as sardines and anchovies, rich in omega-3, and sourced from South American waters. A new technology using enzymes then allows MaxSimil fish oil to be better digested. Studies conducted in laboratories in Sherbrooke show absorption is three times greater than with other fish oils.
The Omega-3 Index is a risk factor test for heart disease. It simply measures the amount of EPA and DHA in the blood, specifically in the red blood cell membranes. But unlike cholesterol, you do not need a doctor, as kits are available online.
According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the Omega-3 Index can be just as important as cholesterol blood level. It advises patients whether they are in the ideal range, whether borderline, or at higher risk of sudden cardiac death. Nearly half are in the high-risk category.
The recommended dose of Certified Natural Clinical Omega3X varies from one to three capsules daily depending on age. They’re easy to swallow and available in health food stores.
Some people using other fish oils complain of gastric reflux. But Omega3X by-passes several digestive processes and is less likely to cause stomach upset.
Today, heart disease is the number two cause of death in Canada. It’s also worrying that 8% of Canadians have been diagnosed with heart disease. This increases the risk of death by 3 times. And men are two times more likely to suffer a heart attack than women. Reports show that U.S citizens share this same risk.
So remember, it’s often the things you know for sure that ain’t so.
Listen to the “No-Nonsense Health” Podcast episode on Omega-3 and Heart Health.
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A product W. Gifford-Jones recommends:
For those in Canada interested in MaxSimil®, you can find it in Certified Naturals Omega3X, available in natural health food stores.

Certified Naturals Omega3X
Certified Natural’s™ Omega3X Fish Oil gelcaps feature the fish oil source known as MaxSimil® for superior absorption. Click here to view a video about MaxSimil®, a patented omega-3 fatty acids technology that was developed and researched in Canada.
For more information:
Or call: 1-888-292-5660