Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Lungs
We as Old as Our Arteries
Sir William Osler was a wise old owl in explaining medical matters. He was a professor of medicine at McGill University in Montreal, John Hopkins University in Baltimore, and finally at Oxford University in England. He told students, “We are all as old as our arteries and it’s lucky to have good rubber in them.” If you’re lucky you’ll have soft flexible ones that expand with each heartbeat. But you’re unlucky if you have rigid ones that cause hypertension, one of the big killers. Are you interested in a natural remedy to fight high blood pressure, decrease the risk of stroke, and extend longevity? NEO40, a nitric oxide supplement, may be the right option. Discovering the nitric oxide molecule came as...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity
Ban Foods Causing Fatty Livers in Young Children
How many parents know this shocking fact? The American Liver Foundation reports that 10 percent of young children have fatty degeneration of the liver. It’s due to horrid food consumption practices, too much sugar and fat, leading to childhood obesity before the age of 10! Once fatty liver disease takes hold, there is no medication to cure it. Only immediate lifestyle changes can slow its progression. Among the culprits are large cereal corporations that persuade children to eat sugary cereals. This at a time when obesity and type 2 diabetes have reached pandemic proportions. An economic report shows treating obesity costs North Americans $147 billion dollars and diabetes $412 billion yearly! So, why are medical professionals and politicians totally inept at...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Sex
Going Natural for Male Vitality
Mark Twain said, "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." But for many aging men, it matters a lot when their prized male organ starts to lose the vitality of youth. One of the most common yet often unspoken challenges is the decline in testosterone levels, a natural part of aging that can significantly impact physical and emotional well-being. Starting as early as the mid-30s, testosterone levels in men begin to decrease by approximately 1 percent per year. This gradual decline can lead to symptoms like fatigue, reduced muscle mass, irritability, and perhaps most distressing for many, a diminished libido. Not everyone aspires to be Don Juan. But for many, having sufficient upbeat libido...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Vitamins
How I Got to 101
My life has been marked by good fortune. Yes, I inherited good genes and followed a sound lifestyle. But I’ve also had the luck of the Irish. I often think about those people who lead a sound lifestyle, but who get terribly unlucky. These are people, sometimes in the prime of life, and through no fault of their own, die from accidents, infections, cancer, or dozens of other common and rare diseases. My life nearly ended when I had a severe heart attack at 74 years of age. I was advised by several cardiologists in Toronto and others I knew internationally of bad news. They said I would be dead in a few years or less if I did not take...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity
Why North Americans Are Overweight
Dr. Richard Z. Cheng, Editor-in-Chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, reports that years ago hunters survived eating low-carbohydrate diets. Their food was rich in animal protein, along with berries and seeds. But often food was scarce, and hunters used any bodily fat reserves to survive. There was no becoming obese. Now, food companies offer high-carbohydrate foods, with too much sugar and too many calories. Half of North Americans are overweight, with many people suffering diseases such as type 2 diabetes and its expensive medical complications. I interviewed Dr. Cheng to get his views on dietary measures that have a chance to reverse this disastrous situation. He promotes nutritious diets that are low in carbs, ultra-processed foods, and (omega-6 rich) seed oils...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Medicine
Inflammation Markers Are Tools in Assessing Cardiac Risk
Inflammation is generally the indication of a health problem. But new research suggests we think differently about inflammation, especially in relation to heart disease and the prevention of atherosclerosis (thickening or hardening of the arteries). It’s prompting debate among doctors about how to determine the risk of coronary attack and how best to treat patients. Inflammation may sometimes be Heaven-sent, alerting us to infection and injury. This comes as no surprise, as acute inflammation is part of the natural immune response to bacterial and viral disasters. Inflammation produces a flow of proteins and hormones during an infection or injury that promotes healing. Sometimes this is obvious, as with a sprained finger. But inflammation may also come from Hell. There are diseases like...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Philosophy, Vitamins
High-Dose Vitamin C and Lysine
It’s an uncommon gift to reach 100 years of age – and be healthy. But apart from good genes and good luck, there are steps you can take to increase your chances for healthy longevity. Long time readers will know what I’ve said over and over again. Too many people gain excessive weight, eat poorly, neglect exercise, and fall victim to other lifestyle problems. They experience chronic diseases too early in life, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. My message has been, to prevent the onset of heart disease, a top killer, high doses of vitamin C taken over the long term can make a difference. If you hear contrary views, ask about the dose. What doses are used in clinical trials? Peewee...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Medicine
A Call to Care for Parents
On the growing list of health pandemics – COVID-19, obesity, diabetes, liver disease, dementia, heart disease, and stroke – there is another one. It’s called benign neglect, and it is a product of our times. It happens when children don’t make sufficient effort to help aging parents understand and manage their medications. There’s a lot of guilt to go around. But that’s not to say this is easy work. Ask your parents what medications they are taking and why. Better yet, have a close look at the medications in their possession and assess how well they are adhering to prescribed treatments. Congratulations to those who find all is well. For others, it may be a wake-up call. Over the past several decades, detrimental trends...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Miscellaneous, Neurology
How You Breathe Affects Your Health
An old Chinese adage goes, “If you know the art of deep breathing, you have the strength, wisdom, and courage of ten tigers.” When a kung fu master takes a meditative moment before delivering the kiss of the dragon, these powers are summoned, and woe be the opponent! But is this practice of deep breathing also responsible for the seemingly long lives of these great masters? Breathing is something we do naturally and without thought. But ask people with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or lung cancer. There’s no taking the lungs for granted, and a great deal of thought goes into the process. Does it matter, how you breathe? Breathe in, breathe out, isn’t that enough? It turns out, you may...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Lifestyle, Neurology, Obesity, Pain, Psychiatry, Sports
Get Fit in Virtual Reality
Lao Tsu, the ancient Chinese philosopher, said, “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” Unfortunately, a lot of people are speeding to the wrong destination, each year putting on extra pounds and becoming more sedentary. But people do have choices. Make a change now to be more active, one way or another, or anticipate the inevitable earlier than necessary. What’s a new way to get active that may seem unappealing to those who haven’t tried it yet? New research suggests that virtual reality (VR) might be the ticket, including for older adults. Strapping on a bulky headset and learning to use the technology are the first obstacles, but the benefits for those who get...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Infection, Medicine, Nutrition, Philosophy, Vitamins
A Too Uncommon Theory of Medicine
Are your health care providers trained in integrative medicine? It’s not an area of medical specialization, like gynaecology or gastroenterology. Think of it as a theory of medicine. Doctors practicing integrative medicine respect the roles of prescription drugs and surgery when the situation calls for these treatments. But they also study and embrace the potential for natural remedies, lifestyle modifications, nutrition, and traditional practices in both health promotion and disease treatment. Hippocrates, born in 460 BC, was the most influential philosopher of integrative medicine. He believed the human body should be treated as a whole, not as the sum of its parts. Benedict Lust, born in 1872 in Baden, Germany, is regarded as the “Father of Naturopathy”, a form of alternative medicine whose...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Nutrition, Vitamins
Cardiovascular Health 101
Heart attacks are common and deadly. In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control acknowledges that one person dies every 33 seconds from cardiovascular disease. The Government of Canada reports about 14 adults aged 20 and over with diagnosed heart disease die every hour. But how many of these deaths are premature and preventable, and why don’t people take simple steps to save their lives? Atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in arteries, is a leading cause of heart disease. What doctors don’t do enough is educate patients on natural alternatives to prescription drugs. Why? Because most doctors aren’t trained in natural approaches to disease prevention. Vitamin C and lysine can help prevent this condition by inhibiting the formation of arterial plaque. Linus...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Philosophy, Vitamins
The Forever Formula for Good Health and Longevity
Readers often ask me what it takes to reach 100. My answer is always the same. Good genes. Good luck. And a lifetime of good choices about my health. “What about your daily regimen of high dose vitamin C, lysine, magnesium, coenzyme Q10, quercetin, and proline?” That’s right, I say. It’s my forever formula for health and longevity. I’ve recommended all kinds of things to readers, like stepping on the bathroom scale every day, taking good care of teeth, getting sufficient fibre in the diet, and being wary of medication. My website ( has thousands of my articles posted, and although maybe not all of them have aged as well as I have been fortunate to do, readers can find all...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Philosophy
Do Unto Others Lesson Needs Retelling
What do you hope for each morning as your tired eyes read the news? You try to be a positive person, but day by day, things are getting worse. The world is in an awful mess. If there is a God, how cruel a deity to let suffering continue. Is it sacrilegious to ask, what exactly will it take to have the Second Coming of Christ? How much bloody war, climate chaos, and civil disintegration is required before we learn to follow a simple and sane edict? “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” The problem is times have changed. The only Christ we can anticipate in 2024 is a “deep fake”. The dumbing-down of social media preys...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Neurology, Psychiatry
Barbers Now Being Trained to Spot Clients with Troubled Minds
Is necessity or curiosity the mother of innovation? Sometimes good old common sense is the driving factor, and there will be no Nobel prize for seeing the obvious. That, however, is what’s behind a new development in barber shops and hair salons. What’s the buzz? It’s that barbers and hairdressers are be trained to detect mental health problems among the clients sitting in their chairs. It makes perfect sense. People regularly confide in their trusted barber or hairdresser the most personal details of their lives. And these chats are enough to detect signs of troubled mental health. With a small amount of training, hair stylists can help direct their customers to sources of support. Using barbers and hairdressers as a portal to...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Gastroenterology, Infection, Nutrition, Vitamins
In the Lab with Natural Immune Formulas
This week let’s look behind the scenes, in the labs where doctors and scientists are designing health supplements that address specific goals. What’s motivating them? What are they trying to do? And how successful are they? There are thousands of natural health supplements on the market – from vitamins and minerals to botanicals and proteins, plus all kinds of things falling into categories like enzymes and fatty acids. Then on top of this, there all the natural therapies offered by physical therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and so on. Collectively, it’s a mega-billion set of industries. Complicating the scene are corporations, like Proctor & Gamble, Bayer, and Abbott. Going toe to toe in the marketplace with these giants are small businesses, whom we can...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Nutrition
Postbiotics for the Gut, Body, and Brain
Last week’s column suggested we are minnows in the grand life adventure. This week we’ll look at little beings in our bellies that seem to have outsized influence. What is it about these microscopic components of the gut-brain connection that leads us to thinking that a postbiotic supplement might be a very good investment. The gut microbiome is like a neighbourhood of friends you carry around in and on your body for your entire life. Just as the environment outside your body and the way you live your life have consequences for your well-being, this gooey world in your gut has enormous impact on your health, from head to toe and cradle to grave. What exactly is it? The gut-brain microbiome refers...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Vitamins
Jobs One, Two and Three for Lifelong Health
By the time you are reading this article, the stakes establishing the life course of your health have long been set. Your genetic inheritance, location, and family circumstances, combined with a complex set of early life factors determine how your health trajectory will begin. Through childhood and adulthood, you have opportunities to influence your well-being, but in the grand scheme, it’s tinkering at the margins. As you age, the question becomes, what can you do to maximize good health and minimize the impact of the inevitable decline? Taking good care to avoid the obvious pitfalls is job number one. Parents need to teach children about safety as early in life as possible. And everyone needs to practice safety daily and for...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Lifestyle, Obesity, Sports
An Active Lifestyle is the Right Resolution
One week into the New Year, and how are you doing on your resolutions? Most people make ambitious plans at the end of December and by this point can’t remember what they were. A few people overdo it, like those who commit to running a marathon before they’ve had success with a daily walk. If you are constantly worrying about how to strike the perfect balance, that’s also a waste of your time and no help for your heart. The best habits for health are regular moderate exercise, a healthy diet, good sleep, and an upbeat outlook. First thing in the morning, every morning, is a natural time to check in with yourself. Step on a scale and make sure the...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Infection, Neurology, Orthopedics, Pain, Psychiatry, Surgery
Alternative Medicine Makes a Good Gift
What’s the gift we’d like to have in stock for our readers this holiday season? It would be a healthy dose of common sense, and a reminder that not every health problem needs a medical solution. Unfortunately, few people open their minds when confronted with a swollen joint, an injury to the skin, back pain, broken bones, or even brain injuries. Yet, instead of costly, dangerous drugs that come with side effects, or surgical treatments that involve other risks, these are examples of problems that respond well to alternative forms of therapy. We have written in the past about low-intensity laser therapy (LILT). It’s now known as photobiomodulation (PBM), which involves the application of light to instigate a natural healing process....Read More
Alternate Treatments, Medicine, Philosophy, Surgery
Have Faith in the Doctor, with Limitations
Is it wise to believe what the doctor tells you? Or are there misleading types, not entirely honest with their patients? Does the medical system place the patient’s best interests first, as commonly stated on health center posters? Or do other factors, like pressure to ease wait times for a high-demand treatments, mean that some people aren’t informed of their best options. The truth is, having implicit faith in the medical profession is risky business. There are ample reasons to place your faith in doctors and medicines. Antibiotics save people from dying of pneumonia and a host of other diseases. Cortisone enables people to be free of wheelchairs. Cardiac pacemakers add years to the lives of heart patients. Surgeons (and organ...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Infection, Philosophy, Sex
More Amore for Good Health
Have you had enough of the daily news about endless epic failures of humankind to get things right? What if everyone just made love a little more? Would we all be in a better place? The fact is, having sex – or more to the point, making love – is downright good for you. We’ve said it before, and it bears repeating. Good sex is good exercise. Interesting acrobatics between two people involve a little stretching to limber up the muscles. Vigorous aerobic activity consumes calories. Good exercise, no matter how you get it, will help fight off the demon of obesity. If couch potatoes traded watching TV with chips for a regular romp with their partners, there would be a...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Philosophy, Radiation
Let the Buyer Beware of Needless Radiation
There’s a Gifford-Jones Law that says, “Never accept radiation you don’t need.” But a dangerous new medical trend is breaking this law. What’s the worry? Across North America, some private clinics are now promoting the promise of early detection of disease to healthy people. In return for a fee, buyers get whole-body screening using a variety of diagnostic imaging equipment. These promoters don’t have to be marketing stars. People naturally fret about their mortality and become receptive listeners. It’s wrong to profit on those fears. But the trend is catching hold. The sell is easy when the hope is early detection of a small cancer. “You may not have any symptoms as yet,” they’ll pitch, “and an early catch means high likelihood...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Vitamins
Preventing Diabetes Risk Due to COVID-19 Infection
Will COVID-19 and the complications associated with this disease ever vanish? Never bet on it. Virus experts say COVID-19 will rise its ugly head again this fall. With it, they add, the complication of both types of diabetes will increase. It’s the last thing we need when obesity is already causing a worldwide pandemic of type 2 diabetes. So, how can you reduce the risk? It’s easier than you think. First, type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not make enough insulin. Lifelong replacement and management of this hormone is the only option. With the more common type 2 diabetes, the body does not respond normally to insulin. We call this “Lifestyle Diabetes”. Why? Because it is preventable by avoiding...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Lifestyle, Neurology, Nutrition, Obesity, Philosophy
Starving the Gut Feeds the Brain
If our bodies could speak to our brains, many would hear this: “Dear brain, please know the difference between being hungry and bored. Sincerely, I’m getting fat!” Who doesn’t turn to food when the doldrums set in? The smart brains would offer their hosts three pieces of advice. One, eat nutritional food. Two, limit portion sizes. And three, now and again, engage in fasting. Why fasting? Because studies show that for obese and skinny people alike, after prolonged reduction of food intake, the body’s defences improve against stresses. Cardiovascular risks decline. And the brain functions better. Temporary cessation of eating provokes chemical changes throughout the body. Ketones are a type of chemical the liver produces when it breaks down fats. The body...Read More