Alternate Treatments

Alternate Treatments, Cancer, Pain, Philosophy

A Veterinarian for Assessing Weakness

July 29, 2023

Readers of a great age face a common problem. It’s called frailty or general weakness. The frail elderly are at risk of falls that require hospitalization, often leading to palliative care. As the condition progresses, independent living at home can become impossible. For people who have reached the end of their desire to continue, frailty presents a medical dilemma for doctors. How much frailty is needed before the doctor allows, “There’s reason enough to end life by Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)”? And would a veterinarian be the better professional to make this decision? One of the conditions that doctors must decide at the end of life is whether weakness is reversible. This obviously makes sense when considering life or death...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Medicine, Nutrition, Philosophy, Vitamins

Government’s Good Intentions Gone Bad

July 15, 2023

Everyone wants a safe, effective, and accessible supply of the products that keep us healthy. Doctors and patients need proven drugs. People seeking to prevent illness with natural remedies also need good products. But governments trying to ensure quality are putting measures in place that will limit the variety of supplements, make them more expensive, and make it harder for smaller companies with innovative products to compete. Natural products like vitamin C, fish oil, magnesium, calcium, and many other supplements are ingredients to good health. For the cost of a cup or coffee, daily supplementation can address deficiencies in the diet, add antioxidants, reduce inflammation, support the immune system, build bone, etc. For example, vitamin C and lysine in high doses help...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle

Safe and Effective Responses to Stress

June 24, 2023

What is the world coming to? Recent news has artificial intelligence (AI) researchers and CEOS warning of an “extinction risk” from the technology running wild. Forest fires are literally running wild too. Nuclear war might us out. Or economic collapse. If these things don’t get you stressed, then how about the rest of the pressures of everyday life? Stress is, according to the World Health Organization, “a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives.” What a gentle way to put it. Scientific experiments attempting to identify the health impacts of stress suggest this natural response may be taking off years of life expectancy. In one study, Stanford and University of California cell biologists, biochemists, and...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Genitourinary, Gynecology, Obesity, Surgery

What to Do When Things Fall Down

March 25, 2023

The law of gravity means our bodies are pulled down to Earth. This fact inevitably spells trouble over time. But for some women, it causes inconvenient and annoying issues, and sometimes surgery, to address what’s called vaginal prolapse. Not all women are born equal. Some inherit tougher pelvic tissues and do not experience prolapse, even after bearing several children. But the more pregnancies, the greater the risk in older age of weakened all pelvic structures leading to the sagging of the vagina, urinary bladder and often the rectum. The most common complaint is the loss of urine on coughing and sneezing. A large survey of women in North America revealed that four percent suffer from this annoying problem. Apart from pregnancy, what else...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Neurology, Philosophy, Psychiatry

Magic Mushrooms Are Moving Mainstream

January 28, 2023

You may have preconceived ideas that magic mushrooms are the party drugs of days past. However, in Canada and other countries, regulations are starting to ease on these prohibited psychedelics. The impetus stems from clinical trials showing remarkable results in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and treatment-resistant depression. The question begs, when should you plan for a mind-altering trip? "Magic mushrooms" grow naturally in many parts of the world. They contain psilocybin, which produces hallucinogenic effects when eaten. A good many readers may have personal experience. According to data from the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health in the US, an estimated 21 million Americans reported having tried psilocybin at least once. Despite remaining illegal for the most part in Canada,...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle

Loneliness Among Men

October 22, 2022

Loneliness is worse for health than obesity – as bad as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It can increase the risk of death by 26 percent and of cognitive decline on the way. But a recent story on the Good News Network offered a heart-warming take on loneliness among older men. At 67 years of age, “Phillip Jackson moved back to England from Australia,” the story reads, “and immediately felt like a stray dog in his native town.” He may have felt out of place, but he should not have felt alone.  There is an abundance of people who feel isolated, even when they are living in vibrant communities. Age UK’s report All the Lonely People forecast the number of people over...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous

Have a Little Laugh When Angry

October 15, 2022

The iconic Marvin The Martian from Looney Tunes, frustrated by Bugs Bunny in his efforts to blow up Earth, would quickly walk away declaring, “You make me very, very angry.” He offered kids an entertaining lesson in how to handle heated confrontations. A refresher course for adults would be a good prescription. How people manage anger can make a big difference for personal health and much more. Anger, itself, is not always a negative thing. Anger can be a natural and useful emotional response to perceived wrongs. For example, getting angry can be highly motivational. Individuals can deploy anger to break a bad habit and groups can work together in the same way. The #MeToo movement rallied collective anger against injustice to...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Gastroenterology, Vitamins

Constipation Causes More Trouble Than You Think

September 17, 2022

Now and again, friends confide in friends that they have big problems. Dreaded are the occasions when the problem is a serious medical diagnosis. But when the problem is persistent constipation, it’s better to air the issue and not suffer in silence. Drug store remedies for constipation can fail to have effect. For many sufferers, the ailment involves days without a bowel movement. Ignoring the problem can lead to disturbing complications, to be avoided at all costs. Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, believed we are all living with sub-optimal levels of vitamin C. His primary interest was in studying the effects of high doses of vitamin C in protecting against heart disease. But in an interview with him, he...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cancer, Diabetes, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Vitamins

A Windfall of Science on Apples

September 10, 2022

We write about natural remedies we believe are good for human health.  Why this focus?  It’s not to encourage avoidance of pharmaceutical drugs when medical care is an imperative.  To the contrary, Canadians and Americans have the luxury of the world’s best doctors, medicinal drugs, and healthcare facilities. But health systems are overwhelmed. To ease the crush, people who are not yet ill should take up responsibility to stay healthy. Good health is not achieved through inaction. Live a poor lifestyle and illness will come as sure as night follows day. But the talents of doctors and the cure of drugs are best reserved for the unlucky who lose the health lottery. For young people and the healthy aging population, a proactive,...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cancer, Diabetes, Infection, Medicine, Philosophy

The Original Medicine of Stingless Bees

June 25, 2022

The American poet Emily Dickinson understood the profound gifts of nature. She wrote, “The lovely flowers embarrass me, They make me regret I am not a bee –” If bees could speak, they might add, “Let me do my work, so that you may live.” Bees are vital pollinators, ensuring the success of a wide variety of the world’s most nutritious agricultural crops grown for human consumption. Most people associate bees with painful stings and the tasty product of the Western honeybee. Being “busy as a bee” is a homage to the industrious nature of this pollinating insect that collects nectar in a dozen or more foraging trips each day. A small percentage of people who are stung by a bee or other insect...Read More

Alternate Treatments

Ease Arthritis Pain Naturally

June 18, 2022

“Why shoot a mouse with an elephant gun?” It’s a good question to ask those suffering from osteoarthritis (the wear-and-tear type of arthritis). Why is it that so many of these people have never been advised to try natural approaches before using strong drugs which can cause major side effects and complications? High Dose Vitamin C This vitamin is the most overlooked natural remedy in treating aging joints. Vitamin C is needed to produce healthy collagen, a vital component of cartilage. Deteriorated cartilage leads to bones grinding against one another causing pain. Researchers at Boston University Medical Center studied the vitamin C intake of 640 people. They discovered that those with a higher intake of vitamin C were protected against progression of...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Miscellaneous, Psychiatry

A Little Nostalgia Goes a Long Way

April 30, 2022

Tracing the medical history of nostalgia involves a sharp U-turn. Centuries ago, it was considered a psychopathological disorder. Still today, nostalgia can be associated with negative feelings and sadness. But researchers are reaching new conclusions about the health benefits of wistful affection for the past. We recently witnessed the medicinal effects firsthand on a special family trip. A full seventy years later, we returned to the majestic Manoir Richelieu, a historic hotel northeast of Quebec City on the shores of the St. Lawrence River. As the former hotel doctor-in-residence, and the accompanying story-seeking family, we were treated to a wonderful walk down memory lane. It was hard not to notice the spring in our steps, the smiles, and the upbeat mood. Nostalgia comes...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Pain, Philosophy

Common Sense in End-of-Life Choices

March 26, 2022

Few want to think about it. But there are choices to make about death. Doing nothing is one option. Life will, inevitably, one way or another, come to an end. But making common sense decisions about personal preferences for end-of-life should not be taboo or disallowed. And politicians should get out of the way. In Canada, the would-be “just society”, the vast majority of citizens, about 80%, have repeatedly affirmed support for people who wish it to have the option of medical assistance in dying. In the U.S., over the past decade, polls have ranged from 55-75% in support. But why are there still restrictions on who is eligible? In the U.S., there is a hodgepodge legislation, as only some states have...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Neurology

Music for the Mind

March 12, 2022

Music may be the world’s greatest medicine. From infants to centenarians, people love music and the way it makes them feel good. In tribute to its universal qualities, Hans Christian Andersen said, “Where words fail, music speaks.” Even without lyrics, songs certainly convey feelings. Among healthy people, researchers have shown that across cultural divides, people can readily place vastly different types of music into emotional categories ranging from sad to heroic, annoying to beautiful, and desirous to indignant. But the miracle of music is in its healing qualities.  Scientists studying people with brain injuries and neurological conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are making remarkable discoveries. Music, for example, can improve the gait of people relearning to walk after a brain injury....Read More

Alternate Treatments, Miscellaneous

Is Virtual Healthcare the New Normal?

January 1, 2022

The current pandemic is deeply affecting many aspects of society. Accelerated usage of virtual healthcare is a good example. While frontline healthcare workers serve patients needing essential in-person care, some doctors and patients are meeting up over the phone or on video calls. Virtual healthcare is well known to those living in remote communities. But during the pandemic, it has become an option for everyone. A debate has ensued about whether such care is good or bad. Proponents of either side are lining up evidence to prove the case. How can you argue with the fact that curable cancers in children have been missed in the absence of face-to-face consultations? But how many lives have been saved by “seeing” the doctor virtually,...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Diabetes, Obesity

Challenge Yourself to Better Glycemic Health

October 16, 2021

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the American philosopher and poet, wrote, “All life is an experiment.” So this week, to conclude our six-part series on the devastating and relentless pandemic of type 2 diabetes, we conclude with a challenge to readers to undertake an experiment. The premise of the experiment is that achieving the “perfect” diet and carving time for physically active lifestyles is not always feasible. The evidence is overwhelming that for too many people, losing excessive weight is not easy. In fact, society has become not only complacent about obesity, but accepting and even promotional of it. For “skinny fat people” too – the ones who may not present as overweight, but whose bodies harbour visceral fat around internal organs – there...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Diabetes, Nutrition, Obesity

Reversing Pre-Diabetes with Glycemic Control

October 9, 2021

The most important thing readers should have learned from last week’s column is that pre-diabetes is reversible. And fancy pharmaceuticals aren’t to thank. Rather, it’s glycemic control, achieved naturally, by managing blood sugar with the help of concentrated brown seaweed. But what’s glycemic control? And what’s so special about brown seaweed? For decades, this column has advocated for a change in lifestyle as a strategy for reversing the steady societal march towards higher and higher rates of type 2 diabetes – the consequence of complacency about obesity and other risk factors. But either people aren’t listening, or they are being overwhelmed by negative socioeconomic factors, such as the costs of healthy food choices, lack of time for the preparation of healthy...Read More

Alcohol, Alternate Treatments

Retirement Homes Should Include a Lively Bar

August 14, 2021

What is the greatest loss to aging seniors? It happens when a loved one dies, and loneliness consumes the surviving partner. As the great composer Chopin lamented, “I feel alone, alone, alone.” Retirement is another benchmark for the onset of loneliness. Retirees often miss the day-to-day contact with colleagues. The impact of social isolation can lead to physical and mental health decline. A move to a retirement residence may also be a time of misgivings. So when weighing the options, you may wish to ask, “Is there a bar?” In an expansion forty-five years ago, Sunnybrook Veterans Hospital in Toronto opened an English-style pub called the Boar’s Head. Hospital management at the time was convinced that “pub therapy” helped patients cope with convalescence...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Vitamins

Long-term survival after heart attack

August 7, 2021

Diana Gifford-Jones: You were 74 when a coronary attack nearly killed you. A short time later you had a coronary bypass. Readers often ask what you have done to prevent another coronary for so long? Gifford-Jones, MD: I have no single answer. I’m convinced it’s been a combination of factors. Diana: What’s your personal routine for heart health? G-J: I was lucky to interview Dr. Linus Pauling years ago. He believed that heart disease is partially due to a deficiency of vitamin C. This causes microscopic cracks in the inner lining of arteries. A blood clot results with possibility of death. I didn’t want to pop handfuls of vitamin C tablets, so I formulated Medi-C Plus (and more recently, Giff's Own CardioVibe), a...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Neurology

No Moderation Needed When Bathing in the Woods

July 17, 2021

Mae West, the American movie star who rarely lacked for lifestyle advice, once conceded, “When in doubt, take a bath.” She didn’t have a forest setting in mind. But did you know that forest bathing might be just as therapeutic as a soak in the suds? Some people gravitate, even in unfavourable weather, to the outdoors. Others are most comfortable in front of the hearth. But a walk in the woods may be just the remedy you could use after months of confinement at home. A glimpse into the research surrounding this little-known “forest bathing” therapy offers insights on benefits including improved cardiovascular function, brain activity, immune systems, self-esteem, and reduced anxiety and depression. According to Ann Martin, a certified Forest Therapy...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cancer

Go Natural to Debut Your New Hair Colour

June 5, 2021

The American star of the silver screen, Jean Harlow, was known as the “Blonde Bombshell”. She once remarked, “If it wasn’t for my hair, Hollywood wouldn’t know me.” But did the blonde hair come at a huge price? Harlow was dead at the age of 26. Do you make a habit of dying your hair? Now that lockdowns are easing and you cannot wait to get a haircut, you might want to think twice about permanent hair dye and chemical hair straighteners. Some recent studies have raised health concerns. The practice of dying hair goes back to ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome when terrible concoctions were used to alter hair colour, both for beauty and to show rank on the battlefield. In...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Neurology

Bridging Generations Online for Health

May 1, 2021

Everywhere, people are fed up with enforced isolation. While adhering to stay-at-home orders at the urging of public health officials and in empathy with frontline health care workers, the restrictions are taking a toll on the physical and mental wellbeing of all. While senior citizens can be especially impacted, it is less commonly acknowledged that younger people, particularly teens, struggle with isolation too. For older adults, enduring long periods cut off from family and friends is known to cause depression, generalized anxiety disorders, decreased sleep, and functional impairment. Research published in Lancet Public Health warns that social isolation can also accelerate cardiovascular and brain aging, exacerbating dementia. Likewise, students of all ages are suffering from lockdowns. They are not getting the exercise...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Nutrition, Pain

“Beeting” Yourself to Increase Good Health

March 20, 2021

Would you like to improve your physical endurance? An exercise routine is the answer. Being physically and mentally active leads to a longer life. But diet can help too. You can start “beeting” yourself to improved health simply by adding beets to your menu. You should also know that nitrates in beets can treat more than one medical problem. Atherosclerosis, thickening of the inside lining of arteries, decreases the flow of oxygenated blood to coronary arteries. This results in anginal pain or heart attack. For years researchers have known that nitroglycerine eases angina. But they had no idea why it dilated coronary arteries and increased blood flow to the heart. Then, three U.S researchers received the Nobel Prize for proving it was nitric...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Dermatology, Infection, Pain

The Agony of Shingles: How to Decrease the Risk

February 20, 2021

“It was like going through hell,” he said. A friend had developed facial shingles, involving his ear, and despite medication the pain continued for weeks. So what is the best way to prevent an attack of shingles? Take action quickly. If you delay, you’ll wish you hadn’t when the pain from hell strikes. Today, most children are vaccinated against chickenpox. But it was not in the mix of common childhood shots until the mid-1990s. It’s a rare older person who escaped this childhood infection. Unlike other childhood diseases, the varicella zoster virus never leaves the body. Rather, it goes into hiding in nerve cells near the spinal cord. These cells transmit messages from skin to the central nervous system. The virus...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Nutrition, Sports, Vitamins

Can Athletes Escape Covid Virus?

February 6, 2021

Professional sporting events have never been entirely about the game. Team owners, player sponsorships, media contracts, ticket sales, and merchandising licenses are the playgrounds of big business. But the tiniest of offensive players, the novel coronavirus, has upended the sporting world. It has become a matter of great debate whether your grandmother or your favourite sports star should have priority for a vaccine. Take NHL hockey as an example. A delayed season has started. Only a handful of arenas are allowing limited spectators to attend the games. The league is working hard to keep players safe from COVID-19, but games have been delayed and postponed due to positive tests among players, coaches and staff. As one wise sage remarked, “It’s hard...Read More