Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous
Keeping Well While Cruising
I should hate being at sea. In 1952, during my first trip as a young ship’s surgeon, I sailed to Germany to bring persons displaced by the war to Canada. I did not know that during the voyage I would have to remove the Captain of his command, for medical reasons. Nor did I realize how many medical problems I would encounter with 800 very ill passengers. Still, I’ve always loved being at sea. Now I’ve just returned from a cardiology seminar aboard a cruise to Alaska. During it I pondered how to keep well while cruising. First, get rid of misconceptions. Some people decide not to cruise for fear of Norovirus infection. But such infections are rare...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Sex
The Big T: Could It Get Me to 95 +?
Should aging males use testosterone therapy to increase overall health and longevity? It’s a question I’ve pondered after interviewing Dr. Malcolm Crowthers, an early pioneer of testosterone therapy, in London, England, years ago. Now, Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, Clinical Professor at The Harvard Medical School, agrees the benefits of “big T” should not be denied to men, even those with prostate cancer. And would big T get me to 95 +, I wonder? I vividly remember talking to Crowther’s patients. They were happy campers, hoping to be shot by a jealous lover at age 95! But sex is only part of the big T story. Low testosterone is present in 40 percent of men over age 45. Its loss is associated...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous, Pain
How Readers Would Treat 42,000 Addicts
Eureka! Last week I reported it was impossible to write this column. I had asked readers to respond to how I believe 42,000 addicts on methadone should be treated. Then my computer developed terminal cancer and I thought all your responses had been lost. Fortunately, the “Geek Squad” resurrected them. From a Times Colonist reader, “Your suggestion that sending addicts to northern Canada to chop wood caught my eye. I was impressed by your research. The addicts I have known have no interest in getting off methadone and improving themselves. I say, enough of this nonsense. Why not have them chop wood? We all do some form of work to eat.” This reader then added, “I initially believed that the practice of...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous
Doctor Assisted Death
It’s been aptly said that “Wars are too important to be left to Generals. I would add that assisted death is too important to be left to politicians and doctors. One of the first columns that I wrote 41 years ago was titled, “Why cab drivers are smarter than doctors”. I was convinced then that on social issues taxicab drivers had more common sense than many in the medical profession. Now, looking at the unadulterated mess surrounding assisted death, I realize I was right 41 years ago. Now I would add bartenders, plumbers and those that pick up our garbage. I also wrote years ago that the problems of society are caused by so-called intelligent people who are largely...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous
No Government Should Own Your Life
Mao Zedong, the Chinese revolutionary leader, was right when he remarked, “The power of government comes out of the barrel of a gun”. The recent Canadian law of Doctor Assisted Death guarantees that some people must still suffer before they have the right to die peacefully. Politicians have fired a merciless gun at helpless patients. And what does the Canadian Medical Association say about this inhumane decision? I agree we need a government and laws. So I agree to stop at a red light, not to rob a bank, not to kill my neighbor, not to sexually assault children, and with great reluctance even pay unfair taxes. But I will never agree politicians own my life. The government’s decision states that...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Miscellaneous
Did I Get My Medical License Back?
Several weeks ago I wrote that something happened that I thought would never happen. And what was the reaction of readers? At 92 years of age I had asked the Registrar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario to reinstate my medical license which I had reluctantly given up at the age of 87. Why? Because of a shameful and despicable medical event in Alberta. A resident of Alberta was dying of Lou Gehrig’s disease, totally paralyzed and close to choking to death in her own mucous. It’s a malady as close to hell as you can ever get. She had requested doctor assisted death and was granted by a judge the legal right to die if she had the...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Medicine, Philosophy
Medical Care Main Cause of Death
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, may be rolling over in his grave. Why? He preached “First, do no harm.” I recently read a report in the Journal of Molecular Medicine called Death by Medicine. It’s the most damning medical report card ever issued. It claims huge numbers of patients are being injured and killed by conventional medicine. There’s also a big surprise there. A huge, meticulous study concluded that every year in the U.S conventional medicine kills 800,000 patients. Compare this figure to 700,000 that die of heart disease and 500,000 from cancer. The report claims that 7.5 million medical and surgical procedures are unnecessary. Another 8.9 million patients are admitted needlessly to hospital and 2.2 million patients suffer adverse reactions to...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous
Something happened today that I thought would never happen! At 92 years of age I have asked the Registrar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario to reinstate my medical license which I reluctantly gave up at the age of 87. Why? Because of a shameful and despicable event in Alberta this week. Ms S, a resident of Calgary was dying of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), better known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Totally paralyzed and close to choking to death in her own mucus, she requested doctor assisted death. Justice Sheilah Martin of the Alberta court decided that, with the consent of two doctors and no psychiatric assessment, Ms. S was granted the right to proceed. Justice Martin has...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Medicine, Vitamins
There Are Still No Dead Bodies!!!
Why is it impossible for investigative media reporters to get it right about health supplements? In March of 2013 medical research showed that every day 290 North Americans die from prescription drugs. To kill the same number of people a jumbo jet plane would have to crash every day. I asked Health Canada’s forensic bureaucrats to explain where the dead bodies are who took natural supplements? I have never had a reply. Now the media are using a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S Food and Drug Administration to damn supplements. Its study of 63 hospitals over a 10 year period showed 3,667 emergency room (ER) visits and 2,154 hospitalizations from the use of...Read More
Alternate Treatments
Does Your Doctor Always Know Best?
Faced with a medical decision, patients normally allow their doctor to decide on treatment, assuming he or she “always knows best”. But “Consumer Report on Health” claims that this approach rarely works anymore. Doctors simply are unable to keep up with the flood of new information on medical therapy. Consequently, some medical decisions must consider the patient’s priorities, not just the doctor’s. This process might even decrease the cost of medical care. Often the problem is communication. For instance, a study of 1,057 doctor/ patient visits, including 3,552 clinical decisions, found that only 9 percent provided the patient with enough information to make an informed choice! So how do you figure out what is best for you? Potential traps are the now...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous, Pain
Supreme Court Beheaded By Boneheaded Politicians
How can you learn to become a hypocrite? It’s easy. Take a course in Politics 101, then get elected to parliament. This will make it easy to postpone matters that demand instant attention. There’s no better example of hypocrisy than parliament’s move to delay implementation of the Supreme Court’s decision on Assisted Death until after the election. The Harper government has added insult to injury by stacking the consultation panel with those opposed to assisted death. It’s like putting the fox in charge of the hens, an inhumane despicable act for those crying out for help to end their suffering. In February, The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that assisted death should be an option for those grievously and irremediably ill, and...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Genetics, Miscellaneous, Nutrition, Pain, Vitamins
BioSil: A Natural Remedy Fights Arthritis and Osteoporosis
What brings millions of North Americans to their knees late in life? Today, with an aging population many people now end their lives in wheelchairs due to brittle bones (osteoporosis) or are crippled by the pain of osteoarthritis, the wear and tear type. Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, is an inflammatory condition involving the destruction of cartilage. Its gel-like nature normally acts as a shock absorber. Without cartilage, bones rub on bones causing daily pain. Studies show that one in two people will develop osteoarthritis in their latter years, and two in three obese people will suffer from it at some time during their life. Now, studies done at the Netherlands Institute of Rheumatology and other European centers found that a natural remedy,...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous, Pain
Not All Lunatics Are in the Asylum
I'm often asked, "What have you learned as a medical journalist?" In one word "Plenty". After writing a column for 38 years you would have to be an imbecile not to learn something about medicine, human personality and hypocrisy. But above all else I've concluded that common sense is an uncommon commodity, and not all lunatics are in the asylum. Let's start with the Supreme Court of Canada. It's composed of legal experts who, having reached this exalted position, you'd expect to be the "crème de la crème" of this country. But how much horse sense do they possess about medical matters? How much understanding of their fellow men? And why are they so out-of-tune with the wishes of the populace? I'd bet...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Orthopedics, Vitamins
Boomers Now Know the Pain of Arthritis
Psst! Do you want a tip on how to make millions of dollars? Buy a company that sells painkillers. Why? Because the boomer generation is starting to hurt more with each passing year. And they expect effective relief from the agony of arthritis. What boomers want, they expect to get. But how successful will they be? Several years ago, Dr. Nicholas Di Nubile, a Philadelphia orthopedic surgeon, added a new word to the English language, "Boomeritis". He said boomers were the first generation to become obsessed by exercise, and they are paying the price by becoming banged-up boomers. Today, there are 76 million boomers in the U.S and six million in Canada. By pushing their bodies too hard they've developed bursitis, tendonitis,...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Gastroenterology, Miscellaneous, Nutrition
A Unique Way to Stop Bean Flatus
Do you suffer from chronic abdominal pain, bloating, gas, stomach cramps, diarrhea and constipation? If so, there's a good chance the diagnosis is "irritable bowel syndrome" (IBS). This condition is one of the most commonly diagnosed problems in this country. However, most people are treating it the wrong way, destroying their bowels with laxatives. It's smarter to use natural therapy. Dr. Linda Lee, Professor of Gastroenterology at Johns Hopkins University, says that when patients complain of IBS symptoms she first rules out serious disease such as stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis and bowel malignancies. These more serious problems are more likely to be present if patients also complain of weight loss, being wakened by pain, or seeing blood in the stool. Dr. Lee...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Sports
A Tough Marine Engineer Was Screaming From Pain
Do you remember the headlines in September, 2000, when the Philadelphia Eagles beat the Dallas Cowboys in the 100 degree Texas heat? Rick Burkholder, the Eagles head trainer, said his players remained cramp-free because of his secret weapon, pickle juice! The benefit of pickles goes back to antiquity. For instance, cucumbers are mentioned twice in the Bible and history records their use in Asia, Egypt and Greece. Cucumbers were brought to the New World by Christopher Columbus and were grown on the island of Haiti. And U.S presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, were pickle enthusiasts. What triggered my interest in pickle juice was a report published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Researchers at Brigham Young University asked volunteer...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Medicine, Miscellaneous
Neo40: Is It A Miracle Supplement?
Several months ago I reported on a unique drug, Neo40, which has now been approved by Health Canada. To find out more about Neo40, now available in health food stores, I interviewed Dr. Nathan Bryan, Professor of Molecular Medicine at the University of Texas Health Center in Houston and creator of the formula. G-J - What is Neo40? NB - Neo40 is a lozenge that contains L-Citrulline, an amino acid derived from protein, vitamin C, beet root and hawthorn, a potent combination that produces nitric oxide. Early in life our bodies manufacture large amounts of nitric oxide (NO). But after age 40 production of NO decreases. This sets the stage for hypertension, kidney dysfunction, diabetes, heart attack or stroke, just to name...Read More
Alternate Treatments
TA-65, Ponce de Leon’s Anti-Aging Pill
Would Albert Einstein’s genius have discovered the secret of life if he hadn’t died at 76 years of age? We will never know. But for years, in an endeavour to extend life, scientists have searched for Ponce de Leon’s “fountain of youth”. Now, their discovery of a unique molecule, TA-65, which is not science fiction, has opened new doors to this goal. In October 2009, Elizabeth Blackburn and Jack Szistak, received the prestigious Nobel Prize for their discovery of an enzyme, telomerase, a critically important enzyme that protects cells from chromosomal damage. Human cells divide indefinitely and become immortal if telomerase is activated. Then, in November 2011, the Journal, Nature, reported that a team of researchers at The Harvard Medical School had...Read More
Alternate Treatments
Rx: Ha Ha
A Russian youth, a member of the Siberian Ski patrol, arrived home after guarding the frontier for several months. He was asked by a TV interviewer, “What do you do first on arriving home after being away for so long?” He replied, “I make love to my wife.” The interviewer replied, “I understand that as you’ve been away a long time. But what do you do next?” The young man replied, “I make love to my wife again.” “Yes”, the frustrated interviewer continued, “but then what do you do?” The young Russian replied, “Oh, I take off my skis.” Some readers may be thinking, “Don’t sell the farm if you plan to be a comedian.” But I do hope that at...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Genitourinary, Infection, Nutrition
How NEO40 Fights Multiple Health Problems
Feeling tired? Falling asleep in the afternoon? Losing your keys or interest in sex? Are you concerned about cardiovascular disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, diabetes and its complications? Or want to limit the pain and swelling of arthritis, calm the inflammation of asthma and assist the immune system in fighting infection? If so, you may need a new revolutionary natural remedy NEO40 to increase your level of nitric oxide (N0). My initial reaction to this news was, “It’s too good to be true!”. But three researchers received the prestigious Nobel Prize for this discovery. Louise J. Ignarro, one of the prize winners, says, “There may be no disease process where this miracle molecule does not have a protective role.” Dr. Nathan S....Read More
Alternate Treatments
Will some doctor write this prescription?
Were the judges right or wrong? A man suffered spinal injuries in a car accident leaving him with chronic pain only relieved by marijuana. His insurance company refused to pay for this medication. But Quebec judges believed that "personal experience" must be considered when deciding if a patient is helped by medication. They ruled his company must pay $5,000 so he could grow his own marijuana. When I wrote about this I asked for your opinion. DJ from Sherbrooke, Quebec, responded, "Congratulations for bringing this matter to the public's attention. My father is dying of cancer and this is the one remedy that helps to control his pain and nausea. It's ludicrous he has to obtain this illegally, but there is...Read More
Alternate Treatments
Judges make right decision about marijuana
What would you do if you were the judge? A man in his 40s (his name is protected under provincial law) is involved in a severe car crash. His spine is badly damaged resulting in painful spasms. A variety of painkillers are prescribed to alleviate the pain, but none are effective. Would you agree to the medical use of marijuana? Patient X requested insurance coverage for marijuana, but it was refused. It wasn't an unexpected decision, as the use of this drug has sparked controversy for many years. But an unusual event occurred in this case. The Quebec judges wrote, "The tribunal is well aware of controversial attitudes regarding the therapeutic use of marijuana." But then they added this important message: "There...Read More
Alternate Treatments
How To Boost Your Immunity To The Swine Flu Virus
"What's the best natural way to boost immunity against the swine flu virus (SFV)?" a reader from Winnipeg inquires. So far the swine flu virus has killed many Mexicans, has invaded North America. The World Health Organization says this virus has pandemic potential. So here are some natural ways to increase immunity and save lives. One: Bow like the Japanese rather than shaking hands which has always been an unhealthy habit. Handshaking is a prime way to spread infection whether or not there's a potential epidemic of SFV. Get further protection by washing your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol based hand wash. Two: Keep your distance from those who are coughing or sneezing, particularly when they don't...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle
Glabrinex – A Natural Remedy For Pot Bellied “Killer Fat”
Never before in human history have so many North Americans been so obese and pot bellied. It's causing an unparalled epidemic of diabetes with disastrous complications. But research shows that it's the abdominal fat, called visceral fat, that kills. Now, a natural remedy Glabrinex, can help to decrease this "killer" fat. Years ago, Dr. Timo Lakka, a Finnish researcher, urged pot-bellied people to take heed after studying 1,800 apple-shaped Finns for 10 years. He reported that men who were not overweight, but had a pot belly, had four times the risk of heart disease than men without one. Then, in 1988, Dr. Gerald Reaven at Stanford University in California described what is known as the "metabolic syndrome". It's the stage before type...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Gynecology
Don’t Laugh At These Old Wive’s Tales -Natural Remedies
Who hasn't heard an old wife's tale? "If you touch a toad, you get warts" has no scientific foundation. But in recent years researchers have shown that some tales are medically sound and safer than traditional drugs. Consumer Reports On Health lists several home remedies that work. For instance, The American Society for Microbiology Research says friendly bacteria, known as probiotics, found in yogurt, can ease stomach aches, improve digestive problems and help tame an irritable bowel. They're also of use in counteracting the damaging effects of antibiotics and beneficial in fighting vaginal and urinary tract infection. If you want to try probiotics for any of these troubles, search for a yogurt that contains live active cultures such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium,...Read More