Alternate Treatments

Alternate Treatments

This Haircut Will Cost Me A Lot of Money

September 27, 2007

"Would you like a free massage after your haircut, doctor?" the owner of Elizabeth Milan's salon in Toronto's Royal York Hotel asked me. It had been a hard day seeing patients and maybe I looked a trifle haggard. But whatever the reason, being of Scottish heritage, the free part appealed to me. So I said, "Why not?" Massage as therapy has stood the test of time. It's been used by Chinese, Greeks, Roman and Indian civilizations. During a trip to Egypt last year I saw numerous paintings of people practicing massage in the tombs of Kings and Queens. And Julius Cesar was apparently given daily massage to treat neuralgia. Many people tend to look on massage as a luxury found only in...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Psychiatry

Mind Aerobics – A Revolutionary Way To Beat Stress Without Drugs

November 16, 2006

Who wouldn't want to be less stressed these days when each day brings more frightening economic news? But before you reach for Prozac, make note of a new breakthrough non-drug way to shrug off stress, sharpen your mind, enhance memory, sleep like a baby and improve emotional health. The science behind this exciting breakthrough is called "Mind Aerobics", based on powerful sound technology called "Holosync", and used by 300,000 people in 55 countries. The original research, done at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York, and published in the journal Scientific American showed that different brain waves can trigger different mental states. Further research revealed that soothing music creates remarkable, permanent and positive effects on our outlook on life by affecting...Read More