
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Vitamins

How I Got to 101

February 22, 2025

My life has been marked by good fortune. Yes, I inherited good genes and followed a sound lifestyle. But I’ve also had the luck of the Irish. I often think about those people who lead a sound lifestyle, but who get terribly unlucky. These are people, sometimes in the prime of life, and through no fault of their own, die from accidents, infections, cancer, or dozens of other common and rare diseases. My life nearly ended when I had a severe heart attack at 74 years of age. I was advised by several cardiologists in Toronto and others I knew internationally of bad news. They said I would be dead in a few years or less if I did not take...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Philosophy, Vitamins

High-Dose Vitamin C and Lysine

September 14, 2024

It’s an uncommon gift to reach 100 years of age – and be healthy. But apart from good genes and good luck, there are steps you can take to increase your chances for healthy longevity. Long time readers will know what I’ve said over and over again. Too many people gain excessive weight, eat poorly, neglect exercise, and fall victim to other lifestyle problems. They experience chronic diseases too early in life, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. My message has been, to prevent the onset of heart disease, a top killer, high doses of vitamin C taken over the long term can make a difference. If you hear contrary views, ask about the dose. What doses are used in clinical trials? Peewee...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Medicine

A Call to Care for Parents

July 6, 2024

On the growing list of health pandemics – COVID-19, obesity, diabetes, liver disease, dementia, heart disease, and stroke – there is another one. It’s called benign neglect, and it is a product of our times. It happens when children don’t make sufficient effort to help aging parents understand and manage their medications. There’s a lot of guilt to go around. But that’s not to say this is easy work. Ask your parents what medications they are taking and why.  Better yet, have a close look at the medications in their possession and assess how well they are adhering to prescribed treatments. Congratulations to those who find all is well. For others, it may be a wake-up call. Over the past several decades, detrimental trends...Read More

Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Pain, Surgery, Vitamins

Why C is the Forever Vitamin

June 15, 2024

There’s an irony about the advertising woman who, in 1948, penned “A Diamond is Forever” to signify the enduring love of two people. Her name was Frances Gerety and she spent the bulk of her life alone. Diamonds do sparkle, but there’s a better “forever” companion. Longtime readers will know I’ll choose vitamin C over diamonds or any other glitzy trend, and definitely over cholesterol lowering drugs. Vitamin C doesn’t have the high cost or glamourous glitter of diamonds, and it makes no one rich. But making high doses of vitamin C a part of my daily routine has allowed me to spend another quarter century with my wife and family after a heart attack that nearly ended things for me...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Nutrition, Vitamins

Cardiovascular Health 101

May 11, 2024

Heart attacks are common and deadly. In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control acknowledges that one person dies every 33 seconds from cardiovascular disease. The Government of Canada reports about 14 adults aged 20 and over with diagnosed heart disease die every hour. But how many of these deaths are premature and preventable, and why don’t people take simple steps to save their lives? Atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in arteries, is a leading cause of heart disease. What doctors don’t do enough is educate patients on natural alternatives to prescription drugs. Why? Because most doctors aren’t trained in natural approaches to disease prevention. Vitamin C and lysine can help prevent this condition by inhibiting the formation of arterial plaque. Linus...Read More

Alcohol, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Lifestyle, Philosophy

Think Before you Drink Alcohol

November 25, 2023

The festive season is a time for social gatherings and alcohol often aides the merrymaking. Yet recent headlines advise to avoid alcohol at any time of year. The claim is that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption. But the truth about alcohol is more nuanced, and recommendations for abstinence can be misleading. The recent research concluded that even moderate alcohol consumption – about one drink a day – is dangerous for your health. But the study took a narrow look. Many studies of alcohol use neglect to consider the healthy benefits of socializing. But when people are socially connected, they make healthier choices, have better physical and mental health, and cope better with everyday pressures, meaning less anxiety and...Read More

Cholesterol, Gastroenterology, Nutrition, Obesity

What Is the Best Nutritional Advice Ever Given?

April 8, 2023

How long has this column recommended a high-fiber diet? Since March 1978 when readers were informed that processed foods create a “slow assembly line” in the bowels. Now some of the world’s most highly regarded nutritional scientists at Imperial College London say dietary fiber is “the best health advice of all time”! What is it about fiber that is so important? Soluble fiber dissolves in the stomach and can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Insoluble fiber passes through the digestive system, supporting a faster assembly line that moves waste out, reducing the risks for hemorrhoids and colon disease that creep up when hard stools loiter the bowels. Experts agree that women need about 25-30 grams of fiber daily, and men...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Nutrition, Pain

“Beeting” Yourself to Increase Good Health

March 20, 2021

Would you like to improve your physical endurance? An exercise routine is the answer. Being physically and mentally active leads to a longer life. But diet can help too. You can start “beeting” yourself to improved health simply by adding beets to your menu. You should also know that nitrates in beets can treat more than one medical problem. Atherosclerosis, thickening of the inside lining of arteries, decreases the flow of oxygenated blood to coronary arteries. This results in anginal pain or heart attack. For years researchers have known that nitroglycerine eases angina. But they had no idea why it dilated coronary arteries and increased blood flow to the heart. Then, three U.S researchers received the Nobel Prize for proving it was nitric...Read More

Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Neurology, Vitamins

The Perfect Omega-3

November 30, 2019

It’s been aptly said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that ain’t so.” For instance, most North Americans believe that when they eat fish twice weekly as recommended, or take omega-3 fish-oil supplements, that they have sufficient omega-3 essential fatty acids. But a Canadian study using the Omega-3 Index shows that ain’t so. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) including omega-3 are needed for growth, healthy cellular membranes, many reactions in the body, and are crucial for brain, mood, joint, and cardiovascular health. So EFAs have been called, “nutritional missing links”.  Two of these essential acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) are key to the reduction of cellular inflammation and they...Read More


Put Them in Prison to Find Out about Blood Cholesterol

May 2, 2015

Benjamin Disraeli, the distinguished British Prime Minister, once ridiculed an opposition member of parliament by saying, “He is distinguished by his ignorance for he only had one idea and that was wrong”. Today 99 percent of doctors have one idea that cholesterol-lowering drugs are the be-all-and-end-all to lower blood cholesterol. I believe history will prove them wrong. This week, an old prisoner experiment tells a story, along with a natural remedy to lower blood cholesterol. Dr John Judkin, formerly Emeritus Professor of Physiology at London University, London, England, made headlines years ago when he reported that a high dietary intake of animal fat and the eating of foods containing cholesterol were not the cause of coronary heart disease. Of course he was...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Genitourinary, Infection, Nutrition

How NEO40 Fights Multiple Health Problems

October 23, 2011

Feeling tired? Falling asleep in the afternoon? Losing your keys or interest in sex? Are you concerned about cardiovascular disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, diabetes and its complications? Or want to limit the pain and swelling of arthritis, calm the inflammation of asthma and assist the immune system in fighting infection? If so, you may need a new revolutionary natural remedy NEO40 to increase your level of nitric oxide (N0). My initial reaction to this news was, “It’s too good to be true!”. But three researchers received the prestigious Nobel Prize for this discovery. Louise J. Ignarro, one of the prize winners, says, “There may be no disease process where this miracle molecule does not have a protective role.” Dr. Nathan S....Read More


The “Ain’t So’s” About Cholesterol

May 11, 2009

Why are people so misinformed about cholesterol when so much has been published about it? After all, cholesterol has become a household name. It's even hard to go to a social gathering without someone mentioning this fatty substance and their own cholesterol level. But as one wise sage remarked, "It's not the things you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's the things you know for sure that ain't so". So what ain't so about cholesterol? It ain't so, for instance, that the only cause of coronary artery disease is cholesterol. Life is not that simple and it's totally unrealistic to believe that one risk factor sends so many people to the great beyond. Rather, Mathew's Law is the culprit....Read More


It Felt Like Somebody Had Put Lead On My Legs – Cholesterol Drugs

February 1, 2008

What sells newspapers? Bad news! And every morning I get tired of reading more of it. Good news is exceedingly hard to find, but there are exceptions. Medical publications continue to publish "good" news about cholesterol-lowering drugs (CLDs), that doctors should strive to get blood cholesterol lower and lower, that CLDs can be used to treat an increasing number of other medical problems. But since I'm more than a trifle skeptical about these drugs, it's refreshing to me to read the less than perfect news about CLDs from the Harvard Medical School. Focus, Harvard's news bulletin, reports the medical problem of Dr. Ikas Sukhatme. He's Professor of Medicine at Harvard's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, and like many...Read More