
Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity

Ban Foods Causing Fatty Livers in Young Children

March 8, 2025

How many parents know this shocking fact? The American Liver Foundation reports that 10 percent of young children have fatty degeneration of the liver. It’s due to horrid food consumption practices, too much sugar and fat, leading to childhood obesity before the age of 10! Once fatty liver disease takes hold, there is no medication to cure it. Only immediate lifestyle changes can slow its progression. Among the culprits are large cereal corporations that persuade children to eat sugary cereals. This at a time when obesity and type 2 diabetes have reached pandemic proportions. An economic report shows treating obesity costs North Americans $147 billion dollars and diabetes $412 billion yearly! So, why are medical professionals and politicians totally inept at...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity

Why North Americans Are Overweight

January 25, 2025

Dr. Richard Z. Cheng, Editor-in-Chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, reports that years ago hunters survived eating low-carbohydrate diets. Their food was rich in animal protein, along with berries and seeds. But often food was scarce, and hunters used any bodily fat reserves to survive. There was no becoming obese. Now, food companies offer high-carbohydrate foods, with too much sugar and too many calories. Half of North Americans are overweight, with many people suffering diseases such as type 2 diabetes and its expensive medical complications.  I interviewed Dr. Cheng to get his views on dietary measures that have a chance to reverse this disastrous situation. He promotes nutritious diets that are low in carbs, ultra-processed foods, and (omega-6 rich) seed oils...Read More

Nutrition, Obesity

Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Attacks Mean Misery and Economic Disaster

January 4, 2025

Why do people inflict misery upon themselves? By gaining too much weight, people are decreasing their quality of life and dying prematurely. You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to find the clues leading to tragic or mysterious deaths. The evidence is in plain sight. We are a society in which obese people are becoming the majority. Obesity involves excessive fat accumulation – to the point of becoming a risk to health. An effort to fight obesity should have nothing to do with shaming and blaming. That’s the wrong approach, the wrong interpretation of objectives, and a distraction from what needs to be done. Instead, we must identify the steps to fight the scourge – and get on with it immediately. A...Read More


What Fish Is Worth Eating

November 23, 2024

Have you enjoyed the pleasures of a camping trip deep in the wilderness? Among the memories, you may recall the sublime enjoyment of eating a yellow pickerel you caught yourself and cooked over a campfire. Today, is there anything close to that perfection? If choosing a final meal on this planet, that might be the one. But dining on the simplicity of that perfect fish in today’s urban food scene is a fading dream. Eating fish isn’t like it used to be. The quality of the fish we now purchase in supermarkets is suspect. Like most things in life, when buying fish, you get what you pay for. The cheaper options are processed, frozen, and don’t resemble anything like a fish....Read More


It’s Mindboggling That Scurvy Is Back

October 26, 2024

Scurvy is a terrible disease that has been eradicated, right? The disease is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), found in oranges and other fruits and vegetables. But that simple fact was unknown between 1500 and 1747 when it’s estimated two million European sailors died while exploring the oceans. On long voyages, it was accepted that half of the crew would never return. It was a slow, painful death. But James Lind of the British Royal Navy is credited with conducting the first controlled clinical trial recorded in medical science. He compared how sailors fared when given a variety of different remedies, including oranges and lemons. Shockingly, in 2024, scurvy is back in the news. How could this...Read More

Cardiovascular, Nutrition

Cellular Energy is Part of the Formula for Health

October 11, 2024

Some people just have more energy than others. You can pick them out of a crowd. They are running up the stairs, two at a time. Their toes are constantly tapping. They are ready for more fun and games when everyone else is exhausted. But is this outward show of energy a marker of good health? The fact is everyone needs to have enough fuel in the tank to operate essential life systems. Our bodies need sufficient energy for breathing in and out and keeping organs operating. Beyond these necessary functions, energy might better be considered a lifestyle matter.  Yoko Ono once quipped, “if you don’t have it, don’t bother with rock and roll.” But are you wishing you had more of...Read More

Cancer, Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Gastroenterology, Infection, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Surgery

How to Decrease Risk of Large Bowel Hernias

October 5, 2024

Mention a hernia to anyone and they immediately think of a bulge in the lower abdomen or groin. But hernias also occur in the large bowel. If constipation or infection results, the individual will experience worsening pain, nausea, and sometimes the urgent need for a major operation. The good news is that a little prevention will decrease the risk of large bowel hernias. What’s the even better news? The same preventative action will also reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer, as well as cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases. And this is just the beginning. It might sound like fake news if we were to add that studies show this same simple daily remedy is also proven to increase lifespan! Let’s...Read More


Takeout Meals Are Rarely Healthy

September 21, 2024

Picking up an order of takeout food is a convenient way to get a meal without doing the cooking. Although there are more options all the time, even in the best of circumstances, meals-to-go have never been considered a nutritional boon. But with the changing lifestyles of each generation, a clear trend continues toward convenience. Sadly, convenience does not go hand in hand with mindfulness about healthy eating by either producers or consumers. With healthcare systems starved for resources to cover so much illness, everyone should be motivated to take a few steps towards better health. That means we need to have a closer look at those takeout menus. Tufts University reported on a large study involving 35,000 adults that found about...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Philosophy, Vitamins

High-Dose Vitamin C and Lysine

September 14, 2024

It’s an uncommon gift to reach 100 years of age – and be healthy. But apart from good genes and good luck, there are steps you can take to increase your chances for healthy longevity. Long time readers will know what I’ve said over and over again. Too many people gain excessive weight, eat poorly, neglect exercise, and fall victim to other lifestyle problems. They experience chronic diseases too early in life, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. My message has been, to prevent the onset of heart disease, a top killer, high doses of vitamin C taken over the long term can make a difference. If you hear contrary views, ask about the dose. What doses are used in clinical trials? Peewee...Read More

Genitourinary, Lifestyle, Medicine, Nutrition

Stop Killing the Kidneys with Garbage

September 7, 2024

Multiple studies have shown that a diet of fruits and vegetables reduces blood pressure. Since hypertension kills millions of people each year, the message seems clear. But this is not the first time consumers have been told that a veggie diet is superior to one of meat. Now there’s another important message that millions of North Americans have not learned. It’s that people of all ages keep killing their kidneys by eating highly processed garbage day after day. Despite the evidence, they embrace this silent killer until the doctor says they need kidney dialysis or a renal transplant to save their life. First, know the basic facts. The kidneys, like the gastrointestinal system, remove waste. These two bean-shaped organs, each the...Read More

Cardiovascular, Nutrition, Vitamins

A Lesson in the Body’s Building Blocks

August 3, 2024

Not everyone needs to have the knowledge of today’s biochemist. What’s important to know is that there have been extraordinary advances in what scientists now understand about the way the human body works. Their discoveries show it’s the little things that matter. Fifty years ago, the focus was at the level of the cell, understanding its properties and functions. In labs, experiments involved poking and prodding cells to see how they behaved in response. Today, advances in technology make it possible to study the building blocks of cells and how they function. Scientists, and now computers, are sequencing DNA at lightening pace. They can study proteins, for example, one at a time, manipulating genetic codes in search of breakthroughs in disease treatments. Among...Read More

Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Gastroenterology, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous, Nutrition, Obesity, Psychiatry

How To Kill Yourself Slowly with Terrible Complications

July 27, 2024

This column should make every doctor, nutritionist, health care worker, and anyone else who is sane shake their heads. A Coney Island competition to devour the most hotdogs in ten minutes should be the shame of New York and the promoters who support it! Why would people want to ruin their bodies by participating? Why did reporters covering the event celebrate instead of criticizing such an asinine act of self destruction? Barnum and Bailey were right. There is a sucker born every minute. The winner was a 26-year-old man from Chicago who gulped down 58 hot dogs! After his bizarre triumph of winning, he was so upbeat that he described it as a “life changing” event. That’s for sure. He remarked that...Read More

Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Pain, Surgery, Vitamins

Why C is the Forever Vitamin

June 15, 2024

There’s an irony about the advertising woman who, in 1948, penned “A Diamond is Forever” to signify the enduring love of two people. Her name was Frances Gerety and she spent the bulk of her life alone. Diamonds do sparkle, but there’s a better “forever” companion. Longtime readers will know I’ll choose vitamin C over diamonds or any other glitzy trend, and definitely over cholesterol lowering drugs. Vitamin C doesn’t have the high cost or glamourous glitter of diamonds, and it makes no one rich. But making high doses of vitamin C a part of my daily routine has allowed me to spend another quarter century with my wife and family after a heart attack that nearly ended things for me...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Infection, Medicine, Nutrition, Philosophy, Vitamins

A Too Uncommon Theory of Medicine

May 25, 2024

Are your health care providers trained in integrative medicine? It’s not an area of medical specialization, like gynaecology or gastroenterology. Think of it as a theory of medicine. Doctors practicing integrative medicine respect the roles of prescription drugs and surgery when the situation calls for these treatments. But they also study and embrace the potential for natural remedies, lifestyle modifications, nutrition, and traditional practices in both health promotion and disease treatment. Hippocrates, born in 460 BC, was the most influential philosopher of integrative medicine. He believed the human body should be treated as a whole, not as the sum of its parts. Benedict Lust, born in 1872 in Baden, Germany, is regarded as the “Father of Naturopathy”, a form of alternative medicine whose...Read More

Nutrition, Pain

Weight and Diet Strain Knees and Hips

May 18, 2024

How many thousands of knee and hip replacements, and how much pain, could be avoided by the right diet? Arthritis has been called the chronic-care challenge of the 21st century. It is no small problem in economic terms either. A few months ago, The Lancet, a peer-reviewed medical journal, published startling statistics. Over the last 30 years, the global incidence of osteoarthritis has risen by132% to 595 million people. There is no sign of the disease slowing down and there’s no cure. What does this mean? For public healthcare systems like Canada’s, it means ever more costs to the taxbase for higher and higher numbers of expensive knee and hip replacements. Osteoarthritis is the “wear and tear” form of arthritis. Like aging car...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Nutrition, Vitamins

Cardiovascular Health 101

May 11, 2024

Heart attacks are common and deadly. In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control acknowledges that one person dies every 33 seconds from cardiovascular disease. The Government of Canada reports about 14 adults aged 20 and over with diagnosed heart disease die every hour. But how many of these deaths are premature and preventable, and why don’t people take simple steps to save their lives? Atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in arteries, is a leading cause of heart disease. What doctors don’t do enough is educate patients on natural alternatives to prescription drugs. Why? Because most doctors aren’t trained in natural approaches to disease prevention. Vitamin C and lysine can help prevent this condition by inhibiting the formation of arterial plaque. Linus...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Philosophy, Vitamins

The Forever Formula for Good Health and Longevity

April 20, 2024

Readers often ask me what it takes to reach 100. My answer is always the same. Good genes. Good luck. And a lifetime of good choices about my health. “What about your daily regimen of high dose vitamin C, lysine, magnesium, coenzyme Q10, quercetin, and proline?” That’s right, I say. It’s my forever formula for health and longevity. I’ve recommended all kinds of things to readers, like stepping on the bathroom scale every day, taking good care of teeth, getting sufficient fibre in the diet, and being wary of medication. My website ( has thousands of my articles posted, and although maybe not all of them have aged as well as I have been fortunate to do, readers can find all...Read More

Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat, Nutrition

Protecting Eyesight with the Right Food

March 16, 2024

It was 200 years ago that Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a French lawyer and culinary writer, first wrote “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.”  It’s a simple and enduring message. But people are not being watchful of what they eat, and it is having far-reaching consequences, not just around the middle. Like other organs, the eyes are affected by diet. Many research teams have shown that a poor diet increases the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) of the eye. Today AMD is the leading cause of severe vision loss for those over the age of 65. By 75 one in three North Americans have early signs of AMD. A command given to American soldiers at the...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Gastroenterology, Infection, Nutrition, Vitamins

In the Lab with Natural Immune Formulas

January 27, 2024

This week let’s look behind the scenes, in the labs where doctors and scientists are designing health supplements that address specific goals. What’s motivating them? What are they trying to do? And how successful are they? There are thousands of natural health supplements on the market – from vitamins and minerals to botanicals and proteins, plus all kinds of things falling into categories like enzymes and fatty acids. Then on top of this, there all the natural therapies offered by physical therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and so on. Collectively, it’s a mega-billion set of industries. Complicating the scene are corporations, like Proctor & Gamble, Bayer, and Abbott. Going toe to toe in the marketplace with these giants are small businesses, whom we can...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Nutrition

Postbiotics for the Gut, Body, and Brain

January 20, 2024

Last week’s column suggested we are minnows in the grand life adventure. This week we’ll look at little beings in our bellies that seem to have outsized influence. What is it about these microscopic components of the gut-brain connection that leads us to thinking that a postbiotic supplement might be a very good investment. The gut microbiome is like a neighbourhood of friends you carry around in and on your body for your entire life. Just as the environment outside your body and the way you live your life have consequences for your well-being, this gooey world in your gut has enormous impact on your health, from head to toe and cradle to grave. What exactly is it? The gut-brain microbiome refers...Read More

Diabetes, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity

Why Some People Die Early and Others Live On

December 9, 2023

What’s the most depressing part of a newspaper? It’s the obituary section where you see many people dying too early in life. What causes these untimely deaths? A Gifford-Jones Law states that one bad health problem inevitably leads to another and another, causing people to die early. One of the cardinal sins is not having a healthy and sensible breakfast. Where to lay blame? It’s the neglectful practices of food companies, governments, schools, and parents, all of whom are commonly ignoring the hazard. The breakfast sin is found everywhere. Nearly every restaurant serving breakfast is guilty of pushing the wrong foods. We recently found sinful breakfasts in a high-end retirement residence in Toronto. Even upon request for a high fibre cereal,...Read More

Diabetes, Gastroenterology, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Philosophy

An Excess of Stupidity Is Still the Problem

October 7, 2023

At a breakneck pace, today’s world threatens to leave us gasping for breath. You name it – climate change and pollution, the global demographic explosion, autocratic rulers trampling civil society, or the threat of AI’s unintended consequences. But for all the things where meaningful influence is out of the hands of most of us, why are these still so many things well within our control that we do so little to change? Consumers have a lot of power, for example, but too infrequently use it. If you don’t like the microplastics in the ocean, stop buying food sold in excessive packaging. When affordable public transportation is available, we spend far more to drive our own vehicles. We buy enough clothing to...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Lifestyle, Neurology, Nutrition, Obesity, Philosophy

Starving the Gut Feeds the Brain

August 19, 2023

If our bodies could speak to our brains, many would hear this: “Dear brain, please know the difference between being hungry and bored. Sincerely, I’m getting fat!” Who doesn’t turn to food when the doldrums set in? The smart brains would offer their hosts three pieces of advice. One, eat nutritional food. Two, limit portion sizes. And three, now and again, engage in fasting. Why fasting? Because studies show that for obese and skinny people alike, after prolonged reduction of food intake, the body’s defences improve against stresses. Cardiovascular risks decline. And the brain functions better. Temporary cessation of eating provokes chemical changes throughout the body. Ketones are a type of chemical the liver produces when it breaks down fats. The body...Read More

Lifestyle, Nutrition, Vitamins

Potassium by the Doctrine of the Golden Mean

August 5, 2023

Aristotle’s doctrine of the golden mean lauds the middle ground of two extremes: excess and deficiency. But not everyone follows this sage advice. And not all vitamins and minerals send clear signals of absence or excess. This week, a look at potassium, the third most abundant mineral in the body. People, animals, and plants all depend on potassium for essential functions. Depleted soil requires potassium to be replaced with fertilizer. Young animals lacking potassium will quickly die. In people, there’s danger in either too much or too little potassium. But a healthy diet, including healthy drinks, is the best approach. The American Heart Association recommends 3,400 milligrams (mg) of potassium per day for men and 2,600 mg per day for women. A...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Medicine, Nutrition, Philosophy, Vitamins

Government’s Good Intentions Gone Bad

July 15, 2023

Everyone wants a safe, effective, and accessible supply of the products that keep us healthy. Doctors and patients need proven drugs. People seeking to prevent illness with natural remedies also need good products. But governments trying to ensure quality are putting measures in place that will limit the variety of supplements, make them more expensive, and make it harder for smaller companies with innovative products to compete. Natural products like vitamin C, fish oil, magnesium, calcium, and many other supplements are ingredients to good health. For the cost of a cup or coffee, daily supplementation can address deficiencies in the diet, add antioxidants, reduce inflammation, support the immune system, build bone, etc. For example, vitamin C and lysine in high doses help...Read More