

Styrofoam Popcorn and How to Trick a Bartender

August 21, 2011

Why do people eat more than they should? You say you’ve heard all the reasons? But I bet you’re dead wrong. Why? It’s because a report in The Nutrition Action Health Letter is written by a marketing expert, not a doctor. As well, there’s a way to get rid of unwelcome dinner guests, and trick a bartender. Brian Wansink, Professor of Marketing at Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York, directs the Food and Brand Lab. He asks people “When was the last time you ate to the point of regretting it?” He follows that with, “Why did you do it?” He receives the usual answers, “It was a tough day” or “I was depressed” etc, etc. But most replied...Read More

Miscellaneous, Nutrition

Do not Forget Double Mashed Potatoes

June 26, 2011

What shocks my friends when I order a “blue” steak? No, it’s not the fact that it’s extra rare that gets their attention. It’s the fact that I also always tell the waiter, “Don’t forget the double order of mashed potatoes!” Now, a report from the University of California shows I’m not committing a mortal, dietary sin. In fact, potatoes can even help weight loss. Critics of mashed potatoes contend they have a high glycemic index (GI). This means that potatoes are quickly broken down into sugar, triggering a rapid increase in blood sugar and production of insulin. But it’s a myth that the potato’s high GI is responsible for the epidemic of obesity and Type 2 diabetes....Read More

Lifestyle, Nutrition

How to Decrease A Big Gut

February 13, 2011

“How did this happen?” you wonder when you look in the mirror. Your stomach used to be flat. The conclusion is obvious. You’ve developed a large gut, like millions of other North Americans. It’s called “killer fat” and it increases by four times your risk of heart disease. But here are ways to reverse this dangerous problem. One – Stop Being Surrounded By Food You can’t eat what’s not there. So get rid of the cookie jar that contains 150 calories per cookie. By enjoying four you’ve already used up 600 of your 1,800 calorie limit per day. Get rid of cola drinks with eight teaspoons of sugar, another 120 calories. Get smart, buy a calorie book and stop living...Read More

Cardiovascular, Lifestyle, Nutrition

Will Your Child Die Before You?

January 2, 2011

What is the greatest tragedy that can befall parents? It’s that a child will die before they do. It’s tragic when this happens and we may see it more often. Many years ago I attended a service in Westminster Abbey in London, England. I can’t recall the sermon. But I do remember seeing chubby choir boys. I realized then how obesity was starting to affect children. Since then several studies have shown the growing extent of childhood obesity. One study involved 5,517 grade 5 students in 291 public schools in Nova Scotia. Of these students 32.9 percent were overweight and 9.9 percent obese. One in 10 is a frightening figure. We don’t...Read More


For Major League Eating Consult Your Funeral Director

October 24, 2010

I have a great admiration for the U.S.A. Not only am I indebted to the Harvard Medical School for my medical training but I have many friends and associates in that country. However, it's been aptly said that, "There's a stupid corner in the brain of every wise man". One could also say there are some stupid corners in this great nation. Nothing is more asinine than its annual eating contests and those who sponsor this hazardous nonsense. I recall as a kid at a county fair watching someone trying to eat the most pumpkin pie possible in five minutes. It was looked on as a game and no one made any money doing it. But this is now major business...Read More


Lectin Lock For What Ails You

September 12, 2010

“Are you aware that lectins can affect your health?” I asked a group of friends. I wasn’t referring to the hormone leptin or an Irish Leprechaun. No one knew I was talking about a type of protein in food that can trigger faulty digestion and other chronic problems. Or that a new natural product, “Lectin Lock”, could help to minimize exposure to lectins. One hospital in 1988, advertised a “healthy eating” lunch for its staff. One item contained red kidney beans and 31 staff enjoyed this dish. But at 3 pm one of the surgeons vomited while operating. During the next four hours 10 more staff suffered severe vomiting and diarrhea. What had caused this reaction? Studies found no...Read More


Salmon, To Eat Or Not To Eat?

October 22, 2009

Will the hazards ever end? Mad Cow Disease has made consumers cast an anxious eye at meat. Trans fats are everywhere in our food and harming us all. Now, a report warns us that farm-raised salmon contain excessive amounts of hazardous PCBs. So how polluted are the salmon and how dangerous? PCBs were used in the 1950s in plastics and several other substances. They were banned in 1977 due to the fear that they might cause cancer. But PCBs linger in water supplies, soil and food long after being used. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a U.S. organization, reports that 70 per cent of the salmon examined were contaminated with PCBs. But how contaminated? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S....Read More

Lifestyle, Nutrition

A Unique Way To Lose 100 Pounds

July 22, 2009

"Would you like to see a picture of me taken two years ago?" a patient asked me. I was curious and said, 'Yes". But I was surprised when she produced a photo of a short, plump 200 pound woman She was now half that weight. I asked the obvious question, "How did you do it?" She replied that her lifelong ambition had been to be a jockey, and the following day she would be riding a horse at the Woodbine Racetrack in Toronto. You may not want to ride a racehorse, but she proved there are several ways to lose weight. One Motivation is a huge factor in success, so find a motive. Why not save money in these trying financial times...Read More


Calcium Causes 64 Percent Increase in Hip Fractures

July 6, 2009

How many of us are not taking calcium supplements today? Not many if my patients are a good sample of what's happening. But do you know that calcium supplementation may cause an increased number of hip fractures? And can meat help to make stronger bones? Dr. Bischoff-Ferrari, Professor of Clinical Research at the University Hospital in Zurick, Switzerland, is a world authority on calcium metabolism. She's also visiting professor at Tufts University in Boston and says the science behind calcium is not as simple as most people believe. Bischoff-Ferrari reports in Tufts Health and Nutrition Letter that two major studies have come up with contradictory findings. The first study analyzed 19 different trials and found no overall benefit to taking greater than average...Read More


Put Some Spice In Your Life

June 4, 2009

"Give Fae ginger ale for her queasy stomach", I suggested to my daughter. But, "What's in ginger ale that's going to help?" she asked me. Telling her that my Mother gave me ginger ale for this ailment wasn't the scientific reply she expected from me. Unfortunately, my Mother had never mentioned the magic ingredient in this drink. So I decided to research the health benefits of ginger and other spices. A report on spices in Nutrition Action Health Letter contained a initial surprise for me, and probably some mothers. It reports little or no ginger in most ginger ale! And whether ginger is effective depends on to whom you listen. Dr. Suzanna Zick, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan, reports four...Read More

Nutrition, Vitamins

What You Don’t Know About Calcium

May 20, 2009

How many of us are not taking calcium supplements today? Not many if my patients are a good sample of what's happening. But do you know that calcium supplementation may cause an increased number of hip fractures? And can meat help to make stronger bones? Dr. Bischoff-Ferrari, Professor of Clinical Research at the University Hospital in Zurick, Switzerland, is a world authority on calcium metabolism. She's also visiting professor at Tufts University in Boston and says the science behind calcium is as simple as most people believe. Bischoff-Ferrari reports in Tufts Health and Nutrition Letter that two major studies have come up with contradictory findings. The first study analyzed 19 different trials and found no overall benefit to taking greater than average amounts...Read More


The Constipated Battleship King George V

March 30, 2009

Recently a patient, who is extremely health conscious, asked, "If you had to pick the most important food what would you choose?" I replied, "fiber". I've believed for years that fiber is the corner stone of a healthy diet and without adequate amounts people are headed for a variety of health problems. The National Academies' Institute of Medicine formulates dietary recommendations for the government. It recently reported that the average North American consumes only 14 to 15 grams of fiber a day. This is a failing grade as it's less than half of what people should be eating. Fibers primary benefit never crosses the minds of most people. Fiber is bulky and therefore filling. Years ago, my father-in-law called it "roughage" and...Read More


Lobster : The Cadillac Of The Sea

March 30, 2009

Why do I look forward so eagerly to that crate of lobster that arrives from Clearwater Seafoods at regular intervals? Because it's my reward for eating bran cereal every morning. I'd much prefer ham and eggs or French toast loaded with maple syrup. Besides, lobsters provide great health benefits in addition to a delicious food experience. Several years ago I had the good fortune to attend a cardiovascular conference in Norway and visit the Institute for Nutrition Research at the University of Oslo. During the conference Professor Daan Krommhout, of the Institute of Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands, reported the cardiovascular benefits of omega-3 fatty acids present in fatty fish, lobsters, scallops and many other species of seafood. In...Read More

Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat, Nutrition

Eggs Decrease Risk of Macular Degeneration

March 25, 2009

"Don't you worry about cholesterol in eggs?" a friend recently asked me. I had ordered ham-and-eggs for breakfast which I often enjoy. But my friend was sure that eggs were a nutritional relic of the past, only good for a display at the Smithsonian Institution. I told him he was suffering from "cholesterolphobia", should upgrade his thinking about eggs, and that if he would order the same breakfast it would decrease his risk of heart disease and macular degeneration. I've written for years that we should trust farmers, hens and cows and cast a suspicious eye at manufactured processed foods. I have not changed my mind after many years of research. Blaming farmers and hens for the epidemic of heart disease is...Read More


Chickens Decrease Risk of Macular Degeneration

March 13, 2009

"Don't you worry about cholesterol in eggs?" a friend recently asked me. I had ordered ham-and-eggs for breakfast which I often enjoy. But my friend was sure that eggs were a nutritional relic of the past, only good for a display at the Smithsonian Institution. I told him he was suffering from "cholesterolphobia" and should upgrade his thinking about eggs. And that if he would order the same breakfast this would decrease his risk of heart disease and macular degeneration. I've stressed for years that we should trust the farmers, hens and cows and caste a suspicious eye at manufactured processed foods. I have not changed my mind after researching this matter for many years. Blaming the farmers and hens for the...Read More


How To Get A Big Gut

December 29, 2008

"How did it ever happen?" You wonder when you look in the mirror. Your stomach used to be flat. Your pants weren't tight. The conclusion is obvious. You've developed a large gut, like millions of other North Americans. And if you're unaware of how this happened, a report in Nutrition Action Health Letter provides the answer. It lists several sure-fire ways to develop a gut. One - Surround Yourself With Food Always have goodies in the house that are loaded with calories. Cookies that sit in a jar on the kitchen counter containing 150 calories per cookie. It's so easy to put your hand in the cookie jar and so why not enjoy four of them? Now you've already used up 600...Read More

Gastroenterology, Nutrition

Detox Diet – It’s Like Sticking A Potato In The Car’s Exhaust Pipe!

November 9, 2008

"Do you think my daughter and me should agree to a "detox diet?" a reader asked me. She added that several friends had already undergone detoxification and had never felt better. So does it make sense to purify our body? After all, who doesn't want to feel healthier. Proponents of this therapy have a rationale that's appeals to medical consumers who are apprehensive about our polluted world. They contend were'e constantly accumulating toxins in the body from air, chemicals in the water, processed foods, perfumes, artificial drinks and a host of other things. And, that in today's society, it's virtually impossible not to have a polluted large bowel. And that if you think you're an exception, think again. Web sites provide detox...Read More


Milk Helps to Prevent Stroke

November 2, 2008

Dr. David Young, a Professor of Physiology at the University of Mississippi once remarked, "potassium is like sex and money, you can't get too much." Now a study conducted in Hawaii shows that potassium helps to circumvent the risk of stroke, one of the leading causes of death in this country. Dr. Deborah Green is a researcher associated with the Queen's Medical Centre in Honolulu, Hawaii. To determine the benefits of potassium she and her colleagues followed 5,888 men and women ages 65 and over for eight years. Their conclusion? Patients with low levels of potassium were twice as likely to suffer "ischemic stroke", the type of stroke in which a blood clot cuts off the supply of oxygen to the brain. But...Read More

Alcohol, Cardiovascular, Nutrition, Vitamins

The Red Wine Pill

September 18, 2008

How do the French differ from North Americans? They're noted for enjoying fat-rich, calorie-packed baked goodies which are not heart healthy. Yet they're less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than North Americans. It's called "The French Paradox", believed to be linked to resveratrol, a substance found in red wine. Now, a study shows that a red wine pill provides more health benefits than drinking hundreds of glasses of the sweet nectar of the gods. Dr. David Sinclair, a researcher at The Harvard Medical School, has developed a concentrated form of resveratrol. He's tested the effects on mice and believes it will help to offset the effect of high fat diets, decrease the chance of diabetes and slow down aging in...Read More


Dangers and Benefits of The Cup of ‘Joe”

January 26, 2008

What's so important about the year 1657? It was the year that coffee was first imported into London, England from the Middle East. This glowing ad stated "A very wholesome and physical drink that helpeth indigestion, quickeneth the spirits, maketh the heart lightsom, is good against eye sores, coughs, head-ach, gout and the King's evil". 351 years later we don't have to worry about the King's evil. But the evil gyrations of the stock market may cause many to reach for several extra cups of coffee. So how much harm or good is there in our cup of "o'Joe"? Recently Tufts University in Boston reported the findings of a panel of experts who discussed this matter at an Experimental Biology meeting held...Read More


Suffering From The “Pissy Mood Syndrome”?

December 1, 2007

Do you feel like kicking the cat? Or telling the boss to go to hell? Or feel that it's getting harder and harder to get your act together? If so, the solution may not be to reach for Prozac. Some authorities claim the answer may be on your dinner plate. So how does food affect our moods? Dr. Khursheed Jeejeebhoy, Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto, reports in The Medical Post, that certain foods are often associated with a feeling of happiness and an optimistic mood. Jeejeebhoy cites studies from the department of psychology at the University of Wales. Students were given a variety of breakfast combinations. Researchers discovered that a breakfast low in calories, carbohydrates and fat, but high in fiber,...Read More


Postpone A Wormy End and Gorillas Should Have The Right To Vote

August 19, 2007

William Shakespeare wrote "A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king". He could have added, "or fish with the worm that eventually gets us all." This is not a pleasant thought to pass to along to readers at the start of the day. But since the life of worms and other insects can be extended it may be possible for humans to postpone that final wormy day. Studies show that restricting calories in worms, insects, mice and rats does prolong their lives. This usually means eating about 25 percent less than what they would normally consume to maintain normal weight. It's been labeled "under-nutrition without malnutrition". So far it's the only intervention tried by scientists that has...Read More


Should You Buy Organic Food?

August 2, 2007

"Do you ever buy organic food?" I asked my wife. She quickly answered, "No". Then I asked, "Why do some people buy it?" She replied what most people say, "Because it's free of pesticides". But is this true? And with increasing food prices is it prudent to spend hard-earned dollars on organic farm products? A report in the "Nutrition Action Health Letter" provides much more insight about organic foods. It states a Neilsen study showed 34 percent of Canadians purchased organic foods to avoid pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Others believed that these products were more nutritious than conventional foods. The problem is there is little data on the risks associated with eating fruits and vegetables that contain pesticide residues. For instance, this...Read More


Are Rare Steaks Good For Your Heart ?

July 9, 2007

"One of these days you're going to push your luck too far", my wife often says to me. She's not complaining that I'm spending too much money on horse races. Or betting the farm on a gold mine in Zimbabwe. Rather, for years I've told waiters I want my steak rare. Is this risky or can it fight heart failure? Friends often say to me, "We don't eat meat in our family anymore". But does this make sense? After all, humans have been enjoying meat since the caveman discovered it could keep him alive. And there are still sound reasons for not giving it up. Today, iron is the nutrient most often lacking in North American diets. Young children, teenagers, pregnant women,...Read More


Yellow Pickerel Will Cure My Depression

April 8, 2007

What would I order for my final meal on this planet? It would be a freshly caught Yellow Pickerel cooked over a roaring camp fire. Years ago I spent one magnificent summer doing fish research in northern Ontario. Since then no fancy white-tabled restaurant has provided me with a better fish meal. Besides, the fish were free of contamination in those long-ago days. So what should we know about the health benefits of eating fish today? We're often told we should eat fish as they're a great source of protein. But we're also warned of potential dangers. For instance, mercury accumulates in the lean tissue of some fish and it can cross the placental barrier so large doses can cause fetal...Read More