Alternate Treatments, Sex
Going Natural for Male Vitality
Mark Twain said, "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." But for many aging men, it matters a lot when their prized male organ starts to lose the vitality of youth. One of the most common yet often unspoken challenges is the decline in testosterone levels, a natural part of aging that can significantly impact physical and emotional well-being. Starting as early as the mid-30s, testosterone levels in men begin to decrease by approximately 1 percent per year. This gradual decline can lead to symptoms like fatigue, reduced muscle mass, irritability, and perhaps most distressing for many, a diminished libido. Not everyone aspires to be Don Juan. But for many, having sufficient upbeat libido...Read More
Gynecology, Pain, Sex
What Women Suffer Most from Menopause?
There’s a universal fact for women. If they live long enough, their capacity to bring forth children will end, and they will become menopausal. Menopause can be when the thermostat becomes their most prized possession. But not all women have hot flashes. Some go through this period wondering why they have no symptoms. The best advice for them is, “Enjoy the smooth sailing!” Other women endure needless suffering. There are treatments, and these women should see their doctors. The medical journal, The Lancet, has urged women to become educated about hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Menopause should not be considered a disease. It is a natural process. Be cautious with commercial interests of pharmaceutical companies’ propaganda. Seek information from a medical specialist. The authors of...Read More
Talking about Sex, Love, and Safety
Marilyn Monroe, the American actress and sex symbol of the 1950s, said, “Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature.” It was scandalous then, and speaking about sex is still difficult terrain for many people. A reader recently asked for our thoughts on how to advise young people about sex. The New Year is as good a time as any other to talk about sex – how it relates to life, love, luck, and liberty, and to pain, panic, power, and other potential problems. For those hoping we’ll disclose the information and tools you need to talk about sex with your loved ones, it’s necessary to splash a little cold water. This week’s column is full of cautionary notes,...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Infection, Philosophy, Sex
More Amore for Good Health
Have you had enough of the daily news about endless epic failures of humankind to get things right? What if everyone just made love a little more? Would we all be in a better place? The fact is, having sex – or more to the point, making love – is downright good for you. We’ve said it before, and it bears repeating. Good sex is good exercise. Interesting acrobatics between two people involve a little stretching to limber up the muscles. Vigorous aerobic activity consumes calories. Good exercise, no matter how you get it, will help fight off the demon of obesity. If couch potatoes traded watching TV with chips for a regular romp with their partners, there would be a...Read More
Cardiovascular, Sex
Boosting Nitric Oxide the Antidote to Getting Older
The French existentialist, Gabriel Marcel, asserted “Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be experienced.” Nevertheless, scientists remain intent on figuring it out. The cells in our bodies are susceptible to damage. A sunburn is a visible example. Ultraviolet rays scorch skin cells, causing rapid death. Damage occurs at a slower pace from poor diet, excessive alcohol, smoking, and all kinds of physical and mental stress. Over time, the biological process of replacing damaged cells through replication involves compounding errors, and cells die completely. When too many cells die, biological systems start to falter. This, in short, is aging. Researchers are exploring experimental drugs, essential trace minerals, and even calorie restriction as avenues to longer lives. What is the...Read More
Teenage Sex Pushing Boundaries in the Pandemic
If you are a parent or grandparent to teenagers, chances are you think the pandemic has them safely secluded at home – having inoculated them, you might say, from sexual encounters. But that might be wishful thinking. It’s been said “It’s hard to prepare teenagers for life when they already know everything.” But even if they do have all knowledge at their fingertips, their bodies are way ahead of their brains. The wiring of the teenage brain develops just the same, no matter the era. The pandemic’s “quaranteenagers” are programmed to test their boundaries, just like all who came before them. Until they reach their mid-20s, the prefrontal cortex that controls complex reasoning, impulse control, and planning is still developing. When it...Read More
Nutrition, Sex
Darling, a Little Chocolate for a Little Amour?
Hmm, should I order flowers, maybe consider a romantic candlelight dinner, or a box of chocolates? This year, chocolate wins after reading an article from the highly respected Nutrition department at Tuft’s University. So, what’s good and what’s questionable about chocolate on Valentine’s day? I believe readers will agree that we need a lot more love in this troubled world. The Aztec Indians thought so too. They considered chocolate an aphrodisiac. The story goes that Montezuma consumed a huge chocolate drink before visiting his harem. Alas, this is more fiction than science. A chemical called phenylethylamine is present in chocolate and does play a small part in emotional arousal. But studies show that eating chocolate does not increase the level of this...Read More
Alternate Treatments, Sex
The Big T: Could It Get Me to 95 +?
Should aging males use testosterone therapy to increase overall health and longevity? It’s a question I’ve pondered after interviewing Dr. Malcolm Crowthers, an early pioneer of testosterone therapy, in London, England, years ago. Now, Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, Clinical Professor at The Harvard Medical School, agrees the benefits of “big T” should not be denied to men, even those with prostate cancer. And would big T get me to 95 +, I wonder? I vividly remember talking to Crowther’s patients. They were happy campers, hoping to be shot by a jealous lover at age 95! But sex is only part of the big T story. Low testosterone is present in 40 percent of men over age 45. Its loss is associated...Read More
Gynecology, Sex, Women's Health
STD: The Horizontal Mambo Has Hidden Hazards
A member of the Russian ski patrol was asked on TV what he did first on his arrival home from work. He replied, “I make love to my wife”. “I understand, as you’ve been away a long time”, said the interviewer. “But what do you do next?” “Oh, I make love again” he replied. Frustrated, the interviewer said, “But what do you do next?” “Oh, I take off my skis!” The elderly can only dream of this scenario. As one wise sage remarked, “in every older person there is a young person wondering what the hell happened!” But there’s evidence that more seniors have learned to do the “horizontal mambo.” Senior sex comes as a surprise to younger people. One University survey...Read More
Lifestyle, Sex, Women's Health
A Pink Pill for Female Sexual Equality?????
George Carlin, the American comedian, when referring to God, once remarked, “He, and if there is a God, I am convinced he is a he, because no woman could or would screw things up this badly”. I agree that if more women were in charge, this world would be a safer planet. But a recent medical announcement about female sexuality makes me wonder if women should be careful of what they wish for, like the pink pill, Addyi (flibanserin). It’s just been approved in the U.S., but not yet in Canada. We know that the blue pill has had a major impact on male sexuality. It’s been 17 years since Viagra was approved for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). Since then...Read More
Cancer, Lifestyle, Sex
“Darling, Do I Have Permission to Have Sex With 20 Other Women?”
Hmmm… Why wasn’t this study done 70 years ago when I was young with an abundance of testosterone? This was my first reaction to a report in the journal, Cancer Epidemiology. But for the Don Juans of this world, this news is better late than never. I’m sure they will be ecstatic to learn that frequent sex can decrease the risk of prostate cancer. But what will their bride-to-be say? Marie-Elise Parent is Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Montreal. I have not met her, but she’s been affectionately called, for appropriate reasons, “Madame Prostate”. She also has my congratulations for her unique research. So what’s the good news for Romeos? The Montreal study questioned 3,208 men between 2005 and 2009...Read More
Infection, Lifestyle, Medicine, Sex, Women's Health
“DILI” Is Killing More People Every Year
North Americans must rid themselves of a major misconception. Too much Cabernet Sauvignon is not the only way to damage the liver. Today liver injury is being caused by prescription drugs, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, and some herbal supplements. More than 1,000 drugs and supplements have been associated with drug induced liver injury (DILI) which is increasing every year. Everything we consume, with both good and toxic ingredients, are eventually filtered by the liver. This organ has great regenerative powers, but it is not indestructible. Moreover, advanced age and being a woman can decrease the liver’s ability to metabolize toxic products, resulting in DILI. For example, many people take Tylenol (acetaminophen). It’s an effective pain killer if label instructions are followed, but there’s...Read More
Cardiovascular, Genitourinary, Medicine, Sex
Mae West Knew When Men Were Men
As a male, have you lost the "tiger-in-the-tank"? Possibly you are more irritable, suffer insomnia, have problems at work, lost height, lack energy and lack erections? Now you wonder if testosterone therapy is what’s needed to restore your male vigour? Mae West, the movie sex queen of long ago, knew what made men, men. She greeted them with a sultry voice, "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?" I first became interested in what’s often called "The big T" years ago when I interviewed Dr. Malcolm Carruthers at a Conference on Aging in London, England. Carruthers, a distinguished Harley Street specialist, was one of the early pioneers in testosterone therapy. During the interview with Carruthers,...Read More
Cardiovascular, Genitourinary, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous, Nutrition, Sex
What You Should Ask Before You Say, “I Do”
We've often heard a minister ask, "Mary MacTavish, do you take John MacDuff to be your lawful husband, to love and cherish, till death do you part?" But in 2014, hasn't life become more complicated for such a lifetime vow? Shouldn't Mary ask John, "Do you toss your dirty socks on the floor?" Or, "What is your risk of obesity?" She might demand "Before we go roaming in the gloaming, send me a copy of your sperm count and what you wear underneath your kilt." A report from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, should make every prospective bride, who wants to be a mother, take a second look at her husband-to-be before she says, "I do". Scottish researchers now repeat what we...Read More
Cardiovascular, Nutrition, Sex
Beetrootburgers, To Lower Blood Pressure and Boost Amour
Why would I want to eat beets? Because my mother happened to like beets and said they were good for me. You did not say "No" to my mother. Besides, I thought they might be better than spinach. Now it appears my mother made an excellent choice as research shows the lowly beet packs a powerful punch. Beets are a traditional vegetable in Eastern and Central Europe and India. Fortunately, beets are easily grown most of the year, have long storability and adapt to a wide variety of climates. The medicinal value of beets dates back to early times. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, recommended beets for binding wounds, blood cleansing and digestive problems. The goddess of love, Aphrodite, believed her romantic...Read More
Cardiovascular, Sex
Sex? The Day after Heart Attack?
Being shot by a jealous lover at 95 years of age is my idea of the best way to leave this planet. But suppose you're younger and have survived a coronary attack or bypass surgery? Is a little romp in the bed safe? Or is it time to switch to backgammon? A study published in The Journal of the American Heart Association about this reports a major problem. Women who asked their doctors questions about sex received vague answers. In fact, some patients simply gave up sex following a coronary as they were too embarrassed to ask their doctors about it. Another problem is depression. It's hard not to be a bit uptight when you have survived a brush with death. This...Read More
Do Seniors Indulge in Sex?
One University survey recently revealed that 80 per cent of students thought their parents didn't have any "amour". Talk about youthful denial! Society in general seems to believe that seniors just pull up the covers and fall asleep. But sex doesn't fade from the radar at age 60, 80 or even in the nursing home. Besides, the Danes have discovered that sex even decreases the cost of medical care! North Americans should take note. Sure, sexual activity changes with age. You may no longer hang from the chandelier while having sex. But for some couples, slowing down and being less acrobatic enhances the experience. Besides, 50 percent of people over 50 are either widowed or divorced and in need of "tender...Read More
Infection, Sex
New Facts About Genital Herpes
"How could this happen to me?" Or "How can I tell my partner I have genital herpes?" I have too often heard these questions, and the despair, guilt, remorse and fear of patients when told they have genital herpes. Now, a report in the journal, "Nature", may help to decrease the spread of this disease and result in an effective treatment for what is called "herpes simples virus Type 2 (HSV-2)" Today, it's estimated that 20 percent of the population is infected with HSV-2. But of this group 80 percent are unaware they have this infection. This means that 50 million North Americans have genital herpes and that every year another 500,000 are diagnosed with it. And once people are infected, no...Read More
Genitourinary, Sex
A Mighty Fighter’s Worst Sexual Nightmare
What does a mixed martial arts fighter (MMA) worry about before a fight? I've interviewed boxers, never an MMA fighter, but I suspect losing the match is the first concern. Or possibly breaking an arm, leg or sustaining other serious injuries. But I'd bet one MMA fighter, even in his wildest dreams, never envisioned he'd encounter this sexual nightmare. Ray Elbe, an Ultimate Fighter Season 9, was on a training tour in Southeast Asia. Like any other testosterone driven male he too realized there's more than just training all the time. So why not arrange for a little "amour"? But although his sport is dangerous, vigor in the ring provides the win. The bed has different hazards. In this case, the...Read More
Sex, Women's Health
Testosterone for Sexually Frustrated Women
Several weeks ago my column, "Do you want better sex?" struck a resounding note with female readers. But also with many husbands who want their wives to have fewer headaches! The general response was, "Please write more about testosterone and how it can increase female libido". Testosterone, the male hormone, has been called "the hormone of desire". In males the "Big T" builds muscle for boys and ultimately turns boys into sexually well-functioning men. Women also produce testosterone during puberty, but only about one-tenth as much as males. Later in life they produce less, and this is why some authorities believe women lose interest in sex. How do women know if they have less testosterone and therefore less "tiger in the tank"?...Read More
Gynecology, Sex
Do You Want Better Sex?
"How is your sex life," I often ask patients. It's amazing how often I get the reaction, "Finally, someone I can trust will discuss this matter with me". And often there's a problem. So what can be done to make the bedroom a happier place for both sexes? It's an important issue as sex may be only five percent of a relationship. But it's the first five percent! And it can also affect physical health. Dr. Leonard DeRogatis, Director of Sexual Medicine at Johns Hopkins University points out a major difference between men and women. He says that men have the desire but as they age can't get aroused. They're the lucky sex. Erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs solve the problem in...Read More
Neo40; Another Way to Treat Sexual Dysfunction
Who hasn’t heard by now of the prescription drugs, Viagra and Cialis for erectile dysfunction (ED)? Huge numbers of males are now happier campers than in days bygone when this medication was not available. This week, a unique approach for those who are not quite ready to admit they need ED drugs. Several months ago I wrote about a new product Neo40. I thought this remedy was too good to be true when I first read about it. Researchers reported that it helped those who fall asleep in the afternoon, decreased the risk of hypertension, osteoporosis and diabetes complications, lowered high cholesterol, eased the pain of arthritis, and assisted the immune system in fighting infection. But it was hard to label this...Read More
Giving a whole new meaning to score
Feeling deprived? No roll in the hay recently? If so, don’t despair, tonight may be the night. The Journal of The American Medical Association reports that a session of steamy “amour” can be a dangerous pastime. But could it help the Toronto Maple Leafs to win The Stanley Cup? Dr. Issa Dahabreh, researcher at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, studied 6,000 people in their 50s and 60s who were sexually inactive and had suffered heart problems. She asked, “What were you doing two hours before the cardiac event?” She discovered that some had gotten lucky and were involved in sexual intercourse after considerable abstinence. But they also suffered a risk of sudden heart attack 2.7 times the norm. Looking at it another...Read More
Sex While Sleeping?
“Do you know what I dreamed about last night?” is a remark often heard over breakfast. The dream may be a remembrance of a past trip, or a vision of a long-departed friend. But have you ever dreamed about sex? If you have, you may be smiling while enjoying your morning coffee, but it’s highly unlikely that your dream will be discussed around the table. So how often does “The Sleeping Beauty Syndrome” occur? And is it possible to experience the real McCoy while sleeping and not be aware it’s happened? Dr. Carlos Schenck, a psychiatrist at the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center, is an expert on behavioral disorders associated with sleep. He reports that there are...Read More
Darling, A Prostitute Saved My Life
What a way to leave this planet! A recent report reveals that an elderly pensioner, having taken an erectile dysfunction drug (ED), died in a brothel in Lugano, Switzerland, after a night with a prostitute. This is great promotion for the makers of ED drugs. But not so good if their effectiveness puts your name in the obituary column! And the owner of a sex club remarked, "Having customers die on us isn't exactly good publicity." The answer was obvious. Lugano's 38 sex clubs and brothels will now install cardiac defibrillators. Defibrillators work by delivering a controlled electric shock to restore the normal heart beat. In this case the shock won't be delivered by paramedics, but by a "Lady of the Night."...Read More