
Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Vitamins

How I Got to 101

February 22, 2025

My life has been marked by good fortune. Yes, I inherited good genes and followed a sound lifestyle. But I’ve also had the luck of the Irish. I often think about those people who lead a sound lifestyle, but who get terribly unlucky. These are people, sometimes in the prime of life, and through no fault of their own, die from accidents, infections, cancer, or dozens of other common and rare diseases. My life nearly ended when I had a severe heart attack at 74 years of age. I was advised by several cardiologists in Toronto and others I knew internationally of bad news. They said I would be dead in a few years or less if I did not take...Read More

Genitourinary, Vitamins

Facts and Myths about Kidney Stones

February 15, 2025

Margaret Thatcher, the resolute British Prime Minister known as the "Iron Lady" famously said, “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." But for the millions who endure the excruciating torture of passing a kidney stone, just once is enough. About 50 per cent of those who form one stone will feel the pain again within five years. Those who develop two or more stones will form others on an average of every 2.5 years. Kidney stones are crystals that develop on the inside lining of the kidney. The chronic irritation of these crystals may cause blood to appear in the urine. But major trouble begins when the accumulated deposit, the "stone", breaks loose. If big...Read More

Cardiovascular, Vitamins

Quercetin Is Part of a Winning Formula for Health

December 7, 2024

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a physician, wrote, "It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important." If he’d had his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes investigate the mysteries of nature, he’d have found quercetin – an element of many plant-based foods that is often overlooked. Quercetin is a flavonoid, found in fruits, vegetables, and grains, with particularly high concentrations in onions, apples, red grapes, berries, and green tea. It takes its name from Quercus, meaning “oak”. So no wonder its strength. Quercetin has powerful immune-boosting properties that help the body fend off infections and reduce the risk of chronic disease. It enhances the activity of immune cells like natural killer cells and macrophages, which...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Philosophy, Vitamins

High-Dose Vitamin C and Lysine

September 14, 2024

It’s an uncommon gift to reach 100 years of age – and be healthy. But apart from good genes and good luck, there are steps you can take to increase your chances for healthy longevity. Long time readers will know what I’ve said over and over again. Too many people gain excessive weight, eat poorly, neglect exercise, and fall victim to other lifestyle problems. They experience chronic diseases too early in life, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. My message has been, to prevent the onset of heart disease, a top killer, high doses of vitamin C taken over the long term can make a difference. If you hear contrary views, ask about the dose. What doses are used in clinical trials? Peewee...Read More


What Is the Difference Between Vitamins D, D2, and D3?

August 17, 2024

How many times have we seen people in a pharmacy looking at the D vitamins. They’re standing on one foot and then the other and wondering which one to purchase. They are not alone. Let’s start with D. Vitamin D is very important for human health. One of its prime purposes is the absorption of calcium and phosphorus to keep bones healthy and strong. If we develop a deficiency in these two minerals as we age, our bones lose their strength year after year, and we develop a disease called osteoporosis, meaning week bones. This can result in bone fractures, and it may lead to spending time in a wheelchair. Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because it’s the sun’s ultraviolet...Read More

Cardiovascular, Nutrition, Vitamins

A Lesson in the Body’s Building Blocks

August 3, 2024

Not everyone needs to have the knowledge of today’s biochemist. What’s important to know is that there have been extraordinary advances in what scientists now understand about the way the human body works. Their discoveries show it’s the little things that matter. Fifty years ago, the focus was at the level of the cell, understanding its properties and functions. In labs, experiments involved poking and prodding cells to see how they behaved in response. Today, advances in technology make it possible to study the building blocks of cells and how they function. Scientists, and now computers, are sequencing DNA at lightening pace. They can study proteins, for example, one at a time, manipulating genetic codes in search of breakthroughs in disease treatments. Among...Read More

Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Pain, Surgery, Vitamins

Why C is the Forever Vitamin

June 15, 2024

There’s an irony about the advertising woman who, in 1948, penned “A Diamond is Forever” to signify the enduring love of two people. Her name was Frances Gerety and she spent the bulk of her life alone. Diamonds do sparkle, but there’s a better “forever” companion. Longtime readers will know I’ll choose vitamin C over diamonds or any other glitzy trend, and definitely over cholesterol lowering drugs. Vitamin C doesn’t have the high cost or glamourous glitter of diamonds, and it makes no one rich. But making high doses of vitamin C a part of my daily routine has allowed me to spend another quarter century with my wife and family after a heart attack that nearly ended things for me...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Infection, Medicine, Nutrition, Philosophy, Vitamins

A Too Uncommon Theory of Medicine

May 25, 2024

Are your health care providers trained in integrative medicine? It’s not an area of medical specialization, like gynaecology or gastroenterology. Think of it as a theory of medicine. Doctors practicing integrative medicine respect the roles of prescription drugs and surgery when the situation calls for these treatments. But they also study and embrace the potential for natural remedies, lifestyle modifications, nutrition, and traditional practices in both health promotion and disease treatment. Hippocrates, born in 460 BC, was the most influential philosopher of integrative medicine. He believed the human body should be treated as a whole, not as the sum of its parts. Benedict Lust, born in 1872 in Baden, Germany, is regarded as the “Father of Naturopathy”, a form of alternative medicine whose...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Nutrition, Vitamins

Cardiovascular Health 101

May 11, 2024

Heart attacks are common and deadly. In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control acknowledges that one person dies every 33 seconds from cardiovascular disease. The Government of Canada reports about 14 adults aged 20 and over with diagnosed heart disease die every hour. But how many of these deaths are premature and preventable, and why don’t people take simple steps to save their lives? Atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in arteries, is a leading cause of heart disease. What doctors don’t do enough is educate patients on natural alternatives to prescription drugs. Why? Because most doctors aren’t trained in natural approaches to disease prevention. Vitamin C and lysine can help prevent this condition by inhibiting the formation of arterial plaque. Linus...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Philosophy, Vitamins

The Forever Formula for Good Health and Longevity

April 20, 2024

Readers often ask me what it takes to reach 100. My answer is always the same. Good genes. Good luck. And a lifetime of good choices about my health. “What about your daily regimen of high dose vitamin C, lysine, magnesium, coenzyme Q10, quercetin, and proline?” That’s right, I say. It’s my forever formula for health and longevity. I’ve recommended all kinds of things to readers, like stepping on the bathroom scale every day, taking good care of teeth, getting sufficient fibre in the diet, and being wary of medication. My website ( has thousands of my articles posted, and although maybe not all of them have aged as well as I have been fortunate to do, readers can find all...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Gastroenterology, Infection, Nutrition, Vitamins

In the Lab with Natural Immune Formulas

January 27, 2024

This week let’s look behind the scenes, in the labs where doctors and scientists are designing health supplements that address specific goals. What’s motivating them? What are they trying to do? And how successful are they? There are thousands of natural health supplements on the market – from vitamins and minerals to botanicals and proteins, plus all kinds of things falling into categories like enzymes and fatty acids. Then on top of this, there all the natural therapies offered by physical therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and so on. Collectively, it’s a mega-billion set of industries. Complicating the scene are corporations, like Proctor & Gamble, Bayer, and Abbott. Going toe to toe in the marketplace with these giants are small businesses, whom we can...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Vitamins

Jobs One, Two and Three for Lifelong Health

January 13, 2024

By the time you are reading this article, the stakes establishing the life course of your health have long been set. Your genetic inheritance, location, and family circumstances, combined with a complex set of early life factors determine how your health trajectory will begin. Through childhood and adulthood, you have opportunities to influence your well-being, but in the grand scheme, it’s tinkering at the margins. As you age, the question becomes, what can you do to maximize good health and minimize the impact of the inevitable decline? Taking good care to avoid the obvious pitfalls is job number one. Parents need to teach children about safety as early in life as possible. And everyone needs to practice safety daily and for...Read More

Infection, Vitamins

Missing Messages in Infection Prevention

October 21, 2023

Influenza, or the flu, is on the rise this time of year. That’s because the virus spreads easily when people are indoors in close contact and when the air is less humid and colder. So, it makes sense that International Infection Prevention Week takes place in October. But what doesn’t make sense is the absence of an important message. Public health officials offer a standard list of best practices to reduce the risk of infections. Hand hygiene is top of the list. It’s a fact that many people don’t wash their hands after using the toilet. But they will clutch their mobile phones, which never get washed, before during and after trips to the toilet. Hands and phones are both common...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Diabetes, Infection, Lifestyle, Vitamins

Preventing Diabetes Risk Due to COVID-19 Infection

September 2, 2023

Will COVID-19 and the complications associated with this disease ever vanish? Never bet on it. Virus experts say COVID-19 will rise its ugly head again this fall. With it, they add, the complication of both types of diabetes will increase. It’s the last thing we need when obesity is already causing a worldwide pandemic of type 2 diabetes. So, how can you reduce the risk? It’s easier than you think. First, type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not make enough insulin. Lifelong replacement and management of this hormone is the only option. With the more common type 2 diabetes, the body does not respond normally to insulin. We call this “Lifestyle Diabetes”. Why? Because it is preventable by avoiding...Read More

Lifestyle, Nutrition, Vitamins

Potassium by the Doctrine of the Golden Mean

August 5, 2023

Aristotle’s doctrine of the golden mean lauds the middle ground of two extremes: excess and deficiency. But not everyone follows this sage advice. And not all vitamins and minerals send clear signals of absence or excess. This week, a look at potassium, the third most abundant mineral in the body. People, animals, and plants all depend on potassium for essential functions. Depleted soil requires potassium to be replaced with fertilizer. Young animals lacking potassium will quickly die. In people, there’s danger in either too much or too little potassium. But a healthy diet, including healthy drinks, is the best approach. The American Heart Association recommends 3,400 milligrams (mg) of potassium per day for men and 2,600 mg per day for women. A...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Lifestyle, Medicine, Nutrition, Philosophy, Vitamins

Government’s Good Intentions Gone Bad

July 15, 2023

Everyone wants a safe, effective, and accessible supply of the products that keep us healthy. Doctors and patients need proven drugs. People seeking to prevent illness with natural remedies also need good products. But governments trying to ensure quality are putting measures in place that will limit the variety of supplements, make them more expensive, and make it harder for smaller companies with innovative products to compete. Natural products like vitamin C, fish oil, magnesium, calcium, and many other supplements are ingredients to good health. For the cost of a cup or coffee, daily supplementation can address deficiencies in the diet, add antioxidants, reduce inflammation, support the immune system, build bone, etc. For example, vitamin C and lysine in high doses help...Read More

Lifestyle, Vitamins

100th Trip Around the Sun

March 4, 2023

People often ask me, what’s my secret to a long and healthy life? This week, I start my 100th trip around the sun. So I must acknowledge that Lady Luck has been on my side. But it’s not just good luck, or good genes. As a medical doctor, I learned early that the best way to stay healthy is to avoid getting sick. Doctors can occasionally work miracles. But these are rare, and you should not count on them as a strategy for a long and healthy life. Your physical body is your only vehicle on this journey of life. It’s been said, “If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?” So take this to heart. Rule...Read More


Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

February 25, 2023

Vitamin D is often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin". This is because it is synthesized in our skin in response to sunlight. The beauty of Vitamin D is that it's free – a great model for “all things in moderation” too. There are two main forms of vitamin D: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is the form that is synthesized in the skin, while vitamin D2 is found in some plant-based foods and supplements. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in maintaining bone health by promoting the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the diet. It also helps to regulate the immune system and may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as colon, breast, and prostate...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Gastroenterology, Vitamins

Constipation Causes More Trouble Than You Think

September 17, 2022

Now and again, friends confide in friends that they have big problems. Dreaded are the occasions when the problem is a serious medical diagnosis. But when the problem is persistent constipation, it’s better to air the issue and not suffer in silence. Drug store remedies for constipation can fail to have effect. For many sufferers, the ailment involves days without a bowel movement. Ignoring the problem can lead to disturbing complications, to be avoided at all costs. Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, believed we are all living with sub-optimal levels of vitamin C. His primary interest was in studying the effects of high doses of vitamin C in protecting against heart disease. But in an interview with him, he...Read More

Alternate Treatments, Cancer, Diabetes, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Obesity, Vitamins

A Windfall of Science on Apples

September 10, 2022

We write about natural remedies we believe are good for human health.  Why this focus?  It’s not to encourage avoidance of pharmaceutical drugs when medical care is an imperative.  To the contrary, Canadians and Americans have the luxury of the world’s best doctors, medicinal drugs, and healthcare facilities. But health systems are overwhelmed. To ease the crush, people who are not yet ill should take up responsibility to stay healthy. Good health is not achieved through inaction. Live a poor lifestyle and illness will come as sure as night follows day. But the talents of doctors and the cure of drugs are best reserved for the unlucky who lose the health lottery. For young people and the healthy aging population, a proactive,...Read More

Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat, Infection, Vitamins

Viruses Love a Weak Immune System

July 2, 2022

Justin Bieber, the mega-successful pop icon, has had better days. His mental health and addiction issues are common to many superstars. He’s had Lyme disease and infectious mononucleosis. COVID infections interrupted concert dates. Now, he is suffering from a viral disease that has affected his speech and made him cancel more concerts. At only 28-years of age and all the wealth one could want, what’s going wrong? Doctors have determined his latest problem, a condition known as Ramsay Hunt syndrome. It occurs when the same virus that causes chickenpox activates in the ear and facial nerves causing facial paralysis and hearing loss in the affected ear. He is being treated and will be back on the stage soon. But Ramsay Hunt syndrome is...Read More


How Do You Know You’re Deficient in Vitamin C?

May 21, 2022

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient found in citrus fruits and as a dietary supplement. Now, a reader asks, “How do I know if I have a deficiency of vitamin C?” It’s a good question, as studies show that 14 percent of North Americans aren’t getting even the meagre recommended daily dose. Many more aren’t getting the high doses needed to decrease the risk of heart attack, stroke, and chronic inflammation. What are symptoms of vitamin C deficiency? Bleeding Gums, Tooth Loss, and Easy Bruising Vitamin C is needed to produce collagen, the glue that holds cells together. If there’s too little C, weakened blood vessels bleed when brushing teeth. The tragedy is teeth are lost not just by tooth decay. Many teeth...Read More

Cardiovascular, Vitamins

Why Wouldn’t You Take Care of Your Heart?

February 19, 2022

Diana Gifford-Jones: You are starting your 99th year. To what do you attribute your good health? Gifford-Jones, MD: I’ve been fortunate, but it nearly didn’t happen. I suffered a major heart attack when I was 74. My cardiologists insisted on cholesterol-lowering drugs to fight heart disease. But I knew of two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling’s research on high-dose vitamin C. I opted for a regimen of 10,000 mg daily which I still continue. Diana: Why not take cholesterol-lowering drugs? Giff: There are side-effects I preferred to avoid. Everyone needs to make their own decisions with their doctors, but mine was anchored in the belief Dr. Pauling was right. He knew that animals produce vitamin C and humans do not. This is...Read More

Infection, Medicine, Vitamins

The Case for Vaccination is Clear

October 23, 2021

What helped to shape my career? As a small child I became spell bound when I read Paul de Kruif’s book “Microbe Hunters”, published in 1926. It offers a sweeping history of the earliest microbiologists and immunologists, dating back to the discovery of microbes in the 17th century. Louis Pasteur features prominently as the researcher who discovered how to make the vaccine that neutralizes the microbe that causes rabies. Scientists were producing vaccines to treat many other viral diseases. It became my burning desire to be a doctor. Vaccines have saved countless lives. This is clear. Three years ago, my column discussed vaccination. I explained that, as a surgeon, I could never guarantee that operations were 100 percent free of complications. I...Read More


What Would Make Your Skin Turn Yellow?

August 21, 2021

A report from the Massachusetts General Hospital and published in the New England Journal of Medicine tells an interesting story. A 62-year-old man over a two-month period developed numbness, a “pins and needles” sensation in his hands, shortness of breath, trouble walking due to severe joint pain, and he began to turn yellow. Anyone faced with all these problems would think the end is near and start planning to say goodbye to loved ones. In retrospect, his symptoms could have been even worse.  He could also have faced paranoia, delusions, memory loss, incontinence, loss of taste and more. But this man had a pinch of good luck. Tests revealed he had a deficiency of vitamin B-12. He wasn’t going to die. But...Read More