Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat, Vitamins
Lutein For Healthy Eyes
Today seven million North Americans Suffer from a devastating disease, macular degeneration. No longer can they enjoy the simple pleasures of reading or watching TV. These unfortunate people have lost their central vision. But there is a way to reduce the risk of this disabling problem. The retina acts like the film of a camera conveying images to the brain. The big picture is sent by sensitive detectors present throughout the retina. The small picture, namely central vision is sent by the macula. It's situated directly behind the lens, densely packed with visual detectors about the size of the "o". Stare someone in the eye at a distance of 20 feet and your looking at the macula. All the rest is peripheral...Read More
Gastroenterology, Neurology, Vitamins
How To Keep Your Brain In Shape
Are there some days you believe you need a brain transplant? You're getting those senior moments even though you're only 40 years age? Or starting to worry that at 70 you're forgetting things you shouldn't forget? These days with so much talk about Alzheimer's Disease it's easy to assume you may be losing it. Fortunately most people who worry about this disease don't have it. But today there are ways to keep the brain in better shape? Here's a story that shows you don't have to be a neurologist to understand what's happening to the brain. Rather, Dr. Robert Russell a gastroenterologist and Director of the Human Research Center at Tuft's University, cured this woman with a single pill. The patient, 70...Read More
Vitamin A: The Bear Had The Last Laugh
I've always liked bears. So I find it hard to understand how hunters can slaughter them. That's why I like this medical story of how the bear, although killed, had the last laugh. Hunters tracked down a bear and shot it. After the kill they were looking forward to a meal. They all loved liver and consumed large quantities. But although great hunters, they were obviously babes in the wood when it came to bear's livers. They didn't know that bear livers contains massive amounts of vitamin A. And so I shed few tears to learn that they all suffered from vitamin A poisoning. Maybe they'll spare the next bear! Today there's a national mania to pop vitamins. There's no doubt that...Read More