

Sex While Sleeping?

August 23, 2010

“Do you know what I dreamed about last night?” is a remark often heard over breakfast. The dream may be a remembrance of a past trip, or a vision of a long-departed friend. But have you ever dreamed about sex? If you have, you may be smiling while enjoying your morning coffee, but it’s highly unlikely that your dream will be discussed around the table. So how often does “The Sleeping Beauty Syndrome” occur? And is it possible to experience the real McCoy while sleeping and not be aware it’s happened? Dr. Carlos Schenck, a psychiatrist at the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center, is an expert on behavioral disorders associated with sleep. He reports that there are...Read More


Vitamin C and Alzheimer’s Disease

August 23, 2010

What causes Alzheimer’s Disease? No one knows the answer. But a recent report in the journal, Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, claims there is an important link between heart disease and Alzheimer’s Disease. The link is atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries). What amazes me is that since it’s been shown that vitamin C can reverse atherosclerosis in coronary arteries, why isn’t any one advocating its use in trying to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease? Researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Center in Oakland, California, and the University of Kuopio in Finland, tracked 10,000 people for 40 years. They found that high blood cholesterol was associated with a 66 percent higher risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. More worrying was that those with borderline levels of blood cholesterol...Read More


Fight Aging and Diabetes With a Cup Of o’Joe

August 1, 2010

“Would you like another cup of coffee?” the waiter asks. Most likely you’ll say “Yes” and then wonder if you’re drinking too much of o’Joe for your health. Today over 110 million North Americans consume coffee. But how much is too much, and can it decrease the risk of Type 2 diabetes or slow down aging? A recent report from Sydney, Australia, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, analyzed data from 500,000 people. Researchers report that those who drank three to four cups of decaffeinated coffee per day had a 33 percent decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, compared to non-coffee drinkers. The same amount of tea dropped the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 20 percent. This isn’t the first...Read More


Can The Pinocchio Syndrome Solve The Niqab Dilemma?

July 25, 2010

Can you tell if someone is lying if the face is covered with a niqab? It’s a current Canadian question as a law court attempts to decide whether or not a sexual assault complainant may be allowed to wear her niqab in court. Can the “Pinocchio Syndrome”, and two former U.S presidents help attorneys decide this issue? Several years ago I talked with Dr. Alan Hirsch, a psychiatrist associated with the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry at Rush Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Centre in Chicago. Hirsch remarked, “The next time you believe you’re getting snow-balled by a person, think of the Pinocchio Syndrome”. Dr. Hirsch claimed that blood rushes to the nose of people who lie. This sudden increase in blood supply...Read More


A Natural Cure For Constipation

June 1, 2010

What's the only cure for alcoholics? Alcoholics Anonymous. It advises people to pour alcohol down the drain. What we need is another organization, called Constipation Anonymous, to preach the same message to those who cripple their bowels by the chronic use of laxatives. But there is a safe, cheap, natural cure, unknown to 99.9 percent of the population, that cures daily grunting on the John. Barnum and Bailey, the circus promoters, used to say, "There's a sucker born every day". They could be referring to people who fall prey to high-powered ads and spend millions of dollars treating constipation. Busy doctors usually have little time to discuss this common malady with patients. So all too often patients with constipation seek out their...Read More

Women's Health

Tests For Men And Women That Cause Huge Troubles – PSA and Mammogram Tests

May 17, 2010

It's been aptly said that, "All would be well if there were no "Buts". Today, 20th century medicine has provided us with many positive advantages. But it's also given us some minor and few major "Buts". Recently, two separate reports show why it's so difficult for medical consumers and doctors to make the right decisions due to conflicting evidence. A recent report in The British Medical Journal contained shocking news. Dr. Richard Ablin states that doctors should stop using the PSA (prostate specific antigen) test to diagnose early prostate cancer. At this point it's reasonable to ask, "What gives Dr. Ablin the right to make such a dramatic announcement in such a prestigious medical journal?" The answer? He discovered the PSA...Read More

Gynecology, Women's Health

My Wife Is Driving Me Crazy. She’s Menopausal.

May 10, 2010

A husband asks, "Can you provide advice on how to treat my wife's problem? It's now impossible to live with her due to menopause. Her doctor has suggested hormones, but she refuses to take them because her mother died of breast cancer. Do you have any suggestions?" Newspaper headlines linking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to cancer and heart disease have left an indelible mark on the minds of many women. Fortunately, there are other natural ways to ease menopausal problems. Some women sail through menopause without trouble. For others, it means sleepless nights, embarrassing hot flushes, decreased sex drive, painful intercourse, urinary incontinence, headaches and an urge to kick the cat, or their husband, for trivial reasons. One patient, a high school principal,...Read More


New Short Needle Removes Fear of Diabetes Injections

May 10, 2010

Why would a 200 pound, tough, football player suddenly turn pale and develop circulatory collapse from such a trivial event? I'll never forget this scene at the Montreal General Hospital many years ago. A football playing friend, whom I had known for years, was visiting Montreal and required a needle injection due to a serious infection. A few seconds after this event his huge, hulking frame suddenly collapsed and he was lying semi-conscious on the floor. The diagnosis was Belonephobia (Needle Phobia) and although it's a relatively rare condition many people have needle anxiety and find injections intimidating. This can have a profound effect on the treatment of those with diabetes. Today, 247 million people worldwide have diabetes. In North America, a...Read More


Don’t Read This Column With Your Morning Coffee

May 6, 2010

Would you consent to have another person's fecal matter inserted into your body? It's a repugnant thought, particularly if you've decided to read this column at breakfast. But this procedure is being done and it's curing patients who suffer from Clostridium difficile infection, a troublesome recurrent bowel problem. So where do you pick up this infection and how is fecal material transplanted? John Dillinger, the notorious bank robber, was once asked why he robbed banks. He replied, "It's where the money is." Today if I asked infectious disease specialists where C. difficile is they would reply, "It's in the hospitals." So don't forget this fact if you need hospital care. C difficile is not a rare problem. A report in the Journal...Read More

Cancer, Genitourinary

Cooking The Prostate Gland

April 26, 2010

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? No one knows. Nor has anyone, to this point, found the answer to treating prostate cancer. Now, a treatment called high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is available. So could this procedure be the ultimate way to cure prostate cancer? In North America, every three minutes, a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer and every 15 minutes a man dies from it. The major problem has always been, which men should be treated, and when should doctors follow a wait-and-see policy? Waiting to see what will happen has never been a logical move anytime cancer is diagnosed. The result is normally the spreading of the malignancy and eventually death. But prostate malignancy, unlike...Read More


The Vodka Epidemic In England

April 25, 2010

Last week, I wrote about being stranded in England for nine days due to Iceland's volcanic eruption. How this provided time to do some interesting research; why it's dangerous to drive after a blazing row with your partner, the possible hazards of mobile phones and other medical concerns. This week, the topic is a tragic epidemic, not due to a deadly viral agent. During a visit to St. Thomas's Hospital in London and later in Cardiff, Wales, emergency room doctors told me about the "Vodka Epidemic". They reported that thousands of middle-class teenage girls were drinking themselves senseless on neat vodka, sometimes with deadly results. I obviously asked, "Why is this happening? Professor Roger Williams, England's foremost expert on liver disease, says,...Read More


Vitamin D and Boston’s Floating Hospital

April 12, 2010

In the 19th century how were children treated who suffered from rickets due to a lack of vitamin D? If they were fortunate to live in New England, they were taken for long trips on Boston's Floating Hospital. This hospital ship exposed them to prolonged periods of sun, nature's way of producing vitamin D. Today not many people develop rickets. But how much D do you need, when should you take it, and can it protect you from a variety of problems? Here are some facts you should know. Does Vitamin D Prevent Cancer? Dr. Jo Ann Manson, Professor of Medicine at The Harvard Medical School, reports strong evidence that higher blood levels of vitamin D help to protect against colon cancer....Read More


Tiger And The Camel Should Have Said “No”

March 26, 2010

How much straw should you agree to carry each day? I'm not talking about spending time on a farm. But recently the problems of several patients reminded me of the famous story about "The Camel and the Straw", of the merchant who kept insisting his camel carry another straw. Finally one straw broke the camel's back and he slumped to the desert sand. These are several ways to prevent the same fate. One Some people never learn to say "no". But like the camel we have only so much energy and time to do our daily tasks. The obedient camel never complained or tried to strike a compromise with his master. People who always say "Yes" to every family, social and business...Read More

Infection, Vitamins

The Case Of The Dilated Pupil

March 15, 2010

What causes the most problems for patients? Ask Dr.Jerome Groopman, Chief of Experimental Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. He's author of the book "How Doctors Think" which outlines a study of 100 incorrect diagnoses. Dr. Groupman was interviewed by Dialogue, a publication of The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. He says that the wrong diagnosis isn't usually due to the doctors' ignorance, but by failing to ask the right questions. For instance, Dr. Groopman relates the story of a 80 year old man who had been seen by four specialists. The man had only one complaint? He said he suffered from "poor stamina". During several months specialists carried out cardiovascular, pulmonary function tests along with an...Read More


Circumcision : Does This Brutal Procedure Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

March 14, 2010

Why did my loving parents do this to me many years ago? I'm sure their doctor told them it was the hygienic thing to do. But I'm equally sure I must have been screaming like hell while it was being done. Today, millions of circumcisions are still performed. But it's time to stop this shocking brutality and the complications associated with it. Dr. Guy Madder, a surgeon at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide, Australia, reports in the Annals of Family Medicine that there is no convincing evidence that circumcision decreases the risk of sexually transmitted disease, urinary track infections or penile cancer. The rituals of some religious faiths require circumcision. But, apart from these circumstances, it's hard to justify this procedure. In...Read More


Is it Safer to Sleep with a Cow or a Bat?

March 13, 2010

"I'm sure something is flying around my room" I complained to my parents one night many years ago. But when bedroom nights went on, neither I nor my parents could find any flying monster. They told me I had been dreaming and to go back to sleep. Two nights later, my Mother switched on a lamp in the living room and screamed as a bat flew out of it. I felt vindicated. But now the task was to catch the bat, and it was not easy. How many people have the questionable privilege of sleeping with a bat? Dr's Bryna Warshawsky and Shalini Desai report in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that such encounters occur to about 10 per 10,000 people each...Read More


Darling, A Prostitute Saved My Life

February 26, 2010

What a way to leave this planet! A recent report reveals that an elderly pensioner, having taken an erectile dysfunction drug (ED), died in a brothel in Lugano, Switzerland, after a night with a prostitute. This is great promotion for the makers of ED drugs. But not so good if their effectiveness puts your name in the obituary column! And the owner of a sex club remarked, "Having customers die on us isn't exactly good publicity." The answer was obvious. Lugano's 38 sex clubs and brothels will now install cardiac defibrillators. Defibrillators work by delivering a controlled electric shock to restore the normal heart beat. In this case the shock won't be delivered by paramedics, but by a "Lady of the Night."...Read More


Reader Response to Sterilization Of Mothers Who Have FAS Children

February 20, 2010

I recently posed this question, "Should women who repeatedly deliver fetal alcoholic syndrome (FAS) brain damaged babies be sterilized.? I received a ton of e-mails and readers requested a follow-up column. From Lethbridge, "What a tough topic to tackle. While human rights are important law makers have gone to the extreme allowing this injustice to continue. Thanks for raising awareness and brave enough to tell it like it is." ED in Sault Ste Marie says, "Totally agree, but it will be tough to legislate. Trudeau was only half right when he drafted the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He should have added Responsibility." From Windsor, "It's hard to read your abusive column. Last year the Canadian Psychiatric Association had a campaign targeting the...Read More

Genitourinary, Philosophy, Women's Health

Should Women Who Deliver Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Children Be Sterilized?

February 6, 2010

Destroying yourself with alcohol is one thing. Destroying an innocent fetus by excessive use of alcohol is maternal madness. Yet every year alcohol-riddled babies are born in this country suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS is the leading cause of mental retardation and birth defects in North America. In 1976 the Journal of the American Medical Association reported a study of 41 infants born with FAS, having both physical and mental defects. Since that time studies show that nine in every 1,000 babies born in this country have some form of FAS. One in three will have the severe form with wide-set eyes, thin upper lips, low birth weight and small head circumference. We now know that FAS occurs in about...Read More


Natural Ways To Prevent And Treat Bone Loss

February 6, 2010

A reader asks, "Is it necessary to take drugs to prevent broken bones, or are there natural ways to treat this problem? Studies show I have osteopenia and I'm afraid this will lead to osteoporosis (brittle bones)" Today, with doctors ordering more tests to determine bone mineral density (BMD), it's prudent to know what it means when a doctor says, "You have osteopenia." One wise sage remarked, 'Getting older is invariably fatal". But one could also add that, getting older is invariably associated with wrinkles, fatigue, varicose veins, having difficulty reading fine print and osteopenia Some bone loss is as sure as night follows day as we age, much like getting gray hair. So there's no need to go into a major...Read More

Gynecology, Women's Health

The Doctors Didn’t Even Examine Me

January 30, 2010

"Time To End Pelvic Examinations Done Without Consent", was a recent headline in one of Canada's national newspapers. But there should be another headline, "Why Are So Many Tests Being Done Without An Examination?" Dr. Sara Wainberg reports in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology that pelvic examinations being done by students without a patient's permission. They were performed after patients were anesthetized prior to hysterectomy or other pelvic procedures. This gynecological learning process has been utilized for years in teaching hospitals without newspaper headlines. The criticism is that the procedure is done without informed consent. This is a valid ethical complaint and is easily corrected by obtaining a patient's consent. But this teaching technique, to my knowledge, has never resulted in...Read More


Cardiologists Say This Research is “Hog Wash” – Vitamin C

January 25, 2010

What are the pleasures and frustrations of writing a medical column? The best reward is the response from readers whose health has been helped by a column. The greatest frustration is when a new medical topic triggers a negative response from doctors. But who provide no scientific explanation for their opinion. Several weeks ago I presented evidence that vitamin C in large doses, along with amino acids, could prevent heart attack. The response from one of the leading cardiologists in this country, "It's hog wash". And not one cardiologist has urged that a study be done to prove this theory right or wrong. The Canadian Medical Association Journal, having published previously my opinion on controversial matters, refused to publish this article. Their...Read More


CRP Predicts Heart Disease Better Than Cholesterol

January 21, 2010

How much trust would you put in a test when it's results are 50 percent wrong? It would do little to ease the psyche. Yet for years millions of people have shown blind faith in the cholesterol blood test as the prime predictor of heart disease. This year another one-and-a-half million North Americans will experience the crushing chest pain of coronary attack. But half of these patients will show normal blood cholesterol levels. Now a study from The Harvard Medical School may make another blood test a household word. Dr. Paul Ridker has followed the fate of 28,000 women for eight years. He found that women with high levels of C- Reactive Protein (CRP) were twice as likely to have a...Read More


They Said I Was Dreaming

January 19, 2010

"I'm sure something is flying around my room" I complained to my parents one night many years ago. But when bedroom nights went on, neither I nor my parents could find any flying monster. They told me I had been dreaming and to go back to sleep. Two nights later, my Mother switched on a lamp in the living room and screamed as a bat flew out of it. I felt vindicated. But now the task was to catch the bat, and it was not easy. How many people have the questionable privilege of sleeping with a bat? Dr's Bryna Warshawsky and Shalini Desai report in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that such encounters occur to about 10 per 10,000 people each...Read More


Excess Salt: It’s Like a Commuter Jet Crashing Every Day

January 17, 2010

Suppose you were given this choice, early death from heart attack or stroke or decreasing the amount of salt in your diet. It would be an easy decision for most people. But decreasing the amount of salt is easier said than done. Today, most packaged foods are loaded with salt. This situation won't change as long as companies believe consumers are dumb bunnies and can't read labels. Why do North Americans consume so much salt? Food manufacturers recently told a government committee the public is to blame. They claim we crave salt and won't compromise on taste by accepting lesser amounts. But this is nonsense. In 2004 The English Standards Agency launched a major health campaign, called "Know Your Numbers". It was...Read More