

Canadian Institute of CardioRetinometry

September 7, 2008

Why Should You Consider Retinal Photography? To analyze the current status of your retinal arteries and diagnose whether arterial blockages will lead to coronary artery attack. And to initiate therapy with vitamin C and Lysine to cause a regression of these lesions. Why Did I Become Involved in This Project? Read More


Acne Scars Can Now Be Treated Successfully with ArteSense

August 26, 2008

"Would you like to be young again?" I ask. Many people would jump at the chance of getting back years. But when I ask, "would you want to revisit those acne years when you were the butt end of jokes from classmates?" many say "thanks, but no thanks." The psychological trauma of that time was a passing problem. But unsightly depressions and scars that remain are another matter. Fortunately, there's now a way to remove them. Acne affects up to 85 percent of young people and 11 percent of adults 25 and older. There are few diseases more aggravating for both parents and teenagers. It's a time when young people need acceptance and self-assurance. The daily embarrassment of a face and...Read More

Gynecology, Women's Health

A Good Way To Detect Submarines, But Babies? – Ultrasound

August 26, 2008

"Will repeated ultrasound examinations (US) harm my baby?" This is a question readers often ask. It's a timely question since millions of obstetrical diagnostic exams are done every year in North America. As well many expectant families want to record this historic moment by obtaining a high-resolution 3-D video of it. How safe are these procedure? Ultrasonography was invented during World War II to prevent German submarines from sinking Allied ships. Later, Dr. Ian Donald, a Scottish doctor, used this technique to diagnose abdominal tumours. Its use quickly spread to pregnancies. Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves that create images on a screen. This can be extremely useful in helping doctors to determine the cause of bleeding in early pregnancy, or in...Read More


Suppose You Passed A Worm One Foot Long!

August 18, 2008

It was once written that, "That for want of a nail the shoe was lost, for want of a shoe the horse was lost, for want of a horse the rider was lost, and for want of a rider the war was lost". And Julius Cesar said much the same, "In war trivial causes produce momentous events". It might also be said, that in medicine, trivial decisions can cause needless deaths. The Canadian Medical Association Journal reports that a 22 year old woman who had been in good health, was examined due to a four day history of hemorrhagic lesions on both legs. During that time the lesions had been increasing in number. She stated that neither she nor her family had...Read More

Lifestyle, Obesity

Can You Be Hefty and Healthy?

August 10, 2008

For years this columnist and others have been screaming from the rooftops that excess pounds are unhealthy. Now several reports show that it's not that simple and it's possible to be both hefty and healthy. So how can you do it? A study of 2,600 people published in the Journal of The American Medical Association showed that physically active people had about the same mortality rate regardless of whether they were underweight, normal weight or overweight. In fact, the news was even better for those who were overweight. People who were obese, but fit and in good cardiovascular health, had a strong survival edge over those who were thin couch potatoes. I've told patients for years to buy a scale and step...Read More

Gynecology, Sex, Women's Health

Not Tonight Darling, I’m Pregnant – Sexual Myths During Pregnancy

August 3, 2008

Can the penis injure the fetus during pregnancy? Or can sexual intercourse result in premature labour and possibly fetal death? How will pregnancy affect sexual desire? And how soon after delivery is it safe to have sex? These are some of the many questions about pregnancy. There's one I'll never forget which should enter the Guinness Book of Records. Dr. Elias Bartellas, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John's, recently reported his findings on sex and pregnancy at the annual meeting of Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada. His report revealed that nine months is a long time to be ill-informed about sex. Today the majority of doctors are either too busy or embarrassed to bring...Read More


When Is It Critical To Ask “Stick Out Your Tongue?”

July 28, 2008

Why did a 28 year friend of mine survive a stroke while stroke destines another to spend the rest of life disabled? The reason is that some people are "stroke smart". They know that speed often means the difference between walking again, or being confined to a wheelchair. And it's easy to be "stroke smart". You only need to remember the first three letters of stroke, STR. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in Canada and the U.S. But it's the # one cause of adult disability. Dying is not a good thing, but being severely disabled from stroke may be a worse fate. Unfortunately, only three percent of stroke victims are treated within the first crucial three hours...Read More


Cholesterol Drugs For Eight Year Olds?

July 21, 2008

The American Academy of Pediatrics claims that children who are at high risk for developing heart disease should be prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs (CLDs) as early as eight years of age. This decision is either the ultimate in medical madness or a desperate and futile attempt to save obese children from early heart attack. We've known for years that atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries) starts early in life. Autopsies on young soldiers during the Korean war showed extensive evidence of this disease. And we know that obese children almost invariably become obese adults, perfect candidates for diabetes, atherosclerosis and heart attack. But if I had a young child with an elevated cholesterol level would I rush for CLDs? I would if there were a...Read More


Suppose An ACL Tear Had Happened To A Young Tiger Woods

July 14, 2008

Three letters, ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), could end the golfing career of Tiger Woods. As much as he tried, it was impossible for Woods to keep his pain to himself as he held his left knee, and limped and grimaced through 91 holes of the U.S Open. But was it prudent for Woods to play with a wounded knee and risk further damage to this vulnerable joint? A British study shows that legs account for 75 percent of all sport injuries and one-third of them are knee disorders. Unfortunately, it's the complex anatomy of the knee that is the Waterloo of so many athletes. Just ask hockey legend Bobbie Orr how hard it was to play competitive sport following knee surgery....Read More

Gynecology, Women's Health

The Possible Hazards of Pill Substitution

July 9, 2008

A 22 year old student says, "I've been on the birth control pill (BCP) for several years. Now my pharmacist wants to give me a generic BCP rather than my regular one. What should I know about these other pills?" It's a good question, and parents should also be concerned about substitution. Brand name birth control pills are those produced by established pharmaceutical companies that have spent years of research and millions of dollars to develop the pill. But once their patent expires other companies can make a copycat version. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) reports that it welcomes the increased choice of less expensive options. But adds that to qualify as an equivalent to existing brands generic...Read More


Viagra and Other Medical Tidbits

July 7, 2008

There are more uses for Viagra than meet the eye. You can get more than the Mother of All Hangovers after a night of binge drinking. Few parents give much thought to the fact that children face a hazard when urged to brush their teeth. And roller coaster rides this summer could provide more than thrills. All are topics worthy of concern. If you're depressed these days due to all the bad economic news perhaps a glass Cabernet Sauvignon could help to ease the tension. But a report in the British Medical Journal makes alarming reading for those who have a habit of binge drinking. Dr. Mohantha Dooldeniya is a urologist at Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield, England. He reports on three women...Read More


Ignore These Symptoms at Your Peril

July 7, 2008

When should you worry about symptoms? After all, we all have an occasional ache and pain, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, visual troubles and shortness of breath. So how can you separate minor problems from the ones that could end your life? There's no 100 percent guarantee, but here are some good guidelines. Persistent Fever If you have fever for no apparent reason lasting for several days, see your doctor. A persistent fever can be due to a urinary infection, undetected pneumonia, tuberculosis and malignant conditions such as lymphomas. For unexplained fever there is usually a cause. Vision Problems If you need a longer arm to read the newspaper you're middle aged and need glasses. Or, if you've had spots and cobweb-like objects floating in your...Read More

Gynecology, Surgery, Women's Health

Gas and Cesarean Operations at Record Highs

July 1, 2008

Not only is the price of gas rocketing to high levels. A recent report by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) says that 26.3 percent of women now have babies delivered by Cesarean section. There are many different opinions of why this has happened in both Canada and the U.S. But William Shakespeare had the ultimate explanation. Not just North America has seen this increase. In Hong Kong the Cesarean rate is 27 percent and in Brazil 32 percent. And the rate in some private clinics in Brazil is an astounding 75 percent! These are hefty figures when the World Health Organization claims that a rate of over 15 percent is questionable. Years ago it would have been utter...Read More


I Was Married By A Judge I Should Have Asked for A Jury

June 23, 2008

What's the chance of living to 85 years and beyond? Dr. Bradley J. Wilcox is the lead author of a longevity study carried out by the Pacific Health Research Institute in Hawaii. It's one of the longest studies on aging and it followed the health of 5,820 Japanese-American men for 40 years. At the start of the study their average age was 45 and they were all healthy. What happened to them depended on nine key factors. You can calculate your longevity with simple arithmetic. One - How good is your grip strength which is measured by how hard you can grasp an object? So the next time you squeeze a lemon estimate your strength. If your grip strength is strong...Read More


Vitamin C If It’s Good For Gorillas Why Not Us?

June 23, 2008

Are you headed for a heart attack because of "marginal scurvy", a condition resulting from a lack of vitamin C? Moreover, if vitamin C is sound medicine for gorillas, why isn't it good for us? And in the 16th century, why did the ship's cat survive long sea voyages when its sailors died from scurvy? Today we know that sailors of old, lacking vitamin C, died of this preventable disease. A shortage of fresh fruit in their diet resulted in degeneration of blood vessels, hemorrhage and death. Today scurvy is considered past history. But recent evidence shows that some people are suffering from marginal scurvy. Dr. Carol S. Johnston, Associate Professor at Arizona State University, reports that 7 per cent of Canadians, 13...Read More

Dermatology, Infection

Kiss Me But Please Don’t Shake My Hand

June 20, 2008

I've heard the question asked, "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" I have no idea. But I know that one million bacteria can fit on the point of a needle. So you don't have to be a genius at math to know that tens of millions can be present on door knobs, telephones and the hand you shake. Health authorities recently announced a crackdown on hand washing in hospitals to prevent fatal hospital infections. But will a snooping campaign work? And what is the greatest misconception about contracting infection? One hundred and fifty years ago, Semmelweiss, a doctor in Vienna, noticed that one in six women died of infection following childbirth. He decided it was because...Read More


Use Radiation Like Porcupines Make Love, Very Carefully

June 9, 2008

It's said that elephants never forget. Neither does radiation. The human body has a natural computer that tabulates every bit of radiation to which it is exposed during a lifetime. Radiation has great benefits in diagnosing disease when used wisely, but potentially harmful when used carelessly. So how much risk is there of developing a radiation-induced cancer? A report in Consumer Health says that 60 million computerized tomography (CT) scans were performed in 2007 in the U.S. This compares with 30 million 10 years ago. And according to Dr. David Brenner, Director of the Center for Radiological Research at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, one-third of these tests may not have been necessary. Remember there are radiation tests and there...Read More

Heroin, Pain

Rights of Addicts? And Rights Of Cancer Patients?

June 2, 2008

Should the injection site for addicts in Vancouver be closed? Proponents argue that one million injections in Vancouver have saved lives and decreased the risk of HIV infection. Others contend injection sites send the wrong message and it should be closed. But in this heated debate why don't both sides and our government attack the root cause of this cancerous problem. First, how sick are these heroin addicts? I've no idea, as I've never treated addicts. But Dr. Theodore Dalrymple, a British prison doctor and psychiatrist, has treated addicts for years. In his book "Romancing Opiates" he writes that heroin is not as highly addictive as is claimed and withdrawal is not medically serious. He contends that a useless medical bureaucracy...Read More


Why Are Gorillas In Captivity Dying?

May 29, 2008

Why is the recent epidemic of heart disease in captive gorillas important to humans? Surely we have enough human medical problems without wasting time on our close ancestor. But biologically we share with gorillas one startling similarity. Gorillas and humans lack an enzyme L-gulonolactone which is necessary to convert sugar glucose into vitamin C. You might say, "So what?" Well, before you go back to enjoying your morning coffee, consider this point. Lions, tigers, cats, cows, dogs, chickens and elephants all make their own vitamin C. They make a lot of C, from 3,000 to more than 13,000 milligrams (mg) a day. Unlike humans they also don't suffer from the same cardiovascular disease in the wild. But recently gorillas in captivity have...Read More


How The “Neat” Theory and “Magic Underwear” Keep You Thin

May 26, 2008

Why is it that some people are thin and others prone to obesity? Hundreds of books have been written to explain this dilemma. Some blame the under active thyroid. Others cite genetics. But Dr. James Levine, an endocrinologists and Professor of Nutrition at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, has a "neat" theory supported by "Magic Underwear" to explain the difference. In Nutrition Action Health Letter he reports a unique experiment. He gathered together a combination of thin people and obese couch potatoes who never went to the gym. He then gave both groups an extra 1,000 calories a day above their usual caloric intake for eight weeks to see what would happen. They were also fitted with underwear that was equipped...Read More

Dental, Surgery

Saving Thousands of Dollars On Expensive Dental care

May 15, 2008

My initial reaction was, "It can't be true". I've enough gray hair to know that if something sounds too good to be true, it's normally an easy way to lose money. But this was one of my editors talking. And I've also got enough gray hair to know you don't tell your editor he's full of baloney. That's a speedy way to get fired. So I politely listened. Particularly, since preserving healthy teeth has always been a good way to preserve your health. Karsten Mertens is publisher of the German newspaper, "Neue Welt", Canada's major German newspaper. Several months ago he decided it was time for a dental checkup even though he had no symptoms of dental trouble. His dentist took...Read More

Women's Health

What You Should Know About Generic Birth Control Pills

May 10, 2008

A 22 year old student at the University of Toronto says, "I've been on birth control pills (BCPs) for several years and have a tight budget. My pharmacist says that a new generic BCP, "Avaine", is available. Are these generic pills safe?" Another reader, who wants to be a grandmother rather than a mother, questions whether generic BCPs offer the same protection against pregnancy". These are good questions. Everyone wants to be sure they're getting the same protection and value for their dollar. Pharmaceutical companies, producing brand name products, have had patent protection from generic drugs, for several years. This allows them to recoup the millions of dollars they've spent on research to develop a drug. But, as you would suspect,...Read More


How To Prevent Summer Hazards

May 5, 2008

"Thank God, it will soon be summer!" a patient recently exclaimed to me. I agreed, but I know as sure as night follows day that many people this summer will do dumb things. Dr. David Janda, director of The Institute for Preventive Sports Medicine, Ann Arbour, Michigan, recently addressed the 37th Annual Sport Medicine Symposium in Toronto. He told delegates that injuries kill over 142,000 North Americans each year and 62 million require medical attention. Death may be better than some injuries. Janda reported that every summer in Michigan 60 people are paralyzed from diving into a shallow lake. They forget the golden rule when plunging into unknown waters, "First time feet first." One moment, they're mobile.  A split second later, they're...Read More


Read This, Then Go Out And Have A Beer

April 28, 2008

Years ago a speaker abruptly broke off his speech. He said, "I know you're bored with this topic and I'm bored, so let's quit and have a beer". I felt this way and nearly tossed this column out. Why bother to waste paper on something you already know? But on the other hand a report from The Harvard Medical School shows it's absolute madness that so many people are taking pills when two simple changes in lifestyle could prevent and treat some health problems. We can also learn from it what happens to a person who loses an arm. Today, there's good reason to be concerned about the depressing economic news. But if you're worried about investments, researchers at Harvard say...Read More


How To Avoid The Hazards of Summer

April 21, 2008

A West African Proverb says, "There is only one kind of common sense and 40 varieties of lunacy". Every summer proves the Africans are right. Needless injuries and deaths occur primarily because people have momentary relapses of good old-fashioned horse sense. Dr. David Bishai at Johns Hopkins reports in Annals of Emergency Medicine that an 11 year old ballet student who lost her foot. She had fallen off a power lawn mower while having fun cutting the grass. Shriners Hospitals say that 275,000 people every year are treated in emergency rooms due to lawn mower and garden tools accidents. 35,000 of these injuries involve children under 15 years of age who lose hands, legs or their lives. These are accidents waiting to...Read More