New Treatment For Tennis Elbow and Painful Heel
"Why has God done this to me?" a patient asked several months ago. She had developed tennis elbow and had been forced to stop playing her favourite sport. But to make matters worse she had also developed plantar fasciitis, commonly known as painful heel. And she having difficulty walking. But she learned that God hadn't totally deserted her. Due to a new treatment she's now back playing tennis and walking without pain. Tennis doesn't rival skiing down the Alps to head the list of sports causing serious injuries. But it's estimated that eight million North Americans suffer from tennis elbow. Another seven million from painful heel. And doctors have needed the wisdom of Solomon plus a little luck to ease the...Read More
Dermatology, Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat, Psychiatry
The Dangers of Tongue Piercing
Why in the name of Heaven do they do it? And the locations? One of the first rings I encountered in my office was in the belly button. The next one in a very intimate part of the female anatomy. That's the one that made my white hair stand on end. Then others began to appear in the lips, cheeks, nose and tongue. Now several reports indicate that placing a ring in the tongue can trigger life-threatening complications. Drs. Richard Martinet and Elizabeth Cooney are infectious disease specialists at Yale University. They recently reported on one 22-year-old woman who got more than she bargained for after tongue piercing. Following the procedure she developed pain and a foul discharge at the site of...Read More
Archive, Surgery
“Critical Mass” Is The Name of the Game In Surgery
Suppose you need a radical cancer operation. Or angioplasty to remove a blockage in coronary arteries. Or a coronary bypass operation. Who should perform these procedures? Where should they be done? These are questions that patients and families of an aging population are asking more often. The answers may mean the difference between life and death. One component of the answer is "Critical Mass". Or, put another way, the old dictum is still true, "Practice makes perfect." Whether you're a plumber or a surgeon the more work you do the better the results. Dr. James Hollis, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, stressed this point at a meeting of the American Heart Association. Patients, he said, were more...Read More
Bad Boys Have Big Balls
How do you know if your male partner is cheating on you? Some women look for evidence of lipstick on the collar. Or suspect a clandestine affair when he returns home at 1:00 AM night after night. Still others hire a detective at great expense to follow their partner week after week looking for proof of infidelity. But now there's a unique and inexpensive way to assess promiscuity. All you have to do is buy a pair of plastic callipers. Then at the right moment you make your move. He'll be in for the surprise of his life when you say, "Darling tonight I want to measure your testicle?" Dr. Robin Baker is an evolutionary biologist and popular science author. He recently...Read More
Pigs May Save Thousands of Lives – Part 2
Every eight hours a person waiting for a transplant dies in the U.S. because a human organ is not available. Last week I criticized Christians. The ones who refuse to donate an organ because they believe a person's body should be intact at burial. I suggested that Ministers remind their congregations that you can still enter the Pearly Gates minus a heart or kidney. The irony is that the lowly pig who may eventually solve the crisis in organ transplantation. I recently interviewed Dr. David White at the International Congress on Transplantation held in Barcelona, Spain. Dr. White is the world's authority on Xenotransplantation, the transplantation of animal organs to other species. Dr White faced formidable odds. It's difficult enough for humans to...Read More
Where are All The Good Christians? – Part 1
What are my credentials for having the gall to give a sermon on religion? I admit I'm not a graduate of any theological college. But I was once a choir boy and since then I've listened to hundreds of impassioned and often boring sermons. Now, having returned from The International Congress of the Transplantation Society in Barcelona, I believe I'm qualified to give a sermon of my own. Theologians and their flocks have a major credibility problem. What they preach about brotherly love is one thing. What they do about it is another. The Barcelona meeting emphasized what has been stated for several years. Today the crisis in human organ donation continues. It's estimated that every eight hours a patient waiting for a...Read More
Beware of Flatus this Christmas
Why would anyone spend time studying rectal flatus? After all, hell would have to freeze over before this research would win the Nobel Prize in Medicine. But it is rather refreshing, if you will pardon the pun, to learn that a researcher is investigating this malodorous human problem. So none of us should turn up our nose at this unique study. Or get careless at a Christmas party. Dr. Albert Tangerman is a Dutch gastroenterologist at the University Hospital Nijmegen. He must also be a super salesman who could sell refrigerators to the Inuit! Dr. Tangerman persuaded six adults to collect their flatus. I must admit I would have relished being a fly on the wall watching this experiment. The subjects were asked...Read More
It’s time to give thanks for medical advances
IN 1842, DR. WILLIAM Ferguson, a young, ambitious surgeon at King's College Hospital in London operated on eight patients, each suffering from a strangulated hernia. One patient, in preparation for surgery, had been strapped to an operating table. Opiates helped to dull the man's senses to a slight degree, but as the surgeon's scalpel cut into flesh, terrible screams reverberated throughout the hospital. Like most patients in those days, he finally fainted. The operation was successful, but when he awakened he faced yet another life-threatening peril — post-operative infection which was routine then and which few survived. Unlike most surgical patients he recovered, and to show his gratitude asked the doctor to let him become his servant. At this Christmas, 1982, we should all...Read More
Readers support criticism of refined sugar
What's the verdict? Several months ago I warned people of the dangers of refined white sugar in processed food products. The Canadian Sugar Institute was not amused. It charged that I'd made false, misleading and exaggerated statements about its product. M. W. Davidson, president of the Institute, publicly contested the statements, and sent a formal request to the College of Physicians and Surgeons that I be disciplined. I've since received numerous enquiries about the final verdict. A man from Toronto wrote, "I'm concerned that the CSI would resort to this tactic. Dr. Gifford-Jones should not be disciplined for telling it the way it is. This unwarranted attack indicates his comments hit too close to home. Me thinketh the CSI doth protest...Read More
Statements about sugar rile industry spokesman
One of the world's most powerful industries says I should be punished for misleading you. The president of the Canadian Sugar Institute, M. W. Davidson, has sent a letter to the Ontario College of Physicians and surgeons. As a representative of the sugar industry he charges that I've made "exaggerated, misleading and even false statements about sugar," that I'm "misinforming Canadians," that I have "a disregard for fact in a quest for headlines" and that I should be disciplined by the College. Why is the sugar institute annoyed? They say there's no verification of 10 miIlion sugar-induced diabetics in North America or that sugar per se causes obesity. And that Canadians do not consume 130 pounds of sugar a year. Who is...Read More
Canadian diets need more fiber foods
Last week I told you that I had taken a calculated guess when I bluntly asked Mrs. Gifford-Jones if she was trying to do me in. Why had I taken such a gamble? Because I had examined my own household to see if we were practising preventive medicine. My findings owed that some dietary habits needed a change. The research was the simple task. But how could I convey the delicate message to Mrs. G-J? At the least provocation Mrs. G-J will happily abandon the kitchen. And I'd be left wearing the apron. I decided that the best approach was to appeal to her logical mind. Did she know that appendicitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and constipation were extremely rare in rural Africa? That diverticulosis...Read More
What You Should Know about Teenage Sex
Mr. D. H. of Winnipeg writes, “I am a Gifford-Jones fan because I like your practical approach to medical problems. I particularly enjoyed your article in which you advised there's no need to hang from a chandelier to have satisfactory sex. I hope you will write more columns on this universal subject. I would be interested to know your thoughts on teenage sex.” Another reader Mrs. H. N. of Windsor writes, “My daughter says that most of her high school friends are no longer virgins. Recently one of them became pregnant. Would you do a column on teenage sex and how parents can cope with this matter?” Many letters are sent to me about sexual problems of all kinds. A large percent...Read More
Many questions raised about Swine Flu
Last week I talked about the worldwide influenza epidemic of 1918. It killed 21 million people in 11 months, more than twice as many as died in years of war. The problem is will it happen again? Even if it does, there are many questions to answer. Will it be as lethal a disease with the availability of present day antibiotics? Will it be the swine flu virus that causes the influenza? Could the vaccine be worse than the disease for some people? In essence, should Canadians run for the woods or roll up their sleeves for the shot? The current fear of Swine Flu stems from a happening at Fort Dix in New Jersey in January 1976. Several healthy recruits...Read More
You should know about Swine Flu vaccine
Most Canadians are in a no-man's land state of mind about the Swine Flu vaccine. Some patients quickly say they don't believe in flu shots. Others conclude they don't want to risk having a reaction from the vaccine. Still others say that they will ask their doctor what to do. If they follow this latter course. I wish them luck. Doctors I've asked seem as non-plussed about whether or not they would take the vaccine as patients. One surgeon thought it might interfere with his operating for a day or two. Many were undecided on the issue. A few thought they would wait until an epidemic seemed more likely before they rolled up their sleeves. And a couple had a novel...Read More
Archive, Medicine
Consumers Beware
Is it possible to believe what the doctor tells them? Or are there too many "Water-gate-type physicians" around, who too frequently lead patients up the primrose path? It is a question more and more North Americans are asking these days and ending up with incomplete answers. A few people still have implicit, faith in the medical profession. Just look at their track record. Antibiotics save untold thousands from dying of pneumonia and a host of other diseases. Cortisone enables other thousands to be free of wheelchairs. Cardiac pacemakers add years to the lives of heart patients. Surgeons are transplanting hearts and kidneys. But others feel doctors have fallen from their exalted perch, that you simply can't and shouldn't believe them. How much truth...Read More