
See a psychiatrist if you are still smoking.

The blunt fact

Smoking Kills


The World Health Organization estimates that every year smoking kills four million people. It will be 10 million by 2030. Smoking also kills early. Half of those who die from smoking leave this planet in middle age losing 20 years of productive life. The grim fact is that 40 percent of smokers die of cancer.

But it’s hard to convince youth of these dangers when they see Hollywood celebrities and sports icons (notably coaches!) with cigarettes or chomping on a stogie. A report from Harvard shows that nearly half of college students smoke. In fact, one in four college students smoke cigars. And these are supposedly enlightened individuals.

If Tobacco Were Invented Today?


There’s not one chance in a million it would be approved by any health agency.


Lung Disease and

Steroid Use


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects three million Canadians. Its primary cause is the prolonged use of cigarettes. Inhaled corticosteroids is one of the main ways to treat this problem, often with bronchodilators, known as “puffers”.

Steroid therapy decreases inflammation in the lung’s tissue and the risk of recurrent breathing problems for patients suffering from COPD. However, it’s the same old story, you rarely get anything for nothing. Studies show that the prolonged use of steroids increases the risk of diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts and pneumonia. So it is believed that many patients with COPD are taking more steroids than is justified.

On the other hand, steroid therapy has proven to be very effective for asthma patients in decreasing severe attacks, repeat hospital admissions and death.

The ironies of smoking


Everyone agrees that prevention is better than cure. Many also complain that millions of dollars have been spent on cancer research and still no cure. Yet when provided with the means to prevent cancer by tossing tobacco away smokers become glassy-eyed and ignore it.


Women are also smoking in higher numbers. That means they too are dying from lung cancer. Malignancy of the lung has increased to the point where it now rivals breast cancer as a cause of death. What a way to attain equality with men!

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