Another Reason For Erectile Dysfunction
05 Feb 2019
Most males know that the little blue pill helps to cure erectile dysfunction. But why not try to prevent ED? Now, a report in the Journal International Urology and Nephrology, claims that as folic acid decreases there is an increased risk of ED. Researchers also concluded that supplementation of folic acid improved ED in diabetes patients.
The onset of ED, due to atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries), may in some cases, be a warning sign of cardiovascular disease. This makes sense, as a decrease in blood flow to the pelvic area may indicate that there’s also a decrease in oxygenated blood to the heart as atherosclerosis can affect other arteries. So discuss this possibility with your doctor if there is less activity in the bedroom.
Researchers admit that more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of folic acid in treating this common male problem. In the meantime, males who need more tiger in the tank should try NEO40, a natural remedy that increases the production of nitric oxide (NO). This molecule expands arteries increasing blood flow which dilates penile blood vessels and is available without a prescription in Health Food Stores. NO is produced by the inner lining of blood vessels, but its production decreases as we age. The usual dosage is one tablet twice a day for two weeks and then one tablet daily.
Studies show that 30 million North American males suffer ED. And that just one in four seek medical help.