Vitamin C Decreases Risk of Hip Fracture By 44 Percent!

Vitamin C Decreases Risk of Hip Fracture By 44 Percent!


04 Jun 2019

A report conducted by the famous Framingham Health Study has this shocking news about osteoporosis (brittle bones). The study involved 1,402 people 65 and over who were followed for 17 years. Those who were taking a supplement of just 313 milligrams (mgs) daily were 44 percent less likely to suffer a fractured hip. In addition they were less likely to suffer from viral infection, hypertension and dementia. Each year, 300,000 North Americans 65 and over are treated for a fractured hip.

What is amazing is the small amount of vitamin C that is required to prevent this life-threatening event. So a single scoop of CardioVibe which contains 2,000 milligrams provides more than ample protection against all these health problems.