We’re Good Starting Drugs, Poor Ending Them
Over 50 percent of North Americans take an average of four prescription drugs a day! And according to the journal, “Annals of Family Medicine”, a survey of 50,000 Canadians revealed that nearly half take certain drugs longer than recommended. Dr. Dee Mangin, professor of family medicine at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada says, “Our whole medical system is geared to starting things, but completely invisible in the prescribing system is a setup for stopping things.”
As we age, this can cause side-effects such as interacting negatively with other medication. Or, taking a common medication too long, such as PPI’s (proton pump inhibitors) to treat heartburn, can have serious side-effects. These drugs should be used intermittently or daily, but not longer than three months. If they are, they increase the risk of serious intestinal infection, and have also been linked to kidney failure. There is one exception. Patients who have gastrointestinal reflux disease, (GERD), an inflammation of the lower end of the food pipe, may require longer treatment. If so, doctors should use the lowest possible dose. Others should ask their doctor if they can gradually taper off the dose.
So let’s start to learn how to stop taking drugs.
Another Reason For Erectile Dysfunction
Most males know that the little blue pill helps to cure erectile dysfunction. But why not try to prevent ED? Now, a report in the Journal International Urology and Nephrology, claims that as folic acid decreases there is an increased risk of ED. Researchers also concluded that supplementation of folic acid improved ED in diabetes patients.
The onset of ED, due to atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries), may in some cases, be a warning sign of cardiovascular disease. This makes sense, as a decrease in blood flow to the pelvic area may indicate that there’s also a decrease in oxygenated blood to the heart as atherosclerosis can affect other arteries. So discuss this possibility with your doctor if there is less activity in the bedroom.
Researchers admit that more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of folic acid in treating this common male problem. In the meantime, males who need more tiger in the tank should try NEO40, a natural remedy that increases the production of nitric oxide (NO). This molecule expands arteries increasing blood flow which dilates penile blood vessels and is available without a prescription in Health Food Stores. NO is produced by the inner lining of blood vessels, but its production decreases as we age. The usual dosage is one tablet twice a day for two weeks and then one tablet daily.
Studies show that 30 million North American males suffer ED. And that just one in four seek medical help.
Health Benefit of the Super-Mini Workout
Hate exercising, but know it’s a sound way to better health? But it means driving to the gym, changing into spandex, hating the repetitive exercise, working up a sweat, showering and happy the ordeal is finished. If so, Martin Gibila, a Kinesiology professor at McMaster University, has the perfect excuse for staying home. Just get started on the 20 second super-mini workout. Then feel good you’re not part of the global inactivity epidemic that’s causing obesity, Type 2 diabetes and heart attack.
Twelve inactive volunteers were asked to climb three flights of stairs as quickly as possible three times a day for six weeks. This required about 20 seconds! I’d say they must have been fairly young to be so speedy. The result? A 5 percent increase in aerobic fitness.
Such super-mini workouts won’t replace the benefits of lengthier ones. But remember, even a small improvement is better than none at all. And it’s not lack of time to exercise that prevents it. It’s simply that many people loathe exercising.
A Report From the Mayo Clinic Says Vitamin C May Improve Mood
It may seem surprising that people with a deficiency of vitamin C may be depressed. But a report from The Mayo Clinic says that studies of hospital patients who have low blood levels of vitamin C found that their mood improved after being prescribed vitamin C. In another study of high school students those who had vitamin C supplements also had lowered anxiety levels.
More study is needed to confirm these findings, But we already know that an adequate intake of vitamin (4,000 to 6,000 milligrams of C daily in divided doses) increases immunity, keeps gums healthy so teeth do not fall out, and decrease the risk of arthritis, stroke and heart attack.
Giff’s Own CardioVibe powder is the easiest way to take vitamin C and is available online and in health food stores.
Remember that bananas and water go well with sex
Few people forget to hydrate when they go for a run or workout at the gym. Yet, a good romp in bed can require the same physical exertion. Having water on hand to replenish fluids lost from sweating, heavy breathing, and kissing will help avoid dehydration.
Bananas are a good idea too. Loaded with potassium to lower blood pressure, they also contain magnesium and calcium, all of these nutrients helping to ease strained muscles.
Putting bananas and water at the bedside can also be a fun way to signal your romantic intentions to your partner.
Some medications make it hard to burn calories.
If you’re losing the battle of the bulge, there’s a good chance you’re taking in more calories than you’re burning up. There’s a possibility that medication may be a factor. For example, insulin can lower blood sugar and stimulate appetite. Corticosteroids, on the other hand, can cause you to burn calories more slowly or to store fat. Blood pressure medication, such as beta-blockers, can cause fatigue and shortness of breath, resulting in less exercise. Other blood pressure drugs such as calcium blockers can result in the body retaining water.