Health Tips

Cold Turkey Need Not Be Unpleasant

August 14, 2023

Some bad habits require gradual change. But smoking doesn’t need to be one of them. Going cold turkey and quitting smoking in a snap decision can be accomplished by some people — and good for them. There’s no denying it’s not easy. The mental commitment must be unwavering. But the potential for an unpleasant experience in the immediate days after quitting can be overcome by focusing on the tremendous benefits to health. Once past the tough first hurdles, those benefits can translate into years of added life.

Mind the message

August 1, 2023

George Bernard Shaw once remarked that “The single biggest problem in communciation is the illusion it has taken place.” Today the biggest problem with communication in medicine is that it’s the wrong communication, often being delivered to consumers with disasterous results. Before jumping to take medications promoted in the media, consider the alternatives, especially natural remedies that have stood the test of time.

Nobody Knows the Perfect Diet

July 24, 2023

Hats off to those who convince themselves they’ve cracked the nut of the perfect diet. They may get the intended benefit from their positive outlook, but the perfect recipe for good health is likely different for each person. However, we do know the general rules. Avoid excess fats, sugars, processed flour, and other highly processed foods. Concentrate on a diet high in fibre, fruits, and vegetables. For cardiovascular health, bone health, brain health, and more, there is plenty of upside and no harm in high daily doses of vitamin C, fish oil, and other natural supplements.

Age Well By Starting Early With Disease Prevention

July 17, 2023

There’s no escaping the truth — we are all getting older and living longer. But aging and living longer is not fun if you are not physically and mentally well. Don’t wait for the first health problem, since the Gifford-Jones Law states that one problem leads to another and another. To the extent possible, avoid problems by adopting a healthy lifestyle — and do it from an early age.

Being Inactive Slowly Kills

July 10, 2023

There’s no need to run marathons. But sitting down all day will lead to problems. What’s one of the most advisable activities? As people age, weight-bearing exercises have been shown to have a significant positive effect on bone health, mobility of joints, body weight, balance, and reaction time. It’s easy to do and doesn’t take a lot of time.

Never Assume Minor Surgery Has No Risks

July 3, 2023

Going into surgery should always be with a first-class ticket. Even the top technical surgeons can’t guarantee no complications. But good hands are essential to good surgery. Who knows this best? It’s the people in the operating room — including nurses and anesthetists who work with surgeons day in and day out. If you are lucky enough to know how to reach them, get their advice about who should perform your surgery.

Give Extra Care to Caregivers

June 26, 2023

Caregivers have tough jobs.  For many caregivers, it’s unpaid, stressful, and even dangerous work. The physical exertion required, especially among elderly caregivers, can be exhausting. The mental toll can be overwhelming. If you know a caregiver who is neglecting to take care of their own needs, help them get respite. It can be as easy as a reminder for caregivers to take time for personal interests. Back-up support should be in place. Remember that there are specialized organizations ready to assist.

Don’t Be Foolish About Your Bowels

June 19, 2023

Where does the body’s disposable trash go? Through the bowels, and for many, this trash doesn’t move quickly enough. So it makes sense that the colon is a natural venue for trouble. Don’t be foolish and ignore warning signs like rectal bleeding. Chronic constipation or loose stools are not normal either. Get screened regularly to help detect colorectal cancer, ulcers of the colon, and diverticulitis.

Prioritize Sleep For Health & Productivity

June 12, 2023

A study published in the Harvard Business Review revealed that insufficient sleep has detrimental effects on various cognitive functions, including reaction time, memory, focus, decision-making, and spatial orientation. In fact, sleeping less than 5-6 hours per night can result in impairment comparable to having a blood alcohol level of 0.1%, surpassing the legal threshold for impairment. Obtaining adequate sleep is not only vital for one’s mental and physical well-being but is also indispensable for maintaining productivity. Just as it would be unreasonable to expect oneself to perform well or make important decisions while intoxicated, it is equally illogical to consider oneself capable while suffering from sleep deprivation.

Heart Attack Warning Signs

June 6, 2023

Recognize the signs of a heart attack for prompt action. Look out for chest discomfort like pressure or a squeezing sensation. Pain or discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach is also a warning sign. Shortness of breath is another important symptom. Watch for additional signs like cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness. If you experience any of these symptoms, especially in combination, seek immediate medical help. Quick intervention can save a life.

Wear Sunscreen & Bug Spray This Summer

May 29, 2023

To protect yourself from mosquito bites and ticks, remember to use insect repellent and wear sleeved shirts and pants when possible. Before heading outdoors, apply sunscreen to your exposed skin first, and insect repellent second. Once back indoors, thoroughly check your clothing, body, and pets for any ticks. And don’t forget to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours or sooner after swimming or sweating to maintain adequate sun protection. Stay safe and enjoy your time outdoors!

Increased Risk of Car Accidents for Elderly Drivers After Fall

May 22, 2023

Older people who have suffered a fall are 40 percent more likely to be involved in a car accident than those who have not fallen. A fall can be traumatic and often causes physical injury, limits mobility, and triggers mental decline. The message is simple. You know to be cautious when driving. In the same way, be guarded against falling when getting around on foot. Importantly, be aware that sedatives and alcohol significantly increase risk.

Alcohol in Moderation

May 15, 2023

It’s been said that “Alcohol is for the elderly what milk is for the young.” If you are a moderate drinker, a glass of red wine before dinner decreases the formation of endothelium-1, a chemical that makes coronary arteries less likely to narrow, decreasing blood flow. Additionally, it makes platelets (part of the blood-clotting process) more slippery and less likely to form a blood clot and coronary attack. It also increases good cholesterol. And let’s not forget the relaxation it affords when the evening news is full of disasters.

Increase Water Intake by Drinking Tea

May 8, 2023

The average person is suggested to drink 8 glasses of water per day. But this can sometimes feel like a feat. Drinking herbal tea throughout the day will make getting your daily intake a little more flavourful. You’ll also reap the benefits of the tea variety. Peppermint aids in digestion, ginger settles the stomach, echinacea supports immunity etc. As we approach the summer months, try steeping large batches of tea and storing pitchers in the fridge for a ready-to-go iced option.

Cashews Will Improve Blood Cholesterol

May 1, 2023

Cashews are rich in unsaturated fats and plant sterols. Studies have found that eating 1-2 ounces of cashews daily improve HDL (good cholesterol) and reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and total cholesterol. Cashews also contain high levels of copper, magnesium and manganese, and are low in sugar. The result is a healthy snack that supports brain and bone health, energy levels, and immunity.



The Best Rx for Dry and Itchy Eyes

April 24, 2023

Allergy season is upon us. But whether you suffer from allergies or not, scratchy eyes eventually affect 30 percent of people 50 years or older. There are many over-the-counter eye drops available that should help. But be patient as it may take a few weeks. Eye drops are safe to use as long as they are needed. Cleaning your eyelids by placing a warm washcloth over your eyes for a few minutes may also provide relief. If discomfort persists, see your doctor.

The Hazards of Hearing Loss

April 10, 2023

The likelihood of accidents, such as falling or car crashes, is three times higher in individuals with hearing loss. This can be attributed to various factors. Damaged inner ear tissue affects hearing but also balance and proprioception since the auditory system plays a critical role in spatial awareness. Additionally, impaired hearing decreases situational awareness, making accidents more likely. Get your hearing checked regularly for good communications and for safety and well-being.

Western Diet Increases the Risk of Blindness

April 3, 2023

A Western-style diet involves high amounts of red meat, fried food, refined grains and full-fat dairy. Studies have found sustaining this diet over a prolonged period can result in a greater than three-fold increase of developing age-related macular degeneration. This disease blurs central vision. On the contrary, a Mediterranean-style diet is rich in foods that prevent retinal degeneration. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are some examples.

Want to Get Rid of Heartburn?

March 27, 2023

Avoid smoking, maintain a normal weight, and engaged in moderate to vigorous activity for a least 30 minutes daily. Have no more than two cups of coffee, tea or soda daily, and keep up a diet rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans fish and poultry.

Don’t Lose Bone While Losing Weight

March 20, 2023

Losing weight involves more than shedding extra pounds. Studies show that losing five percent or more of weight in older people, over four to six years or longer, triples the risk of fracture. The decreasing force on bones results in a loss of bone density, fewer nutrients such as protein, and inadequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D. Combine weight loss with stair climbing, weight lifting and long walks to protect and maintain bone density.

Toilets For Sanitation, Not Waste Disposal

March 13, 2023

One in five users of contact lenses reportedly flush them down the toilet, adding over 20 metric tons of microplastic pollution to waterways annually in the US alone. Cities spend millions dealing with enormous masses of wet wipes, hair, condoms, tampons, cotton balls, bandages, and dental floss that clog septic systems and reduce water quality. Cigarette butts leak toxic chemicals into water too. Narcotic drugs should never be put down the toilet. Only human waste and toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet. Nothing else.

Dental Erosion A Growing Problem

March 6, 2023

A report from the University of California says one in five North Americans are afflicted with slow acidic destruction of teeth. The answer? Limit acidic soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks. After eating oranges, lemons, and other citruses, rinse with water.  Eat more dairy products and foods high in calcium which helps the remineralization of teeth. Chew sugarless gum to stimulates the flow of saliva. And watch your weight as excess fat can cause acid reflux.

Don’t Spend Luck Foolishly

February 27, 2023

It’s been said it’s better to be lucky than good. And while some may be more fortuitous than others, even the stray dog has lucky days. When luck comes your way, don’t squander it. In health, if you’ve been graced with the luck of longevity, you’ve won the lottery. Be observant of where in your life you’ve been dealt an ace. Luck doesn’t last in one place forever, so take all you can from each charmed opportunity.

Myth: Don’t Weigh Yourself Every Day

February 20, 2023

 We have often told readers it’s not all the modern electronic devices today that keeps people healthy. It’s the bathroom scale, which if stepped on daily to fight the epidemic of obesity, would save more lives than any other medical instrument.

People who believe they can keep track of their weight by how their clothes feel rarely win the battle of obesity. Those who know a bathroom scale never lies about weight live longer and healthier.

Keep A ‘Beginner’s Mind’

February 13, 2023

The ancient Shoshin concept of beginner’s mind encourages openness to novelty, learning, and practice. Author Shunryu Suzuki famously wrote “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” Keep a beginner’s mind in regards to your health and lifestyle. Open yourself to learning and approach each of life’s twists and turns with curiosity. Doing so will reduce stress, prejudice, and judgement towards yourself and others.