Health Tips

Falling TV Screens Injure Young Children

February 6, 2023

Parents always take great care to protect young children from injury. But there is one hazard that’s rarely crosses parents’ minds. Few realize that every year young children are injured by falling TV screens. Older models are often placed on the top of unsteady furniture. The majority of accidents occur when the TV topples over on children climbing for the remote. Accidents like these can result in neck and head injuries. With flat screens there is another hazard. Screens are not adequately mounted to the wall and fall on a young child. These are preventable accidents. The solution is to take care where TV screens are located and ensure they are firmly in place.

Buy a Pup for a Longer Life

January 30, 2023

​A past Swedish study shows what we already know. Dogs provide unconditional love. But this study reveals that dog owners saw their risk of dying early decrease by 33 percent, versus 11 percent for those who lived with other humans.

​Researchers believe owning a dog resulted in more exercise. Dogs also ease loneliness and produce a feeling of well-being. What breed do you choose? The researchers reported that hounds, retrievers and terriers appeared to reap greater benefits for owners than other breeds.

Vitamin K2 Keeps Bones Healthy and Prevents Fractures

January 23, 2023

Lao Tzu, the Chinese philosopher, wrote, “He who knows that enough is enough, will always have enough”.

However, many elderly people lack in calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2 resulting in brittle bones. This is when a forceful hug or fall can break a bone. Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium, and K2 (about 100 micrograms daily) directs calcium into bones. Also be sure to add dairy products, leafy greens, canned salmon, and fruits. Daily exercise is equally important to keep mobility and strength maintained. 

Inversions Aid Circulation

January 16, 2023

‘Legs Up The Wall’ is a common restorative yoga pose with health benefits such as aiding circulation and reducing swelling. It entails lying on one’s back with the back of their legs resting up a wall to create an ‘L’ shape. Any rendition of this pose is beneficial. If getting to the floor or lifting your legs into the air proves challenging, try lying on the couch or a bed and propping your shins on stacked pillows. As long as your feet are higher than your head, you’ll reap the benefits. Certain conditions warrant the avoidance of inversions. Check with a trusted health practitioner before practicing.

Get Vision and Hearing Checked

January 9, 2023

Vision and hearing often deteriorates slowly as one ages. It can be difficult to notice changes from one day to the next. Ask your ophthalmologist and ENT specialist how often you should be getting check-ups. And if you notice blurry edges or muffled sounds, it’s best to book an appointment.

Watch Out for Abrasive Toothpaste

January 2, 2023

Toothpaste containing baking soda is well-liked for its natural whitening properties, but be careful of this seemingly harmless ingredient. Baking soda is abrasive, which can deteriorate enamel and compromise gum health over time. If you must, use only occasionally, with a gentler toothpaste for regular use.

Compete With Yourself, Not Others

December 27, 2022

A little friendly competition is healthy. We often hear statements of this sort. However a competitive perspective can become hostile. Turn competition inwards, and focus on surpassing your own goals and abilities rather than those of others. You’ll likely accomplish more and feel less of a need to compare yourself to those around you.

Try New Healthy Recipes

December 19, 2022

Feeling uninspired in the kitchen? Ask a friend to borrow their favourite cookbook, or make a task out of picking a new one. Cooking your way through the book is not only a fun project, but a wonderful opportunity to discover new recipes and get inspired. For added fun, get your loved ones in the kitchen too!

Break Bad Habits with 21 Day Method

December 12, 2022

Bad habits can be hard to shake. Try the 21 day method. Set a small goal that will get you closer to breaking a habit and hold to it for 21 days. By the time you get to the last day, this small adjustment will be habitual. Set a new goal for the next 21 days. Small incremental changes will be more effective than cutting off a bad habit cold-turkey, and you can celebrate victories along the way.

Vitamin D In The Winter

December 5, 2022

In northern latitudes, vitamin D production from sunlight is minimal from around October until the end of February. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a condition when the cold, short days make people feel psychologically down. Vitamin D acts as a mood stabilizer and can be used to fight this condition. Check with your doctor to find out how much vitamin D you should be taking during the winter months.

Eat Slower

November 28, 2022

Take time to enjoy your meals. Chewing slower gives your digestive system an easier job once food hits your stomach. It also provides your digestive system more opportunity to signal fullness to your brain and avoid overeating. Taking breaks every few bites to sip water also helps. So does dining with others; Engaging in conversation slows you down. Lastly, eating your meal mindfully more deeply engages the senses, meaning you’ll enjoy the tastes, smells, and textures of your food that much more.

Pay It Forward

November 21, 2022

It is important to be grateful for what we have. As many Americans enter the season of thanks, consider “paying it forward” to those in need. Donating to a charity, volunteering in your community, or sending a thoughtful note to someone who may spend holiday seasons alone; There are infinite ways to make a difference in someone else’s life. No matter your means or method, acts of kindness immensely impact the lives of those around us.

Save Your Scraps

November 14, 2022

Homemade broths are tasty and exponentially lower in sodium than store-bought options. Rather than throwing out vegetable scraps, keep them in a sealed container in the freezer. After collecting enough to fill a pot, add water, salt, and pepper, and simmer for 2-3 hours. Straining the solids out leaves you with delicious homemade vegetable broth. The same can be done with chicken or beef bones to make protein-rich bone broth.

Motivate Yourself Externally

November 7, 2022

Have a goal you’re having difficulty achieving? Create external motivation by posting sticky notes around your home or office. Having reminders, incentives,  or inspiration directly in front of you will hold you more accountable to achieve your goal. Repeat exposure to reminders on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror will bring them to the forefront of your attention more often. Replace your notes as you progress and once your goal is achieved to reinforce your successes.

Pick Your Fish Carefully

October 31, 2022

Fresh fish is a wonderful source of dietary omega-3s. When picking fish at the market, ensure the flesh is firm and bounces back when pressed lightly. The meat should be brightly coloured with no dry spots or discolouration. Avoid a strong ‘fishy’ smell, which indicates the cut is likely not fresh. If you can, ask the fishmonger what cuts are the freshest and produced with sustainable practices.

For more information on how omega-3s contribute to your health, read this week’s article.

Recognize Your Impact on Others

October 24, 2022

Despite your own challenges, remember that you are someone else’s role model. Recognizing that you are likely your own worst critic is a first step. Realizing that those around you see your successes and strive towards similar feats is a close second. Although it is easy to get discouraged by perceived shortfalls, be aware of your positive impact on others and aim to set a good example for those around you. You never know who you may inspire.

Increase HR During Low Impact Cardio

October 17, 2022

Low-impact exercises and activities are a highly beneficial way to support cardiovascular health. Here are three ways to increase your heart rate during low-impact cardio.

  1. Use your arms when walking: Swing your arms as if jogging or use walking sticks to keep your upper body moving too.
  2. Find your edge: Find a pace that feels a little more challenging than usual and try to sustain it.
  3. Mix things up: Walk, swim, bike. A dynamic routine promotes strong cardiovascular health.

Foods for Health

October 10, 2022

Certain holiday foods are wiser choices than others. Turkey is a low glycemic protein rich in selenium. Brussel sprouts contain ample vitamin K, vitamin C, and fiber. Cranberries reduce the risk of UTIs and boost immune function. Fill your plate with these healthy options and avoid empty carbohydrates and refined sugars.

Meet New People

October 3, 2022

Healthy friendships increase happiness, self-esteem, and sense of community. They also decrease stress and help you cope in difficult times. Value the friends you have already and strive to meet new ones as you go. Sharing interests with different groups of people is mentally stimulating and socially rewarding.

Chia Seeds For Added Fiber

September 26, 2022

The same small seeds that sprout beloved Chia Pets are also edible fiber powerhouses. In addition to being packed with fiber, chia seeds develop a gelatinous coating when wet which helps them move things along in the digestive tract. With an indistinct taste, they are an easy addition to recipes you already make and love, and a great way to sneak extra fiber into your diet.

Reduce Screen Time Before Bed

September 19, 2022

Reducing screen time before bed can help you sleep better. Blue light from TVs, tablets, cellphones, and computer screens may disrupt the circadian cycle which is responsible for production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Give your eyes a 30-60 minute break from your screens before bed to promote a restful sleep.

Do Apples Make You Gassy?

September 12, 2022

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but it may cause gas and bloating in the process. Apples contain large amounts of fructose (natural sugar) and fiber, which can cause digestive upset for some. If apples make you gassy, try eating smaller quantities over a longer duration of time. Cooked apples or applesauce may be easier on your stomach. Ensure there are no added sugars in these alternatives.

Ladies, Listen To Your Body!

September 5, 2022

The hormones of women cycle on a roughly monthly basis whereas men’s hormones cycle every 24 hours. It is understandable how effects of female hormones are typically more prolonged and tangible than those of men. If you are a menstruating female, listen to your body. There’s no problem with light exercise around menstruation, but let your body take the rest it needs. Speak to a health professional if you have questions or need help with adverse effects.

Natural Alternative To Chewing Gum

August 22, 2022

Chewing gum is an effective tool in combatting bad breath but at what cost to your health? Gum often contains sugars and artificial ingredients that negatively impact oral health over time. It increases the amount of air swallowed, promoting bloating and is difficult to digest if accidentally swallowed. If faced with bad breath, reach for parsley instead. The herb is a natural deodorizer and will leave your mouth feeling fresh.

Spice Up Your Life

August 15, 2022

Spices are packed with health benefits. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar and has many heart-healthy properties. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory. Ginger aids in digestion and settles nausea. Garlic keeps arterial blood vessels flexible, reducing the chance of heart disease. Adding spices to food also adds flavour reducing the need for salt or processed condiments.