Health Tips

Send Cupid’s Arrow Soaring

February 14, 2022

Loving and being loved are excellent components of healthy living. Humans are social creatures, and healthy hormones flood the brain when our senses are alive with love. Whether affection involves a loving partner, a much adored pet, or a moment’s imagination, embrace each opportunity. Set time aside to indulge in love.

Let Therapy Work Its Wonders

February 7, 2022

Statistics show that men make up the majority of suicide cases in North America. But why is it that men seek mental health support much less than women? Stigma associatedwith poor mental health is fading, but many men still resist getting help. Drugs are far too often promoted as the first line of defence. But all kinds of non-pharmaceutical interventions can be remarkably successful. Efforts to address the earliest signs of unhappiness or anxiety are important, and many different kinds of therapies can do it!

Stay Hydrated

January 31, 2022

The human body is about 60% water. It has been said that we are essentially cucumbers with anxiety! Water is crucial to most body processes including temperature regulation, transport and absorption of nutrients,  joint lubrication, and digestion. An intake of 3-4 liters of water a day keeps the body well hydrated.

Work Healthy

January 24, 2022

Wherever work gets done, make it healthy work.

  1. Pack healthy lunches – Prepare lunch the evening prior, to avoid eating unhealthy meals on the go.
  2. Get up and move – Take active breaks from work that involves sitting for long periods of time.
  3. Chat with colleagues – Being social is surprisingly good for one’s health.
  4. Use opportunities to exercise – Take the stairs. Run errands on foot. Go to the gym.
  5. Speak up about good health – Let people know you care about health issues. Be a good health champion.

Being Fortunate in Health Is Rare

January 17, 2022

It’s been said, even stray dogs have their lucky day. If you get a bit of good luck, take it!  Luck, good or bad, tends to build on itself. The Matthew Effect dictates that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It’s the same thing with health. If you are lucky enough to have it, don’t squander your good fortune. If you weren’t delt a lucky hand, it will take hard work to achieve good health.

Beat the Blues

January 10, 2022

Depression is a condition with symptoms that include insomnia, anxiety, and irritability. An interplay of factors are likely responsible: e.g., a drop in adrenaline, change in routine, undesirable responsibilities. How to beat the blues? Ensure you are eating and sleeping well and try incorporating small enjoyable activities into the daily routine. If depression or anxiety worsen, consult a healthcare professional.

You Are What You Eat

January 3, 2022

Processed foods are full of empty calories. Practice moderation and make greasy or sugary treats a “now-and-then” commodity rather than everyday occurrence. Eating a donut of about 250 calories would require the average person 60-90 minutes of abdominal crunches to burn off. A fast food chain burger and fries combo? About 100-150 minutes on an elliptical. Fuel your body with healthy fats, proteins and carbs, not over-processed quick fixes!

Routines Help Mental and Physical Health

December 27, 2021

It’s easy to fall out of healthy habits when faced with busy and inconsistent schedules. However, harried times underscore the need for daily health-conscious decisions! Set a morning and evening health routine and stick to it. Include a few exercises at the start of the day to get you going, and wind down with a favourate source of relaxation. Keep a journal to help set a routine, feel organized and track against goals. Find comfort in structure.

Give The Gift of Health

December 20, 2021

While the end of the year always seems to fall on the side of decadence, why not give yourself or loved ones the gift of health this year? Whether you’d like to end your own year off on a healthy note or encourage loved ones to adopt new healthy habits in 2022, Giff’s Gift Guide has lots of great ideas for everyone on your shopping list. The Buddha famously said “Health is the greatest gift.” And what a wonderful gift to give indeed.

The Wonders of Meditation

December 13, 2021

Meditation is a wonderful way to quiet the mind and find peace (and happiness too). Mindfulness has plenty of direct health benefits too. The psychological benefits of reduced anxiety and stress are important in achieving heart, brain and immune system health. Reductions in psychological pain are also apparent and some new studies are suggesting positive cellular level impacts from meditation.

What’s Your Gut Telling You?

December 6, 2021

The human microbiome contains an extremely complex interplay of bacteria, archaea, microbes and fungi. Everyone’s gut microbiome is different. This is why people have different reactions to the same foods. Microbiome discrepancies are linked to physical and psychological health concerns such as obesity, diabetes, anxiety and even autism. You can maintain your microbiome through probiotic or prebiotic management. Both can be found in foods or as supplements.

Strength Training Not Just for Bodybuilders

November 29, 2021

Strength training is not just for bodybuilders; many studies show benefits for aging adults. Lifting weight builds strength, balance and stamina reducing the risk of falls. It also helps maintain bone density, so they’re less likely to break or fracture. A higher muscle mass means you burn more calories simply going about your daily routine. Building muscle also helps your body regulate weight and metabolism. Consult your doctor about any cautions or considerations. It is a good idea to start with a trainer to help you build your practice.

More Vitamin C Please

November 22, 2021

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, and the body does not store it. To maintain adequate levels of vitamin C, people need to consume food that contains it every day. While the amount of C in a slice of orange is enough to prevent scurvy, to achieve the high levels of C needed to fight atherosclerosis (thickening or hardening of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque in the inner lining of an artery), supplementation of C (together with lysine) is required. Since excess not absorbed into the body is expelled by the urinary tract, split high doses across the morning, midday, and evening. Enjoy the comfort of knowing that vitamin C is supporting your heart health, immunity and oral health. It is also a powerful anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral agent.

The Quality of Calories

November 15, 2021

Calories really do matter. Expending more calories than consumed will typically reduce weight. But it’s better to be mindful of the quality of consumed food than counting each calorie. Dieters often choose to cut high-calorie foods. However, low-calorie replacements may lack substance and only curb hunger briefly. Do not shy from avocados, nuts or other “high-calorie” healthy foods. They will keep you full longer.  Make it a habit to eat healthy, moderate meals and balance these good calories with daily moderate exercise.

Food for Thought

November 8, 2021

Food choices affect our physical body, and nutrients greatly affect brain health as well. Children and young adults require nutrient-dense diets to support cognitive development. In adulthood, a nourished brain helps prevent cognitive decline later in life. Incorporate “brain foods” into your diet:

  1. Lean meat or meat alternatives: Protein, zinc and iron
  2. Seafood & fatty fish: Protein, zinc, iodine, vitamins D, B6, B12 and fatty acids
  3. Dark leafy vegetables: Iron, choline and folate
  4. Sweet potatoes: Vitamins A and B6
  5. Eggs: Protein, choline and B12

Exercise to Boost Metabolism

November 1, 2021

Are you noticing a slowing in your metabolism as you age? While it is nearly impossible to change the body’s natural metabolic response, lifestyle choices can mediate the extent to which it effects your health.

A slowing metabolism as one gets older is normal. Regular exercise is a good way to help regulate the body’s metabolic functions. Metabolism increases during, and temporarily following physical activity. So keep yourself moving!

Follow Up on Medical Appointments

October 25, 2021

It’s an unfortunate reality of the global pandemic that many people are choosing to forgo routine health appointments — or worse, that they can’t get them because health care providers and faciliteis are maxed out. But regular physicals, bloodwork and other medical tests are important, as your doctor is looking for changes in your health or signs of trouble. Some medical appointments can be carried out over phone or video chats. Take advantage of these opportunities. Be proactive and stay on top of your health.

Understand the Glycemic Index

October 18, 2021

The Glycemic Index (GI) measures how food effects blood sugar management. Carbohydrates and sugars are digested quickly and stimulate insulin production to manage blood-glucose levels. Elevated blood sugar levels impact weight management, immunity, cholesterol levels and more. Proteins, fat and fiber tend to have low GI scores. Learn more here.

Keep Goals Realistic As Holidays Come and Go

October 11, 2021

Holidays are like streetcars – another one is always coming.  Each occasion brings festivities and usually a lot of heavy food.  Don’t let added pounds be the result. If you have strong will-power, use it when tempted with unhealthy choices. Even better, do your family and friends a kindness, and ensure that meals include modest, attractive, healthy options.  Blend the focus on food with an outdoor activity, like going for a walk. Set goals, and keep them realistic.

The Psychological Loss of a Beloved Family Pet

October 4, 2021

Who doesn’t love the family pet? And what happens when one is lost? Psychiatrists at the Harvard Medical School report the loss can trigger a prolonged and profound sense of grief, especially in children. They add, “the strong emotional attachment of youngsters to pets might result in measurable psychological distress that can serve as an indicator of depression in children and adolescents for as long as three years or more.” Researchers also learned that the relationship between pet death and increased distress was more pronounced in male than female children regardless of socioeconomic status or previous hardships. If you know a child experiencing complicated grief from the loss of a pet, it helps if they have someone to talk to who can sympathize.

If You Don’t Snooze, You Lose

September 27, 2021

The average human spends a third of life sleeping. Quite obviously then, maintaining healthy habits are just as important during slumber as they are in waking hours. We need sleep to remove toxins and metabolic trash from the brain. Additionally, lack of sleep has associations with obesity, hypertension, diabetes, depression and cardiovascular disease. Make your bedroom a sleep-friendly space. Keep the room cool, dark, and free of the bright displays of clocks or electronic devices. Eat light in the evenings and avoid excess liquid consumption, especially caffeine or alcohol, directly before bed.

Protect Your Eyes From Your Screens

September 20, 2021

Whether it is an office computer, cellphone or television, excessive screen exposure is a health concern. The average person blinks about 15 times per minute. When in front of a screen, this number can be reduced to as low as 2 blinks per minute, causing dry, irritated eyes. Ensure you are taking a minimum 5 minute break away from screens every hour and keep your eyes lubricated with moisturizing eye drops. Many devices also have night shift or blue light reduction modes that make screen brightness less irritating.

Travelling Is Not Selfish

September 13, 2021

Travel is not a selfish act. Travel can ease stress, get you moving, increase socialization and the making of new friends, and provide downtime. These are all very good for your mental and physical health. Assess the risks and benefits of travelling, but do not rule it out. With precautions in place, now might be a better time than ever to travel. Read more.

Regular Screening for STIs & STDs

September 6, 2021

Conversations on sexual health are not just for teenagers. Regardless of age, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) and sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs)  are not to be taken lightly. While many can be cured with antibiotics, some may lead to more serious health risks and long-term consequences.. Your doctor can easily screen for common STIs and STDs with a simple urine or blood test. Getting tested before any new sexual partner is good practice. There is no harm in adding screenings to your routine doctor’s appointments.

Almonds Reduce Total Cholesterol

August 30, 2021

Dr. David Jenkins , Director of Clinical Nutrition at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, is one notabel researcher among many who have studied the health benefits of almonds. A daily handful significantly decreases the risk of a cardiovascular event. Almonds lower total cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. While nuts are high in fat, their ratio of monounsaturated to polyunsaturated types supports a balanced diet and almonds are a good choice for anyone monitoring their cholesterol. Ensure you are consuming raw or dry-roasted, unsalted, and oil-free almonds.