Consider Vitamin C To Combat Asthma
The late Dr. Robert F. Cathart, an expert of orthomolecular medicine, stressed that patients with asthma have low blood levels of vitamin C. He added, “A child having regular asthmatic attacks following exercise is usually relieved of the attack by high doses of vitamin C.” Stress of any kind, like that associated with asthmatic attacks, causes a marked decrease in vitamin C in the blood. So adding vitamin C to asthma therapy can often decrease the dosage of drugs prescribed and combat what is depleted in the stress response process. This is important, as long-term use of drugs can lead to later complications.
Call Your Doctor For Test Results
Waiting for medical test results is often a worrying time. Should you assume that no news is good news? Always follow up to check your test results, even if your doctor’s practice is not call when results are normal. It’s the safest way to know for certain that any abnormal results were not missed. Studies show that health professionals fail to catch and report abnormal results – with some studies showing a failure rate as high as 26%! Ask when you should expect to get test results and don’t be shy about asking to see the report or having your doctor review the results with you. You are your own best advocate.
French Fries Can Be…Healthy?
Let’s take a look at the humble potato. Potato skin is a good source of potassium, vitamin C, B6, and fiber. Deep-frying does not change the nutritional value very much, but does increase the number of calories per serving and eventual weight gain over repeated consumption. The other problem is the addition of salt. How do you make french fries healthier? Try leaving the skin on, bake them in the oven instead of frying in oil, and seasoning them with herbs and spices instead of salt. You can also try this with other root vegetables! Sweet potatoes, parsnips or carrots to name a few.
Put the Toilet Lid Down When You Flush
Flushing the toilet stirs bacterial water particles from the toilet bowl directly into the air. The bacteria can circulate for several hours before settling on surfaces. Anything you leave out in your bathroom may become contaminated – lotions and products, toothbrushes, towels etc. Close the lid when you flush to contain bacteria in the toilet bowl where they can settle. It is a worthy habit to avoid the spread of E. coli and other bacterial contaminants in your home.
Keep Bones Healthy and Prevent Fractures
Lao Tzu, the Chinese philosopher, wrote, “He who knows that enough is enough, will always have enough.” But the Journal of Osteoporosis reports that many elderly people may not get enough calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2 to maintain strong bones. A fall or even less drastic events can break a brittle bone. Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium and K2 directs calcium into bones. Dairy products, leafy greens, canned salmon, and fruits are good food sources. Daily exercise is equally important to maintain mobility and strength.
Pick Up A Puzzle
Mentally-stimulating activities like crossword puzzles are serious exercise for the brain. Our brains fall into routine as our lifestyles do; we can get very comfortable thinking the same thoughts, having the same conversations and engaging in the same activities day after day. Puzzles make us think abstractly and force our brains to form new connections. Not only is this good for neural health, but prolonged participation in mind games and puzzles decreases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Pick up a book of puzzles, whether it be crosswords, word searches, sudoku or anything else. It’s a cheap (and entertaining) investment in your neural health.
Protect Your Skin From The Sun
This summer, enjoy lots of time outdoors. However, be conscious of the sun’s harsh rays. UV rays omitted from the sun can have dangerous effects on unprotected skin. Ensure you are wearing sunscreen on exposed skin even on overcast days. UV rays are present whether you feel direct sun or not. Wear a hat to avoid burning your scalp and sunglasses to protect your eyes. Of course, seek shade when necessary. Treat burns that do occur with an ointment and keep the skin well-moisturized until healed.
Don’t Believe It’s Just Blood Cholesterol That Causes Cardiovascular Disease
The World Health Organization reports seven million die from pollution annually and that pollution decreases longevity by two to three years. Researchers add that particles under 2.5 microns, which are the size of flecks of soot, can penetrate the blood stream and lead to stroke, heart attack, changes in blood pressure and changes in cholesterol.
Dark Chocolate Combats Unhealthy Cholesterol
How about some good news for those who enjoy chocolate? A review of ten studies showed that chocolate consumption and the cocoa found in chocolate, was linked to a significant decrease in cholesterol. But there was one proviso, it must be dark chocolate that contains cocoa. Cholesterol benefits were observed despite the fact that chocolate contains saturated fat and calories. They concluded it was likely due to healthy flavanols in dark chocolate that inhibits cholesterol absorption. So, can you eat dark chocolate and not feel guilty? Yes, but like all things, in moderation.
Simple Steps to Decrease Health Risk
Go Nuts for Nuts
A survey of 350,000 participants showed that a handful of nuts daily delivers healthy nutrition and helps you live longer. The strongest link was that nuts helped to reduce cardiovascular mortality. But nuts also reduced cancer deaths. Nuts are high in vitamin E and magnesium. Nuts also contain phosphorus, selenium, copper, potassium, zinc and dietary fiber. So eat nuts and enjoy a longer and healthier life.
Immunity Fortification
The human body’s natural immune system requires many ingredients to function at its best, but hese four components are vital: 1. Vitamin C. A potent antiviral agent, a daily dose of 75-90 mg keeps you safe from scurvy. To fight off more virulent infections, much higher doses are required. 2. Vitamin D enhances immunity, decreases inflammatory responses and acts as an antioxidant. 3. Magnesium is important for all kinds of functions in the body, inlcuding helping release the constriction of arteries that can occur with viral infections. 4. Zinc helps ease inflammation.
Moderate Alcohol Consumption is O.K.
Many people want to know if it’s healthy or harmful to drink alcohol in moderation. Research over the years has been largely consistent, that binge and heavy drinking are not good for your health. But moderate drinking has a range of health benefits – including a longer life on average than teetotalers. Of course, there are studies having contradictory findings. A recent study suggests that even moderate drinking may increase the risk of an irregular heart rate. Unfortunately, some of these studies that get a lot of news coverage involve only small numbers of subjects. So, enjoy drinking in moderation, and connect with people you enjoy. Laughing and staying connected with happy people promote your chances of a long life.
More Tips for Insomnia
Here’s some good advice. If you can’t sleep, try natural approaches first. Get some exercise and fresh air. Don’t eat or drink alcohol before bed. Don’t take your phone to bed. And try a weighted blanket.
Take the Blueberry Test
Your teeth are essential for helping you eat. Research shows the health of your teeth and gums also affects your economic and social well-being! The blueberry test shows how brushing alone does not remove all food particles from teeth and gums. Eat a handful of blueberries then brush your teeth. You’ll see that even after brushing, there are bits of the blueberries still in between teeth and wedged into gums. Use a Waterpik or Stimudents to remove these particles. A routine of caring for your teeth and gums after every meal will mean you’ll keep your teeth a lifetime.
What’s in Your Brown Paper Bag?
Sir William Osler, professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University, remarked, “The one thing that separates man from animals is man’s desire to take pills.” We now have an epidemic of “pillitis”. People are popping too many pills, forgetting about the toll on kidneys. Kidneys are the master chemists of our bodies. They deserve your respect. Put all your pills in a brown paper bag and discuss with your doctor how the cocktail of drugs may be affecting your wellbeing. Click here to learn more.
Colon Cancer Screening Regularly After 50
What’s an example of a great medical tragedy? It happens again and again… People fail to get simple medical tests for common problems, and they die a needless death. Colon cancer is an example. Don’t be a victim of the “stupidity factor”. Colon cancer screening should be done regularly after the age of 50. See your doctor if you have rectal or abnormal vaginal bleeding. And keep your weight down so that you don’t have unnecessary medical complications should you need surgery.
Slow Down on Sugar
A word of advice to children: whether you are reading this yourself or a wise adult in your life passes it along to you.
Stop drinking sugary soda pop and fake fruit juice. Many of you are drinking too much of these drinks each year – ingesting the equivalent of a bathtub full of sugar. This will lead you to obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases later in life. Choose a refreshing glass of water instead. You can add pieces of fresh citrus fruits for flavour if desired. And browse my website to learn more.
Vasectomy and the Risk of Prostate Cancer
Does vasectomy increase the risk of prostate cancer? Some studies have found a small increased risk in men many years later. But the risk is low. As one sage remarked, “Getting older is invariably fatal, getting prostate cancer only sometimes.” As a commonly slow-growing cancer, prostate cancer patients often die of something else first. If you are considering a vasectomy, or have had one in the past, consult with your doctor on what you can do to minimize risk.
Cope with Stress Naturally
Navigating today’s turbulent world has many feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
Stress has extremely adverse effects on health and wellbeing. When stress hormones are activated they pile up, magnify anxiety and can trigger depressive spells. Do not be too quick to pop pills. Try other coping mechanisms first. Surround yourself with loved ones, go on walks, volunteer with a cause you feel strongly about and enjoy the things that make you laugh. If you still find it challenging to cope, seek guidance from a professional health service provider.
It is always okay to ask for help.
Read more here.
Weighted Blanket for Insomnia
Do you struggle with insomnia or anxiety when trying to fall asleep? Many people do. Lack of sleep impedes immune system performance, blood sugar regulation, and all aspects of daily function.
Sleeping pills are not the right place to start, as they involve powerful drugs that can lead to dependancy. Natural supplements, teas and therapies are better choices. But what about weighted blankets?
Weighted blankets are a common treatment for children with autism or behavioural disorders but can help treat general insomnia as well. A heavy blanket creates a feeling of security and comfort, calming the nervous system and facilitating a deeper sleep.
Read more: Fighting Insomnia Without Drugs or Doctors!
Wait for the Next Streetcar
In modern times, nearly everything moves so quickly. It is not always good for your health. So learn to slow down. Life is like a streetcar. If you miss one, there is surely another one coming. Be patient for the things you await in life. If you miss one opportunity, another one will come along. The waiting time can be used effectively for rest and reflection.
Don’t Diet Cold-Turkey
If a parent constantly gives a child candy, the child will gain a sense of entitlement and demand more. Adult brains respond the same way. If accustomed to carbohydrates and sugar, take it away quickly, and withdrawal symptoms ensue that include even more intense cravings. Take a gradual approach instead. Your mind and stomach will adjust step-by-step and won’t harass you so intensely for that extra serving of pasta or a sugary muffin.
Drinking More Water Can Combat Bloating
When bloated, most people tend to stop drinking water out of discomfort. However, most of the time, water will actually help reduce bloating, especially for those on a diet high in fiber. Fiber combines with water to form a gel that makes digestion easier. If bloating is caused by digestion issues, drinking water will help move things along.
Dehydration can also cause bloating. Cells swell to retain water causing painful puffiness. Hydrating will relax this retention and ease symptoms.
Measuring Omega-3
W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones recently discovered they had much lower Omega-3 counts than expected, despite diets rich in omega-dense foods. How’d they know? Both used OmegaQuant test kits to measure their levels with a drop of blood. They then supplemented their diets with Certified Naturals Omega3x for 3 months and retested. Read the article here.