
Tragically, children are developing what used to be adult diseases.

Not a Tough Decision



Why are so many male circumcisions still performed when we all agree that female circumcision is a barbarous act? The American Academy of Pediatrics no longer recommends routine male circumcision, although it continues to acknowledge potential benefits. But, if newborns had a say in the matter, they would have a long list of reasons to shout a big “NO” to this mutilating procedure.


Circumcision is not a life and death situation. So unless it’s required for religious or cultural reasons, or sound medical reasons, then this decision should be delayed until young babies become men and they can decide for themselves whether or not they wish it done. I believe many newborns would say Amen to that.

Greatest Risk in Raising Children


Never underestimate the dangers of teenage drivers. Make sure your kids don’t get distracted by cell phones and passengers.


Inaction Kills

In the Battle for Prevention


Today it should be top priority to fight obesity in children as they almost invariably become fat adults. And here’s the real shocker that no one really wants to admit. We obviously cannot cure obesity in adults so we must prevent it in children.


At the recent World Health Assembly 192 nations to agreed it’s prudent to decrease the amount of sugar, salt and fat in the diet and increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. We’ve known this for years.

For a variety of articles on children’s health as well as what parents and grandparents can do to protect them, read through the articles below.

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