W. Gifford-Jones, MD has influenced complementary and alternative medicine like no other. His greatest impact on health care and on progress in considering, safe, effective, and low-cost natural approaches has been through his medical column that reaches millions of readers across North America. This new book, written from the perspective of his daughter, Diana Gifford-Jones, includes a selection of the best articles by W. Gifford-Jones, MD on topics ranging from natural ways to lower cholesterol to laughter as good medicine.

W. Gifford-Jones MD began his medical career with his audacious application to Harvard Medical School in 1945. He launched a parallel career as a writer in 1961 with the publication of his first book on hysterectomy. A retrospective read through the nine books below is like a storied journey through the modern history of health and medicine, told from the point of view of a doctor who has the courage to challenge the medical establishment and the passion for informing patients and the public about all sides of the health issues facing society.
There can be no doubt, the times have changed over these many decades. While today’s health consumers have ready access to much more information about their health and medical concerns, the challenge from W. Gifford-Jones, MD remains as poignant as ever. He has argued consistently for informed healthcare decisionmaking based on a fulsome understanding of the facts. He has advocated relentlessly for compassionate care, championed by doctors with their patients, not by politicians. And he has urged us all to take responsibility for our lifestyle choices — most notably, striking a balanced diet, being active, and thinking twice before relying on synthetic drugs and surgical procedures when natural approaches may offer the best preventative medicine.
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