
Why not Vitamin C for immunity?

Are they necessary?

Do vitamins work?


You may have read that multivitamin pills have no effect on cardiovascular disease. This information is grossly misleading.


It’s true that a multivitamin pill only contains 75 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, an insignificant amount. Of course it would have no effect on cardiovascular disease. Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize winner, and Dr. Sydney Bush, an English researcher, have proved that it takes several thousand mg of C to prevent and reverse atherosclerosis in coronary arteries. Look below to see the before and after photos of arteries treated by vitamin C. You don’t have to be a doctor to see the dramatic difference.


The criticism of natural remedies shameful and unconscionable. They kill no one. Prescription drugs, on the other hand, cause 100,000 deaths in North America year after year and send another 700,000 to hospital emergencies due to unintended complications. But as Disraeli remarked, it is easier to be critical than right.

Minerals too




Eat magnesium-rich foods

Heart Health


Every year about 600,000 North Americans die from a sudden cardiac event. Half of these people have never been diagnosed with heart disease. So U.S. researchers tracked 88,000 women for 26 years to see if their magnesium intake was linked to their death.


Researchers discovered that those consuming the most magnesium (more than 345 milligrams a day had a 34 percent decreased risk of sudden cardiac arrest than those who consumed the least, 260 milligrams or less.) And those who reported the highest amount of magnesium had a 77 percent lower risk of having a sudden cardiac arrest.


The moral? It doesn’t hurt to eat more leafy greens, whole grains, nuts and other magnesium-rich foods. Since studies show that most people have decreased blood magnesium, ask your health food store about magnesium tablets or consider the powder MagSense.

Vitamin E Levels 

Predict Health Decline


A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association says that low levels of vitamin E are associated with a decline in physical function. The studies were carried out by Dr. Benedetta Bartoli at Yale Medical School. In the study, three tests were used to evaluate physical function, four-meter walking speed, repeated chair rises and standing balance. But how does vitamin E keep us stronger?


Every moment of the day our bodies are constantly burning up oxygen, producing waste products. Bartoli suggests this causes muscle fatigue and believes that vitamin E decreases this metabolic stress. This is a reasonable assumption. For instance, it has been shown that animals who receive vitamin E can run longer on a treadmill than those who do not receive this vitamin. And we also know that large doses of 1,200 IU daily, can cure intermittent claudication (leg pain that occurs with activity).

Before and After

Retinal Scans


These scans show the difference that daily high doses of Vitamin C can make in reversing blockages in arteries.  To learn more about this natural approach, click here.

Make sure you take

Natural Vitamin E


Harvard Medical researchers surveyed 39, 910 healthy males who had normal levels of blood cholesterol. During the trial, they determined their intake of vitamin C, carotene, vitamin E and other nutrients. At the end of four years, 667 participants had developed heart problems. Researchers discovered that those males who took vitamin E were 37 percent less likely to have a heart problem.


Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant decreasing the oxidation of bad cholesterol by 52 percent which is three times better than vitamin C.


What type of vitamin E should you take? Studies show that natural vitamin E is better absorbed and utilized by the body. In other words, natural invariably beats synthetic. So always look for the letter D rather than the DL in front of the vitamin E label.

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